Контрольная работа по английскому языку по 2 юниту (1 вариант). УМК Биболетова

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе по УМК Биболетова за 2 четверть.

  1. вариант

  1. Задание. Вставьте артикль the, где это необходимо (2 балла):

1. … Cairo is … capital of … Egypt.

2. It was so picturesque in … Crimea … last summer.

3. London stands on … Thames.

4. I had … my holiday in … northern Italy … last year but I'm going to cross … Atlantic ocean and visit … USA … next year.

  1. … Moon moves round … Earth.

  1. задание. Вставьте who/ which(1 балл):

  1. What was the name of the horse … won the race.

  2. Alexander Bell was the man … invented the telephone.

  3. What's happened to the pictures … were on the wall.

  4. It seems that Earth is the only planet … can support life.

  5. The book is about a girl … runs away from home.

3 задание. Определите часть речи, обозначая прилагательное- adj., существительное- noun(2 балла):

  1. Honest, honesty

  2. Performance

  3. Informative, information

  4. Creative, creator

  5. Computing

  1. Задание. Раскройте скобки, используя страдательный (пассивный) залог (1 балл):

  1. The roads (cover) with the snow.

  2. Chocolate (make) from cocoa.

  3. The Pyramids (build) in Egypt..

  4. This coat (buy) four years ago.

  5. The stadium (open) next month.

  1. задание. Перепишите предложения из активного залога в пассивный и переведи их на русский язык (2 балла):

  1. Nobody has used this room for ages.

  2. We will give you the keys tomorrow.

  3. Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment.

Смотри на обороте

6 задание. Прочитайте текст. Отметьте какие из выражений верны(T) или неверны (F) (1 балл):

The Prague Metro is an open ticket system. Passengers must buy and validate a ticket before entering the metro platform. There are uniformed ticket inspectors who have the right to check the validity of the ticket at any time within the compulsory ticket area.

The tickets are the same for all means of transport in Prague (excluding commuter trains for single tickets). The basic single ticket (the transfer variant) costs 26 CZK (as of 1 January 2008) and allows a 75-minute ride (90 minutes during evenings, weekends and state holidays). The non-transferable ticket (costing 18 CZK) is valid for a distance of five metro stations (not including the station of validation) allowing changes between lines A, B and C, but no longer than 30 minutes in total. Since December 2007 SMS purchase for the basic single transfer ticket is possible by sending DPT to 902 06 26 (Czech operators only).

Short-term tourist passes are available for periods of 24 hours (100 CZK), 3 days (330 CZK) and 5 days (500 CZK).

  1. They speak English there.

  2. Nine million people live in Mexico City.

  3. It's hard to drive a car in Mexico City.

  4. You can see a street party there.

  1. задание. Напиши 7 любых неправильных глаголов (1 балл за каждые три формы глагола).

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