Урок Nothing Is Forever

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Nothing Is Forever

Урок в 7 классе по УМК под ред. К.И.Кауфман.

Цели и задачи урока Образовательные задачи:

Учить детей пользоваться новой лексикой по теме, обсуждать проблемы по данной теме в монологических и диалогических высказываниях.

Воспитательные задачи:

Прививать учащимся чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде, чувство ответственности за место, где они живут, и что они могут сделать для улучшение экологической обстановки. Воспитывать в учащихся активную жизненную позицию. Развивать у детей познавательную активность на уроке.

Развивающие задачи:

Развивать у учащихся навыки аудирования, выборочного чтения, монологической и диалогической речи. Учить детей самостоятельно решать проблемы на базе изученной лексики по теме. Обучать детей делать выводы и обобщения по основным проблемам темы.

Оснащение урока:

Учебники: "Happy English.ru 7 класс", "Click On 2"; диск с записью текста для аудирования, музыки для "Земли" и песни "Пожалуйста, остановитесь!"; карточки со словами; раздаточный материал для учащихся.

Ход урока:

1 этап: Приветствие.

Teacher: Good afternoon, children.

Class: Good afternoon.

Teacher: Sit down, please. The theme of today's lesson is "Nothing is forever". We are going to discuss words on this theme, listen to the text and answer questions to it, play a game and try to solve ecological problems. So let's begin. Your task for today was to learn new words.Now listen to me and try to guess the word, match English words with their Russian equivalents on the blackboard. The first one is a noun -all around us.

Pupil 1: An environment (соединяет карточки на доске: an environment -окружающая среда).

Teacher: Good. The next word is a verb. To make dirty air, water, everything around us.

Pupil 2: To pollute (на доске: to pollute - загрязнять).

Teacher: Right you are. It's a noun. It's a result of people's bad actions in nature.

Pupil 3: Pollution (на доске: pollution - загрязнение).

Teacher: Very good. It's a place for putting dirty (and sometimes dangerous).

Pupil 4: A dump (на доске: a dump - сброс).

Teacher: Right. It's a verb from the noun a dump.

Pupil 5: To dump (на доске: to dump - сбрасывать).

Teacher: Good. Things you throw away as damaged or of no use. It may be

nuclear, industrial, dangerous.

Pupil 6: Waste (на доске: waste - отходы).

Teacher: Right you are. It's a very dangerous thing, with it you can even kill.
Pupil 7: Poison (на доске: poison - яд).

Teacher: It's a verb from the noun poison.
Pupil 8: To poison (на доске: to poison - отравлять).

Teacher: Very good. It's an adjective and may be used with such words as:

weapon, war tests.
Pupil 9: Nuclear ( на доске:nuclear-ядерный)
Teacher: Good. The next word is a verb. It means to continue to be alive after

coming close to death.
Pupil 10: To survive (на доске: to survive - выживать).

Teacher: Right you are. It's an adjective, antonym of the word "dangerous".

Pupil 11: Safe (на доске: safe - безопасней).

2 этап. Отработка ранее введённого материала.

Teacher: You know these words well. Now let's play a game. Here is a word

"Environment". You are to write the words which are associated with

this term.
(Учащиеся друг за другом пишут слова на доске, связанные с темой "Окружающая среда").
Teacher: Good and now make up sentences using two words in each sentence.

Try to make sentences of different patterns. (Учащиеся составляют предложения, используя по два слова из написанных на доске. По мере использования слова на доске стираются.)

3 этап. Аудирование.


Now you will listen to the text « The bottle». Then you will answer these questions.

(указывая на вопросы упражнения 6 стр. 74 в учебнике.)

But first let's practice some words and do Ex.3 on p.72.


Now listen to the text. ( аудирование текста.)

4 этап. Контроль домашнего задания.

Teacher: I see you are tired. Let's sing the song "Please, stop! "

(Ученики поют песню.)

Teacher: Your hometask was to read and translate the text "The World's Great

Rainforests" and do exercises.

(Учащиеся делают упражнения из учебника «Click On 2»

Ex. 19-21 p. 81.)

Ролевая игра.

Teacher: What can we do to improve the ecological situation? Let's try to solve

some of them.

(Звучит музыка и заходит ученик в костюме "Земли ".)
Teacher: This is our planet. Look how unhappy she is. Do you know why?

Earth: Hello. I'm your planet. I have come to you to ask for your help. I give

you air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat. There are flowers, birds

and animals in the forests and parks. Enjoy everything. But now I'm so

unhappy. Help me, please.

Look, the fish are dying in my seas

(показывает рисунок рыбы.)

Who will help me?
Pupil 1: I will help you. We shan't dump waste into the water and the water

will be clean.
Earth: Look, the factories release toxic fumes into the air.

Pupil 2: We shan't let factories put chemicals into the air. We shall make them

clean up.
Earth: There are many nuclear power stations. I'm afraid of them.

Pupil 3: We shall make them safe. We shall use the energy of the sun and the


Earth: Many people are ill. They are dying because of pollution. Help them.

Pupil 4: We shall make laws against pollution, we shall take care of the

environment, we shall work in international green organizations.

We'll try to help you.
Earth: I hope that you'll do everything you promise. And we shall enjoy the

life on our beautiful planet.

Thank you very much. Bye.
Class: Good-bye.

Teacher: Thank you very much. You will be able to help our planet.

5 этап. Подведение итогов урока путём тестирования.
Teacher: Now you will write a test.

( Каждому ученику раздаётся тест, который включает в себя задания, отражающие работу на уроке. После выполнения работы учащимся предлагается обмениваться тестами и на доске даются правильные ответы и параметры выставления оценок. Учащимся выставляют оценку за урок.)

Test to the topic "Nothing Is Forever"

I. Complete the sentences using the right word:

1. Environmental protection is an problem.

a) easy b) important c) pleasant

2. Factories pour a lot of into air and water.

a) a shortage b) waste c) pollution

3. What caused the of wildlife?

a) destruction b) poison c) population

4. Many rivers and lakes are .

a) poisoned b) filled c) used

5. Many scientists try ecology problems.

a) to solve b) to know c) to protect

II. Fill in correct word from the list:

• air • rubbish • grow • build • set • logging • drop • pollution • endangered •


1 pollution 6 bags

2 species 7 levels

  1. to. ..litter 8……… companies

  2. a of rules 9 to...... crop

5 petrol 10 roads

Teacher: Now you know your marks. Tell me please what we have done today.

Pupil 1: We have listened to the text.

Pupil 2: We have answered the questions to it.

Pupil 3: We have read some phrases from the text.

Pupil 4: We have played a game.

Pupil 5: We have done a test.

Teacher: Good. Thank you very much for your work. Good-bye.

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