Английский язык. Тест, 9 класс

Лексический тест по английскому языку составлен для учеников девятых классов общеобразовательных школ, обучающихся по УМК Юлии Ваулиной "Английский в фокусе". Тест предполагает контроль лексического материала второго и третьего модулей по данному учебнику,его  можно использовать для контроля лексики со всем классом, можно также использовать  в качестве индивидуального задания с отдельными учениками. Учащиеся работают не с отдельным словом, а с предложением или с текстом, что способствует решению...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Test in lexik

Class 9, Modules 2 - 3, Spotlight

  1. Choose the correct words.

1. John lives in a(n) fantasy/imagination world. He's lost touch with reality.

2. Tim's car was so shiny that he could see his own shadow/reflection in it.

3. Patrick has a brilliant head/mind - he's training to be a brain/head surgeon.

4. The magician in that show didn't really disappear - it was just a(n) test/illusion.

5. She's got a vivid fantasy/imagination and always comes up with nice stories.

  1. Form compound adjectives using the words below.

Three/ blue/ well / deep /good.

1. Sam is a very …looking man.

2. I had a nightmare about a …headed monster.

3. My nephew is a cute little …eyed boy.

4. The Kraken was a …sea monster from Norwegian legend.

5. Nessie is a …known monster from Scotland.

  1. Fill in the gaps 1 - 4 with the correct words.


… (art) such as Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte painted in the Surrealist style that was at its most popular from the 1920s to the 1060s. Surrealist paintings always have an element of surprise in them. They put strange images and ideas together to create strange …(represent) of things. The Surrealists painted images and ideas from their dreams and their imaginations.

They often used bright colours to create an even …(big) impact and always showed people and objects in new and … (usual) ways.

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