Методическая разработка Артикли в английском языке

Данное пособие представляет собой ряд систематизированных таблиц  по правилам использования артикля в английском языке и серию грамматических упражнений и тестов, направленных на систематизацию и совершенствование навыков употребления английских артиклей. Пособие предназначено для учителей английского языка и учащихся 9-11 классов средних школ для работы на уроке, а также для самостоятельной работы. Все задания имеют ключи. Из собственного многолетнего опыта учителя английского языка автор знает, что количество грамматических упражнений по данному разделу в любом учебном пособии недостаточно, и учитель всегда испытывает потребность в дополнительных упражнениях, а также в справочной литературе Пособие регулярно используется как на уроках английского языка, так и при самостоятельной работе дома.
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Печатается по решению педагогического совета лицея при участии членов

Научно-методического совета лицея.

Составитель: Л.П. Кузнецова, учитель английского языка КФМЛ


Е.Г. Рылова, учитель английского языка высшей

категории КФМЛ

Кузнецова Л.П.

Использование артикля: Учебно-методическое пособие по систематизации и совершенствованию знаний учащихся 9- 11 классов средней школы в употреблении английского артикля. - Киров: Кировский физико-математический лицей,2006. -

Данное пособие представляет собой ряд систематизированных таблиц по правилам использования артикля в английском языке и серию грамматических упражнений и тестов, направленных на систематизацию и совершенствование навыков употребления английских артиклей.

Пособие предназначено для учителей английского языка и учащихся 9-11 классов средних школ для работы на уроке, а также для самостоятельной работы. Все задания имеют ключи.

Кировский физико-математический

лицей, 2005 год


Артикль как грамматическое явление представляет собой наиболее трудный аспект в изучении английского языка. В ходе всего курса освоения английского языка в средней школе ведется работа над употреблением артикля, как в грамматических упражнениях, заданиях направленных на коммуникацию, так и через анализ выполнения письменных домашних заданий.

Из собственного многолетнего опыта учителя английского языка автор знает, что количество грамматических упражнений по данному разделу в любом учебном пособии недостаточно, и учитель всегда испытывает потребность в дополнительных упражнениях, а также в справочной литературе.

Кроме того, систематизация правил употребления артикля и использования таблиц для усвоения этих правил облегчает совершенствование грамматических навыков, а также является, по мнению автора целесообразным использование данного пособия на старшей ступени изучения английского языка для проведения ревизии знаний по разделу "Артикль".

I. Понятие об артиклях.

В английском языке перед существительным обычно стоит неопределенный артикль "a / an" или определенный артикль "the". Если перед существительным не стоит артикль, принято говорить, что оно употребляется с «нулевым» артиклем.

the indefinite article

the definite article

no article

a / an



происходит от слова «один» и означает «один из многих, какой-то, любой»

происходит от указательного местоимения «that» и означает конкретные объект, понятие.

употребляется с

  • исчисляемыми существительными

  • в ед. числе

употребляется с

  • исчисляемыми

  • неисчисляемыми

  • в ед. и мн. числе

употребляется с

  • неисчисляемыми существительными

  • существительными во мн. числе, которые не конкретизируются

( не выделяются из ряда подобных)



a cat

the cat

Не употребляется



Не употребляется

the cats



Не употребляется

the water


"a" - перед согласным звуком

"an" - перед гласным звуком

II. Выбор артикля может быть в некоторой степени систематизирован.


a/an the O


  • если перед существительным в русском языке можно по смыслу поставить слова «какой-то, какой-либо, один, любой, всякий, каждый»

  • при упоминании в первый раз

  • обычно после

  • have (I have a cat), there is (there is a book on the table), this is (this is a table)

  • для обозначения профессии

  • (She is a teacher)

  • с выражениями обозначающими количество

  • a pair of

  • a bit of

  • a little

  • a few

  • a couple of

  • a hundred

  • three times a day

  • forty miles an hour

  • thirty rubles a kilo

  • в восклицательных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными

  • What a lovely day!

  • What a pity!

  • после such, rather, quite

He is such a clever man.

  • если перед существительным в русском языке по смыслу можно поставить слова «этот, тот»

  • при упоминании во второй раз и более

  • или предмет уже известен из предыдущего опыта (конкретный)

Pass me the salt, please.

  • с порядковыми числительными

the first

  • с прилагательными в превосходной степени

  • the richest

  • the most beautiful

  • в вопросительных предложениях

  • Where is the..?

  • с существительными, единственными в своем роде

the sun, the sky, the Queen, the government, the world, the environment

  • с названиями гостиниц (the Ritz), пабов (the Red Lion), театров (the Odeon), музеев (the British Museum), английскими и американскими газетами (the Times)

  • the same

  • при упоминании в общем

I like potatoes

I like coffee

  • с названиями наук и предметов

I like math

  • при обозначении некоторых мест и видов транспорта

  • at home, in/to bed, at/to work, at/to school

  • by bus, by plane, by train, on foot

  • Room 25

  • в восклицательном предложении с неисчисляемыми существительными

  • What lovely weather!

  • с названиями языков

(I speak English), аэропортов (Heathrow), станций (Waterloo station), журналов (Cosmopolitan), с едой (I had lunch)

III. Со словами: bed, home, hospital, prison, school, university, work.

the O

идти туда с какой-то целью, на собрание

  • Alison's mother want to go to the school to see Alison's teacher

  • He went to the prison to visit his brother

  • She is at the hospital now (as a visitor)

  • They went to the church to repair the roof (not for a religious service)

  • I sat down on the bed

  • to live near the sea

  • to swim in the sea

когда говорим в общем: ходить в школу, на работу, быть/ложиться в постель, быть дома.

  • My sister goes to school every day

  • He is in prison for robbery

  • She is still at hospital now (as a patient)

  • They go to church every Sunday (to a religious service)

  • It's time to go to bed / be in bed

  • go to sea / be at sea

IV. Употребление артиклей с географическими названиями.



  • с названиями стран со словами Kingdom, Republic, States и мн.ч.

the United States

the Russian Federation

the Central African Republic

the Netherlands


the Hague

the Ukraine

the Crimea

the Caucasus

the Riviera

the Ruhr

  • с озерами (the Baikal), группами озер (the Five Great Lakes)

  • с океанами, реками, морями, каналами, пустынями

the Pacific

the Black Sea

the Neva

the Sahara

the (English) Channel

the Suez Canal

the Gulf Stream

the Swallow Falls

(the) Niagara Falls

  • с горами (цепи) (the Urals)

  • с островами (группы) (the British Isles)

  • с регионами (the Middle East, the Far East, the north of France)

  • стороны света (the South, the North, the West, the East)

  • этнические группы (the Indians)

  • с континентами, странами, городами, деревнями





  • но:

the village of Petrovka

  • с озерами (Lake Baikal)

названия заливов и полуостровов употребляются без артикля:

Hudson Bay, Kamchatka, Taimyr, Scandinavia


Kola - the Kola Peninsula

  • вершины, пики (Elbrus)

  • единичный остров (Sicily)

  • но:

North America

Latin America

Western Canada

East Asia

  • Запомните:

Bermuda or the Bermuda Triangle

  • но:

from East to West,

from North to South

V. Употребление артиклей с названиями мест, некоторых зданий, организаций и т.п.



c улицами, площадями, переулками, парками



the Strand, the High Street, the Mall (streets in London)

Broadway, Tverskaya Street, Fifth Av-enue Hyde Park, Gorky Park, Manezh Square, Trafalgar Square

с историческими событиями

политические и государственные учреждения, организации,


the French Revolution

the Crimean War, the Gulf War

the Senate, the State Duma, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the Democratic Party


но: с мировыми войнами World War One

но: Parliament, Congress, Whitehall

со зданиями, церквями

- первое имя не имя собственное

the White House

the Royal Palace

  • названия содержащие of

the Bank of England

the Tower of London

  • первое слово имя собственное

Westminster Abbey

London Zoo

но:Buckingham Palace

  • названия, заканчивающиеся на 's или -s


St. Paul's Cathedral

Trinity Church,

St. Basil's Cathedral

с гостиницами, ресторанами, театрами, кинотеатрами, музеями, галереями

the Hilton

the Cage Royal

the Globe

the Bolshoy

the Hermitage




Her Majesty's

с кораблями, поездами, космическими кораблями

the Titanic

the Orient Express




с названиями станций аэропортов



The Brooklyn Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bridge of Sign

Heathrow, Sheremetyevo

Victoria Station,


Tower Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Krymsky Bridge

Известные произведения искусства,

уникальные книги, документы

The Great Pyramid, the Mona Liza, the Sistine Chapel, the Moonlight Sonata, the Bible, the Koran

The Constitution, the Magna Carta

школы, университеты,


the University of London

the College of Arts (сначала школа / университет) + of

London University

Carnegy College (начинается с имени собственного)

газеты, организации,

музыкальные группы

the Washington Post

the European Union

the Conservative Party

the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Spice Girls

но: иностранные газеты без the

Pravda, Der Speegel



The Olympic Games, the World Cup, the World Championship

но: Wimbledon (tennis)



Christmas, Thanksgiving



IBM, British Airways, Sony, Shell

VI. Употребление артиклей с "dinner, breakfast, supper, lunch"

a / an



если стоит описательное определение перед 'dinner' /' supper'

We had a wonderful dinner.

конкретная еда

The breakfast today is very good.

в выражениях

  • have dinner

  • have supper

  • to have hot breakfast

  • to have for breakfast

  • dinner is over / ready

VII. Артикли в некоторых устойчивых выражениях.

a / an



in a hurry

to tell a lie

it's a pity

it's a shame

it's a pleasure

as a result

to be at a loss

at a glance

с to have:

to have a cold

to have a cup of coffee

to have a word

to have a bath

to have a shower

to have a toothache

to have a good time

to tell the truth

in the original

to play the piano

on the whole

on the one hand

on the other hand

the other day (на днях)

out of doors

at present

from morning till night

to play football

from beginning to end

at first sight

by chance

by mistake

at sunrise / sunset

by name

by day (днем)

at night

by heart

to begin


VIII. Слова с ограничивающим определениями употребляются с артиклем "the":

He didn't understand the question Ann asked him

Прилагательные, которые всегда являются ограничивающими:

the wrong the very the only the main

the principle the central the left the right

the following the present the same

the coming the former the after (текущий) the proper

the previous the opposite the necessary the usual

the upper the lower

IX. Appendix

The (Generic Function)

  • The используется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе только для обозначения собирательного образа класса.

The rose is a beautiful flower.

The lion is a dangerous animal.

НО: man - без артикля

Man is a strange creature.

  • С неисчисляемыми существительными и с существительными во множественном числе для обозначения собирательного образа употребляется -O- артикль.

Roses are beautiful flowers.

Lions are dangerous animals.

Ice is frozen water.

  • Мы используем the для обозначения социальных групп или школ и движений в искусстве/литературе (как в единственном, так и во множественном числе)

The bourgeoisie, the aristocracy,

the gentry, the workers, the public,

the peasants, the intelligentsia,

the impressionists;

the unemployed, the rich, the sick, etc.



A/an, the or no article. What do you know about articles? Check yourself; consult Table I.


1. Read the text and underline all the definite and indefinite articles.

Explain why indefinite/definite/no articles are used here. Consult Table II.

My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a shop in a small village by the River Thames near Oxford. The shop sells almost everything from bread to newspapers. It is also the post office. The children always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice-cream on their way to and from school. My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He doesn't have a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel. He is one of the happiest men I know.

2. Put in a/an or the.

  1. This morning I bought ___ newspaper and ___ magazine. ___ newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where I put ___ magazine.

  2. A man had ___ speaking parrot. But ___ parrot could only say one phrase.

  3. There are two cars parked outside: ___ blue one and ___ grey one. ___ blue one belongs to my neighbors; I don't know who ___ owner of ___ grey one is.

3. Put in a/an or the.

  1. This house is very nice. Has it got ___ garden?

  2. It's a beautiful day. Let's sit in ___ garden.

  3. I like living in this house, but it's a pity that ___ garden is so small.

  4. She has ___ French name but in fact she's English, not French.

  5. What's ___ name of that man we met yesterday?

  6. We stayed at a very nice hotel. I can't remember ___ name now.

  7. There isn't ___ airport near where I live. ___ nearest airport is 70 miles away.

  8. Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at ___ airport for three hours.

  9. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to ____ airport?

4. Put in a/an or the in these sentences where necessary.

  1. Would you like apple?

  2. How often do you go to dentist?

  3. Could you close door?

  4. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was mistake.

  5. Excuse me, where is bus station?

  6. I've got problem. Can you help me?

  7. I'm just going to post office. I won't be long.

  8. There were no chairs, so we had to sit on floor.

  9. Have you finished with book I lent you?

10. My sister has just got job in bank in Manchester.

11. We live in small flat near city centre.

12. There's small supermarket at end of street I live in.

5. Answer these questions about yourself. Follow the examples of the first two sentences.

  1. How often do you go to the cinema? Three or four times ___ year.

  2. How much does it cost to hire a car in your city? About 30 pounds ___ day.

  3. How often do you go out?

  4. What's the speed limit in towns in you country?

  5. How much sleep do you need?

  6. How much television do you watch (on average)?

6. Put in a/an, the or - .

  1. I have 2 children, ___ girl and ___ boy. ___ girl is six and ___ boy is four.

  2. She goes to ___ work in ___ City by ___ train every day. Her office is in ___ Baker Street.

  3. I never read ___ newspapers during the week, but I buy ___"Observer" every Sunday and I read it in ___ bed.

  4. When you go to ___ France, you must take ___ boat on ___ Seine when you are in ___ Paris.

7. Find one mistake in each of the following sentences.

  1. He's milkman, so he has breakfast at 4 a.m.

  2. I want a government to do something about the problem of unemployment.

  3. Cities are usually exciting - in London, for example, you can have tea at the Ritz and then go to the theatre in evening.

  4. I must go to a bank and see my bank manager. I want to borrow one hundred pounds.

Check Yourself

Test 1. Put in a/an or the where necessary.

  1. I bought ___ hat and ___ pair of shoes at ___ shop. Unfortunately ___ shoes are ___ wrong size.

  2. "Where are ___ children?"

"They're in ___ garden"

  1. My sister's ____ teacher in ___ school near Leicester. She has three children, two girls and ___ boy. ___ girls are in her class at school, but ___ boy isn't old enough for school yet.

  2. Jane and Bill are ___ very nice couple. She has ___ clothes shop, and he works in ___ office in ___ center of town.

  3. "Where are my shoes?" "On ___ floor in ___ kitchen."

  4. "How much are the driving lessons?"

"Fifteen pounds ___ hour."

  1. I went to ___ restaurant last night.

  2. What's ___ name of ___ restaurant we went to last night?

Test 2. Put in a/an, the or - .

  1. I come to ___ school by ___ bus.

  2. This morning ___ bus was late.

  3. Ankara is ___ capital of Turkey.

  4. I work for ___ company that makes ___ carpets.

  5. My friend lives in ___ same street as me.

  6. I was at ___ home all day yesterday.

  7. What ___ lovely holiday we had in Spain.

  8. ___Heathrow is ___ busiest airport in Europe.

  9. We arrived in ___ Paris on ___ third of August.

  10. Last night we had ___ dinner in ___ restaurant.

  11. I went to ___ bed late.

  12. Do you like ___ Chinese food?

  13. "Is there ___ chemist near here?"

"Yes. There's one next to ___ post office."

Some more exercises.

1. Put in a/an, the or -.

  1. I lay down on ___ ground and looked up at ___ sky.

  2. Would you like to travel in ___ space? Yes, I'd love to go to ___ moon.

  3. Mary and I arrived at ___ same time.

  4. It was a nice day yesterday. We went for a walk by ___ sea.

  5. There's a nice view from the window. You can see ___ sea.

  6. It was a long voyage. We were at ___ sea for four weeks.

  7. I love swimming in ___ sea.

2. Put in a/an, the or -.

  1. Our train leaves from ___ platform 5.

  2. You'll find ___ information you need at ___ top of ___ page 45.

  3. Can you tell me where ___ room 25 is, please?

  4. What are you reading now? We're reading ___ Unit 1.


1. Put in the where necessary. Consult Table III.

  1. Every term parents are invited to ___ school to meet the teachers.

  2. Why aren't your children at ___ school today? Are they ill?

  3. When he was younger, Ted hated ___ school.

  4. How do your children get home from ___ school? By bus? No, they walk. ___ school isn't very far.

  5. In your country, do many people go to ___ university?

  6. If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at ___ university.

  7. This is only a small town but ___ university is the biggest in the country.

  8. Nora works as a cleaner at ___ hospital.

  9. When Ann was ill, we all went to ___ hospital to visit her.

  10. My brother has always been very healthy. He's never been in ___ hospital.

  11. Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in ___ hospital for a few days.

  12. John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to ____ church every Sunday.

  13. John himself doesn't go to __ church.

  14. John went to __ church to take some photographs of the building.

  15. In many places people are in ___ prison because of their political opinions.

  16. The other day the fire brigade were called to ___ prison to put out fire.

  17. I like to read in ___ bed before I go to sleep.

  18. It's nice to travel around but there's no place like ___ home!

  19. Shall we meet after ___ work tomorrow evening?


1. Put in the where necessary. Consult Table IV.

  1. Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America.

  2. Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Sweden, Thailand, United States.

  3. Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Blue Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea.

  4. Alps, Andes, Himalayas, Rockies, Urals.

  5. Amazon, Danube, Nile, Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Rhine, Thames, Volga.

2. Answer the questions choosing the name from Ex. 1.

  1. What do you have to cross to travel from Europe to America?

  2. Where is Argentina?

  3. Which is the longest river in Africa?

  4. Of which country is Stockholm the capital?

  5. Of which country is Washington the capital?

  6. What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America?

  7. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe?

  8. Which is the smallest continent in the world?

  9. What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia?

  10. What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia?

  11. Which river flows through London?

  12. Which river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade?

  13. Of which country is Bangkok the capital?

  14. What joins the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?

  15. Which is the longest river in South America?

3. Some of these sentences are correct, but some need the (perhaps more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary. Put 'RIGHT' if the sentence is already correct.

  1. Everest was first climbed in 1953.

  2. Milan is in north of Italy.

  3. Africa is much larger than Europe.

  4. Last year I visited Mexico and United States.

  5. South of England is warmer than north.

  6. Portugal is in western Europe.

  7. France and Britain are separated by Channel.

  8. Jim has traveled a lot in Middle East.

  9. Chicago is on Lake Michigan.

  10. The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters)

  11. Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps.

  12. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  13. Seychelles are group of islands in Indian Ocean.

  14. River Volga flows into Caspian Sea.

Check Yourself.

Test 3. Put in the where necessary.

  1. When you are in ___ sky, you see only snow in ___ Arctic or Greenland. You have glimpses of ___ Andes or ___ Pacific.

  2. ___ Riviera in ___ Caucasus is the most popular place in summer.

  3. ___ Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

  4. ___ Elbrus is the highest peak in ___ Europe.

  5. ___ Hague, a city in ___ Western Netherlands near ___ North Sea, is the seat of the Dutch government.

  6. The home ownership rate in ___ South East of ___ England is higher than in ___ North.

  7. ___ Suez Canal was blocked.

  8. ___ Sahara is the greatest desert in ___ North Africa, extending from ___ Atlantic Ocean to ___ Nile.

  9. ___ Philippines is an archipelago which consists of thousands of islands.

  10. ___ West Indies is a chain of islands between ___ North and ___ South America.

  11. The surface of ___ Mediterranean is never so blue as that ____ of Adriatic.

Test 3. *Use the proper article with geographical names.

  1. … Elbrus is the highest peak of … Caucasus.

  2. … Japan is situated on … island.

  3. … London is on … Thames.

  4. … Poland is to … west of … Russia.

  5. …USA is in … North America.

  6. What is … capital of Spain?

  7. This expedition has just returned from … Antarctic.

  8. … Urals separate … Europe from … Asia.

  9. … Mississippi is the longest river in … world.

  10. … Great Britain lies in … eastern part of … Atlantic Ocean.

  11. Last year we visited … Canada and … United States.

  12. …Africa is much larger than … Europe.

  13. …south of … England is warmer than … north.

  14. We went to … Spain for our holidays and swam in … Mediterranean.

  15. Next year we are going skiing in … Swiss Alps.

  16. … United Kingdom of …Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

Test 3. ** Put in articles where necessary.

Kirov region is situated in …European part of Russia, 500 miles (700km) north-east of … Moscow. It is as large as …Austria and … Switzerland put together. It occupies 121000 sq. km and stretches for 570 km from … North to … South and 440 km from… West to … East. The greater part of it lies in … Vyatka river basin. … Vyatka is the longest and the deepest river in the region. Its length is 1300 km. It flows into … Kama and then into … Volga. … Vyatka has a lot of tributaries, and in summer it is navigable.

Test 3. *** Translate into English.

1. Давай поедем на Средиземное море. 2. Волга впадает (float into) в Каспийское море. 3. У меня есть друг по переписке. Он живет на Нормандских островах (Channel Isles). Нормандские острова находятся в Английском проливе. Его семья и он живут в Соединенном Королевстве, а все его родственники - в Конго. 4. Каждое лето мы проводим в Крыму, но в этом году мы поедем на Кавказ. 5. Байкал - самое глубокое озеро мира. 6. Гоби - пустыня. 7. Нидерланды и Голландия - два названия одной страны. 8. Гаага - город в одной из стран Европы. 9. Рим (Rome) - столица Италии.


1. Choose the right variant. Consult Table V.

  1. Have you ever been to British Museum / the British Museum?

  2. Hyde Park/The Hyde Park is a very large park in central London.

  3. Another park in central London is St James's Park/ the St James's Park.

  4. Grand Hotel/ The Grand Hotel is in Baker Street/ the Baker Street.

  5. We flew to New York from Gatwick Airport/ the Gatwick Airport near London.

  6. Frank is a student at Liverpool University/ the Liverpool University.

  7. If you are looking for a good clothes shop, I would recommend Harrison's/ the Harrison's.

  8. If you are for a good pub, I would recommend Ship Inn/ the Ship Inn.

  9. Statue of Liberty/ The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to New York harbour/ the New York harbour.

  10. You should go to Science Museum/ the Science Museum. It's very interesting.

  11. John works for IBM/ the IBM now. He used to work for British Telecom/ the British Telecom.

  12. "Which cinema are you going this evening?' "Classic/ The 'Classic'.

  13. I'd like to go to China and see Great Wall/ the Great Wall.

  14. Which newspaper shall I buy - Independent/ the Independent or Herald/ the Herald?

  15. This book is published by Cambridge University Press/ the Cambridge University Press.

2. Put in a/an, the or -.

  1. I haven't the least idea how many rooms there are in ___ Ritz (hotel).

  2. What's your address? - I live in ___ Montague Road number 27.

  3. I could never afford to stay at hotels like ___ Brown's or ___ Hilton.

  4. You can't visit ___ London without seeing ___ Buckingham Palace.

  5. We had an early dinner at ___ Leoni's and then went to play at ___ Globe theatre.

  6. Go down ___ Oxford Street till you come to ___ Oxford Circus, and then turn right.

  7. Do you know the song about ___ London Bridge?

  8. Look at the percentage of lawyers in ___ Senate.

  9. Two famous works of art are recently acquired by ___ Tate Gallery, ___ London.

  10. He spoke about the role of ___ Labor Party during the election period.

  11. And eventually ___ Queen Elizabeth was put to sea.

  12. The Kings and Queens of England were crowned and buried in ___ Westminster Abbey.

  13. There is an interesting article in ___ Times

  14. He never read ___ Pravda.

Check Yourself

Test 4. Answer the questions using articles where necessary.

  1. Which are the most famous monuments in Moscow?

  2. The longest river in Italy has the shortest name, consisting of only two letters. What is it?

  3. What is the highest point on Earth?

  4. What is the longest street in St. Petersburg?

  5. When we think of the river, we picture Paris, the Eiffel Tower and everything that is French. Can you name it?

  6. What is the oldest country in the world?

  7. Which river flows through a city that has a country inside it?

  8. Do you know the name of the town where Shakespeare was born? Which river flows through it? Is there any world famous theatre there?

  9. Can you say what the oldest Zoo in the world is?

  10. Name the smallest country in the world with a population of just 750 people?

  11. What is the biggest ocean in the world?

  12. Name the biggest sea on our planet. What is the smallest one?

  13. "The Mothers of Rivers" - which river in Europe is so named?

  14. There is a neutral country in Europe, which actually hasn't participated in wars since 1515. What is it?

  15. What is the longest river on the globe? Do you know what the second longest is?

  16. What is the difference between a channel and a canal? Name the most famous ones.

  17. Name the country in Central Europe with the highest population density.

  18. What is the most mysterious spot on the Earth's surface?

  19. There is a famous city which is in danger of going under the water. What is it called?

  20. What are the oldest books in the history of mankind?

  21. What are your favourite places in your city, country or in the world?


1. Put in a/an, the or -. Consult Table VI.

  1. I usually have ___ breakfast at eight o'clock.

  2. I like to have __ hot breakfast in ___ morning.

  3. What do you usually have for ___ breakfast? - I usually have ___ eggs, bread, butter and tea for breakfast. It is ___ very good breakfast, isn't it?

  4. ___ breakfast today is very good.

  5. I like to have ___ dinner at home.

  6. In summer we have ___ very simple dinner at home.

  7. ___ dinner is already cold, we must warm it up.

  8. I have ___ lunch with my friend three times ___ week.

  9. It is pleasant to play ___ chess in ___ evening after ___ good dinner.

  10. ___ dinner is over.

  11. ___ lunch is ready.

Check Yourself.

Test 5. Put in a/an, the or -. Explain your choice.

(1) … Great Britain is different from (2)… rest of (3)… world.

On (4)… Sundays on (5)… Continent even (6)… poorest person puts on his best suit, and at (7)… same time (8)… life of (9)… country becomes cheerful and gay; in (10)… England even (11)… richest lord or motor manufacturer dresses in (12)… rags and (13)… country becomes dull.

On (14)… Continent there is (15)… subject you must never discuss - the weather; in (16)… Great Britain if you do not repeat (17)… phrase "What (18)… lovely day or lovely day isn't it" about (19)… two hundred times (20)… day, people say you're (21)… bit dull.

On (22)…Continent people have (23)… good food, in (24)… England they have (25)… good table manners.

(26)… English hardly ever lie, but they never tell (27)… truth. Many Continentals think life is (28)… game, (29)… English think (30)… cricket is (31)… game.

Those who live on (32)… British Isles prefer (33)… tea to (34)… coffee. At offices or factories they have (35)… tea break at (36)… 11. Then at (37)… mid-day everything stops for (38)… lunch. Then back to (39)… work again with (40)(other / another) break in (41)… middle of (42)… afternoon, once again for (43)… tea or coffee, sometimes with (44)… cake or biscuit.

When (45)… Englishman gets (46)… home by (47)… bus or on (48)… foot he likes to inspect (49)… garden he loves so much. After supper he has (50)… walk to (51)… local "pub" for (52)… drink where he can play (53)… darts, (54)…dominoes, (55)… billiards or discuss (56)… current situation. But if (57)… Englishman stays at (58)… home, he may listen to (59)… radio, watch (60)… TV or read.

Then between 10 and 12 he has his "nightcap", (61)… drink with (62)… snack, and goes to (63)… bed.

Test 6. Put in a/an, the or -.

  1. Jason's father bought him ___ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.

  2. ___ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from ___ France to ___ United States.

  3. Rita is studying ___ English and ___ math this semester.

  4. ___ judge asked ___ witness to tell ___ truth.

  5. Please give me ___ cup of ___ coffee with ___ cream and ___ sugar.

  6. ___ big books on ___ table are for my history class.

  7. No one in ___ Spanish class knew ___ correct answer to ___ Mrs. Perez's question.

  8. My ___ car is four years old, and it still runs well.

  9. When you go to ___ store, please buy ___ bottle of ___ chocolate milk and ___ dozen oranges.

  10. There are only ___ few seats left for ___ tonight's musical at ___ university.

  11. John and Marcy went to ___ school yesterday and studied in ___ library before returning home.

  12. ___ Lake Erie is one of ___ five Great Lakes in ___ North America.

  13. On our trip to ___ Spain, we crossed ___ Atlantic Ocean.

  14. ___ Mount Rushmore is the site of ___ magnificent tribute to ___ four great American presidents.

  15. What did you eat for ___ breakfast this morning?

  16. Louie played ___ basketball and ___ baseball at ___ Boys' Club this year.

  17. Rita plays ___ violin and her sister plays ___ guitar.

  18. While we were in ___ Alaska, we saw ___ Eskimo village.

  19. Phil can't go to ___ movies tonight because he has to write ___ essay.

  20. David attended ___ Princeton University.

  21. Harry has been admitted to School of Medicine at ___ Midwestern University.

IX. Appendix

1. Answer the questions. Choose the right answer from the given words. Don't forget the. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Animals: tiger, rabbit, giraffe, elephant, cheetah, kangaroo.

Birds: eagle, swan, parrot, penguin, owl, robin.

Inventions: telephone, telescope, helicopter, wheel, laser, typewriter.

Currencies: dollar, escudo, peseta, lira, rupee, yen.

  1. Which of the animals is tallest? the giraffe

  2. Which animal can run fastest? _________

  3. Which of these animals is found in Australia? _______

  4. Which of these birds has a long neck? ________

  5. Which of these birds cannot fly? ___________

  6. Which of these birds flies at night? __________

  7. Which of these inventions is oldest? ____________

  8. Which one is most resent? _____________

  9. Which one is especially important for astronomy? __________

  10. What is the currency of India? ___________

  11. What is the currency of Portugal? __________

  12. What is the currency of your country? __________

2. Put in the or a where necessary. If the sentence is already complete leave an

empty space (-).

  1. When was ____ telephone invented?

  2. Can you play ____ musical instrument?

  3. Jill plays _____ violin in an orchestra.

  4. There was ____ piano in the corner of the room.

  5. Can you play __ piano?

  6. Our society is based on ___ family.

  7. Martin comes from ___ large family.

  8. When was ___ paper first made?

  9. ____ computer has changed the way we live.

  10. ____ piano is my favourite instrument.

  11. What do you know about the origin of ___ man?

  12. ____ dollar is the currency of the United States.

3. Complete these sentences using the + one of these adjectives:

injured poor rich sick unemployed


  1. ______ have the future in their hands.

  2. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took _____ to hospital.

  3. Life is all right if you have a job, but things are not so easy for ______.

  4. Julia has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for ____.

  5. In England there is an old story about a man called Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed ____ and gave money to _____.


II. 2. 1. a, a, the, the

2. a, the

3. a, a, the, the, the

3. 1 a; 2 the; 3 the; 4 a; 5 the; 6 the; 7 an, the; 8 the; 9 the

4. 1 an apple 2 the dentist 3 the door 4 a mistake 5 the bus station 6 a problem

7 the post office 8 the floor 9 the book 10 a job, a bank 11 a small flat, the city centre 12 a small supermarket, at the end of

5. 1. three or four times a year

2. 30 pounds a day

3. once a week

4. 40 km an hour

5. 8 hours a night

6. two hours a day

6. 1. a, a, the, the

2. -, the, -, -

3. -, the, -

4. -, a, the, -

7. 1. a milkman 2. the government 3. in the evening 4. the bank

Check yourself

Test 1. a. a, a, the, the, the

b. the, the

c. a, a, a, the, the

d. a, a, an, the

e. the, the

f. an

g. a

h. the, the

Test 2. a. -, -

b. the

c. the

d. a, -

f. -

g. a

h. -, the

i. -, the

j. -, a

k. -

l. the

m. a, the

Some more exercises.

1. 1. the, the 2. -, the 3. the 4. - 5. the 6. - 7. the

2. 1. - 2. the, the, - 3. - 4. -


1. the 2. - 3. - 4. - the 5. - 6. - 7. the 8. the 9. the 10 - 11. -12. - 13. - 14. the 15. - 16. the 17. - 18. - 19. -


1. 1. - 2. -, the United States 3. the 4. the 5. the

2. 1. The Atlantic 2. In South America 3. The Nile 4. Sweden

5. The United States 6. The Rockies 7. The Mediterranean

8. Australia 9. The Pacific 10. The Indian Ocean 11. The Thames

12. The Danube 13. Thailand 14. The Panama Canal 15. The Amazon

3. 1.right 2. the north 3. right 4. the United States 5. the south/the north 6.right 7. the Channel 8. the Middle East 9. right 10. right

11. the Swiss Alps 12.the United Kingdom 13. the Seychelles/

the Indian Ocean 14. the River Volga/the Caspian Sea

Check Yourself.

Test 3. 1.the, -, the, the 2.the, the 3.- 4.-, - 5.the, the 6.the, -, the 7.the

8.the, -, the, the 9.the 10.the, -, - 11.-, -


1. 1. the British Museum 2. Hyde Park 3. St. James's Park 4. The Grand

Hotel/Baker Street 5. Gatwick Airport 6. Liverpool University

7. Harrison's 8. the Ship Inn 9. The Statue of Liberty/New York

Harbour 10. the Science Museum 11. IBM/British Telecom

12. The Classic 13. the Great Wall 14. the Independent/the Herald

15. Cambridge University Press

2. 1.the 2.- 3.-, the 4.-, - 5.-, the 6.-, - 7.- 8.the 9.the, - 10.the 11.the

12.- 13.the 14.-

Check Yourself

Test 4. 1. The Minin and Pozharski Monument, the Pushkin Monument, the Peter the First Monument, etc. 2. The Po, 405 miles long, is the longest river in Italy. 3. Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, is the highest spot on Earth, at 29,028 feet. 4. Nevsky Prospect. 5. The Seine. 6. Iran which was known as Persia until 1934. 7. The Tiber, Rome, (the) Vatican. 8. Stratford -on-Avon lies on the Avon River. The Swan. 9. The famous London Zoo in England is the world's oldest public Zoo that dates back to 1828. 10. (The) Vatican. 11. The Pacific Ocean. 12. The Mediterranean. It covers 1,145,000 square miles. The Baltic Sea - 160,000 square miles. 13. The Danube, because it was known to the ancient Greeks. It flows through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to the Black Sea. 14. Switzerland. 15. The Nile. The Amazon. 16. A channel is a natural narrow area of water between two high sides. A canal is a long, narrow stretch of water made by man for boats (the canals of Venice, the Suez Canal). 17. Monaco. 18. The Bermuda Triangle. 19. Venice in Italy. 20. The Bible, the Koran, the Doomsday Book. 21. Give your own answer.


1. 1. - 2. -, the 3. -, -, a 4. the 5. - 6. a 7. the 8. -, a 9. -, the, a 10. - 11. -

Check Yourself

Test 5.

1. - 2. the 3. the 4. - 5. the 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. the 10. - 11. the

12. - 13. the 14. the 15. a 16. - 17.the 18. a 19. - 20. a 21. a

22. the 23. - 24. - 25 - 26. the 27. the 28. a 29. the 30. - 31.a

32. the 33. - 34. - 35. a 36. - 37. - 38. - 39.- 40. another 41. the

42. the 43. - 44. a 45.an 46. - 47. - 48. - 49. the 50. a 51.the 52. a

53. - 54. - 55. - 56. the 57. the 58. - 59. the 60. - 61. a 62. a 63. -

Test 5. TOEFL

Test 6.

VII. Appendix.

1. 1.the giraffe 2. the cheetah 3. the kangaroo (and the rabbit) 4. the swan 5. the penguin 6. the owl 7. the wheel 7. the laser 8. the telescope 9. the rupee

10. the escudo 11. the ruble (rouble)

2. 1. the 2. a 3. the 4. a 5. the 6. the 7. a 8. - 9. the 10. the 11. - 12. the

3. 1. the young 2. the injured 3. the unemployed 4. the sick 5. the rich/the poor


  1. 'English Grammar in Use', Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1994

  2. 'The Intermediate Modern English Course', first year. Учебник английского языка для I курса институтов и факультетов иностранного языка, С.В.Швецова, М.А. Брандукова, Москва, "Высшая школа", 1982

  3. 'Headway', Pre-Intermediate, Joan & Liz Soars, Oxford University Press, 1997.

  4. "Сборник упражнений", С.Н. Егорова, Е.К. Арутгонян, О.Н.Степанова, "Лист", Москва, 1997

  5. "English Grammar", Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, С.- Петербург, 1999.

6."Универсальный справочник по грамматике английского языка", Т.Н. Жималенкова, Н.А. Мащева, Москва "Глосса", 1999.


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