Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10-11 классов

Данная контрольная работа по  английскому языка предназначена для учащихся 10-11 классов. Контрольная состоит из 20 заданий (10 тестовых вопросов, 5 вопросов на сопоставление терминов и их определений, 5 предложения для перевода с русского языка на английский) и является авторской разработкой. По времени контрольная работа рассчитана на 1 урок (45 минут). Контрольная работа включает в себя такие темы как: Present Simple; Past Simple and Past Continuous; Present Perfect; Reflexive pronouns; Gerun...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Attestation Test

Choose the correct answer:

  1. We regularly ______ (meet) to play the guitar together.

A) are meeting B) meet C) have met

2. I can't make a cake because Tom ________ (forget) to buy eggs.

A) have forget B) forgot C) has forgotten

3. You lied to me yesterday so now I ________ (not believe) you any more!

A) am not believing B) don't believe C) have not believed

4. When I _____ (see) her for the first time she ____________ (wear) a white dress and black high-heeled shoes.

A) was seeing/was wearing B) saw/ was wearing C) had seen/wore

5. I'm afraid I won't finish my project on time. It's Monday today and I ________ (write) only five pages so far.

A) have written B) have been written C) have been writing

6. Don't forget to take a cream. You should always protect _______ against the sun.

A) yourselves B) each other C) myself

7. No one can accuse _______ of something that they haven't done.

A) themselves B) them C) ourselves

8. I'd prefer ________ at home tonight.

A) to staying B) staying C) to stay

9. I _______ (be) interested in Roman architecture since the 1970s.

A) have been B) was C) am

10. We ______ (live) near the mountains, and sometimes our elder brother _______(took) us climbing.

A) used to live/used to take B) would live/ used to take C) used living/ would take

Match the words to their definitions:

  1. Orphan

  1. Very expensive and attractive

  1. Performance

  1. A child whose parents are dead

  1. Luxurious

  1. An activity on the stage of the theatre

  1. Exhausted

  1. Difficult and dangerous

  1. Desperate

  1. Extremely tired

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Анархист украл пробирку, чтобы отравить водоснабжение Лондона.

  2. Майкл расстался с Хэлен из-за ссоры.

  3. Пешеходам следует ходить по тротуарам.

  4. Во время опасности необходимо воспользоваться аварийным выходом.

  5. Пристегните свои ремни, перед тем как самолет взлетит.

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