Внеклассное мероприятие на тему Halloween (6 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Праздник Хэллоуин» на английском языке для детей 6 классов

Halloween Party

Описание работы. Данная методическая разработка предназначена для учителей английского языка средней школы. Этот материал можно использовать для организации внеклассной работы с детьми 5-7 классов по теме «Праздники». Праздник - игра Хэллоуин проводиться в форме развлекательной программы с небольшим чаепитием, которая является наиболее удачной формой для проведения такого рода мероприятий. Праздник - игра состоит из нескольких частей.

Первая часть - это конкурс на лучшее выступление танца, которое обязательно должно быть на тематику Хэллоуина (например танец Зомби). Дети сами выбирают подходящую музыку, советуясь с учителем. Вторая часть состоит собственно из игровых конкурсов, таких как: подвижные игры «Сделай мумию» и творческого конкурса на изготовление фонаря из тыквы. На празднике так же проводятся конкурсы на лучшее исполнение песен по теме Хэллоуин. Участвуя в празднике, дети в игровой форме глубже усваивают свои знания по предмету английский язык и страноведению, приобретают такие качества, как умение работать в команде, чувства товарищества и взаимопомощи, внимание друг к другу.

Оформление класса: окна завешиваются черными шторами, на шторах и по стенам класса развешиваются картинки с символами Хэллоуина (привидения, черные коты, ведьмы, летучие мыши, тыквы, мумии, скелеты, черные шарики.). Столы расставлены вдоль стен, за ними рассаживаются дети.

Методическая разработка праздника-игры Хэллоуин


- Познакомить детей с традициями страны изучаемого языка.

- Развивать у детей коммуникативную компетенцию.

- Развивать навыки говорения и выступления на публике.

- Формировать умение работать в команде.

- Воспитывать чувство товарищества и взаимопомощи.

- Повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Ход праздника-игры.

ведущий: Dear guests! Welcome to our party ! We are glad to see you here. We begin our traditional Halloween Party! Do you want to dance, sing and have a party? Ok, Let us start our Halloween Party.

On Halloween, many boys and girls dress up in deferent costumes and pretend to be goblins, monsters, skeletons, witches or ghosts. Long ago people really believed in ghosts.

They thought the dead came back to their homes once a year and walked around all night. Look, how many strange guests have come to our party. Let's greet them and listen to their stories.

(Children dressed up in different costumes appear on the stage and tell who they are (ghosts, witches, black cats etc.) and what they do.

Thank you for your stories, take your seats and feel yourselves at home.

Презентация «История Хэллоуина».

Ведущий: Today is Halloween night. The thirty-first of October. My friends, do you remember the history of Halloween? Let' listen to children and remember traditions of Halloween and its customs.

"Celts celebrated Halloween many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland. It was the end of summer and the beginning of winter. The thirty-first of October. Long ago people really believed in ghosts. They thought the dead came back to their homes once a year and walked around all night. Many Halloween stories and games are hundreds years old.

At Halloween, many boys and girls, even grow-ups dress up in deferent costumes and pretend to be goblins, monsters, skeletons, witches or ghosts.

The most favourite Halloween tradition is to make Jack-o'-lantern. It's the main symbol of Halloween. Children hollow out a pumpkin and cut eyes, а nose and а mouth.

They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. They set jack-o'-lanterns in the windows.

The main Halloween activity for children is trick-or-treating. They dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick or treat". The neighbors give children such treats as sweets, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them.

Traditional colours of Halloween are: black and orange.

Танец. The first contest is Halloween dancers. Come on! (девочки танцуют)

Ok, it is very good! Thank you very much girls and boys.

Игра «мумия» - сделать мумию. Для конкурса понадобится реквизит: два-три рулона туалетной бумаги. В каждой команде - два игрока. Первый игрок должен обернуть второго туалетной бумагой так, чтобы он стал похож на мумию. Сделать это нужно быстро и аккуратно.

A witch: Now let's make another two monsters together. I've got three toilet rolls. And I need 6 persons. You are a mummy. You are a mummy maker. Do it as fast as you can. The audience will help us to name the winner. Ready! Steady! Go!You have 10 minutes for this task.

Time is up. The jury should decide whose mummy is better.

Oh good, the winner is (Kate). Congratulations.

Песня. Ученицы 9 класса исполняют песню "The scientist". Now I would like to present to you two girls, they would like to sing the song for you. Let's listen to the song.

Ok, girls, come here, we are attentively listening.

Страшная история. Инсценировка страшной истории. Ведьма начинает читать историю, затем мальчик и девочка разыгрывают диалог.

A witch: Today people do not believe in ghosts and monsters, but they like to tell stories about them at Halloween. Now switch off the light and listen to my scary story.

«Once upon a time there lived a little girl. She was along at home, at Halloween time. It was boring. She wanted someone to play with her. But she was along. Suddenly she heard a knock at the door and she opened the door and she saw two big shoes, two long thin legs, wide shoulders, two fat hands. It was a strange man. She looked at the man and said:
Why do you have such big, big shoes?
Much walking, much walking, - said someone.
Why do you have such long thin legs?
Much running, much running.
Why do you have such cold, cold hands?
It's winter. It's winter

Why do you have such big, big eyes?
much watching, much watching
Why are you here? What do you want?
I came to get ……….YOU!!!

Песня. Ученицы 6 класса исполняют песню "This is Halloween" .

Ведущий: Let's listen to the song "This is Halloween" .

Гадание. Помощница выносит поднос. На подносе лежат яблоко, монета, ракушка, ключ и сердечко.

A witch: My little friends, never stay at home along at Halloween time and don't open the doors to strangers. That was a scary story.

My little cat, come to me, please. It's time for fortune-telling. Do you want to know your future? Bring me an apple. What а magic fruit! At Halloween time people use apples to tell the future.

Let's predict your future. My black cat, help me please! Bring me the tray. I've got 5 things: these are an apple, a seashell, a heart, a coin and a key. Who wants to predict the future? Come to me. Black cat, blindfold him/her. Now you can choose one.

(An apple - you will be happy. A coin means a lot of money or treasure. A key is for good business/luck. A heart means a close friend. A seashell is for traveling round the world.)

Take off a band. Next.

Награждение учеников грамотами. Awards.

Номинации: "The best dancer", "The best make-up", "The best costume", "The best Monster", "The best Singer".

Подведение итогов.

A witch: Well, it' time to say goodbye. And remember: everything can happen at Halloween. It's a magic time! I hope you liked this evening. It was really funny. Well, I am very glad to see your happy faces. Bur our party has come to the end. Goodbye. And now it is time for disco! Have a lot of fun! Goodbye.

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