Ашык сабак m y motherland is Kazakhstan (10 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Бөкей ордасы ауданы, Муратсай ауылы, А.Құсайынов атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп-балабақшасының І санатты ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі Елекенова Мақпал Ханимұратқызы.

The Theme: Kazakhstan is my motherland. Form:10

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: give more information about Kazakhstan, speak about its sightseeing

Developing: to develop students' skills in speaking and reading,

Brining-up: to bring up the students to love our country,to develop respect to their Motherland ..

Visual aids: the state symbols , the map of the Republic, pictures, interactive board, cards.

Procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment.

Greeting ,asking about the weather, day, date and health.

2. Checking the home task.Project works prepare information about Kazakhstan population.

3. Introduction of the new lesson «Kazakhstan is my motherland ».

4. Brainstorming activity .I want to begin our lesson with an English proverb " East or west, home is best".

Answer the questions:

1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

2. What is the population of Kazakhstan?

3. What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?

4. Which of countries border Kazakhstan ?

5. What are the places which a polluted?

6.Do you know the history of Astana?

7. How do you like Kazakhstan?

5. Vocabulary work

resources - байлық

reservoir - қор

gas - газ

desert - құмды шөлейт

uranium - уран

share - ортақтасу

deposit-жерасты қоры

rename-жаңа ат беру.

T Listen and repeat the words after me.

Reading. (reading the text one by one)

Before reading text listen to new words and repeat after the tape.

Write the new words in your vocabulary notebook.

7. Question - answer

1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan ?

2. How many big cities are there in Kazakhstan

3 Where is Kazakhstan situated?

4. What is the climate of Kazakhstan ?

5. What is the official language?

6.When was Akmola renamed?

7.Who is t he head of the government?

8.What mineral resource found in Kazakhstan do you know?

8.Comprehension check

Exercise 3. If the statement is correct mark it T {true} if the statement is not correct, mark it F {false}

9. Speaking

Kazakhstan has its own national flag, emblem, national anthem, traditions and holidays. Astana is a modern city of the XXI century .Astana has a lot of beautiful buildings.They are Baiterek, Akorda , Parliament etc.

10. Conclusion {test}

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in ...

a. Central Asia

b. Almaty

c. Astana

2. ... is the largest city in Kazakhstan.

a. Aktobe

b. Aktau c. Almaty

3. Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in...

a. 1992 b. 1991

c. 1990

4. The largest oblast in Kazakhstan is...

a. Almaty

b. Northern Kazakhstan c. Karagandy

5. Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan until ...

a. 1990 b. 1997 c. 1995

6. How many people live in Kazakhstan?

a. 17 million

b. 19 million

c. 16 million

7. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

a. Kazakh

b. English

c. Russian

8. What natural resources is Kazakhstan rich in?

a. oil and gas

b. silver

c. gold and uranium

9. Who is the head of Kazakhstan?

a. the Queen

b. President

c. the Prince

10. Which month is the day of Independence celebrated in?

a. May

b. March

c. December

11. Home task

. Learn new words . write about your cities .Retell the text.

12.Marks.The lesson is over . Good-bye.

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