Открытый урок по теме Wellness lifestyle

Одной из тем, изучаемых в 10-11 классах на уроках английского языка, является тема «WellnessLifestyle»(“Здоровый образ жизни”). Средствами английского языка у учащихся формируется понимание значимости здоровья человека. Здоровье – понятие многогранное. В прошлом быть здоровым означало не быть больным. Сегодня люди осознают, что данное понятие более объемно. Оно включает физическое, психическое, нравственное и социальное здоровье.   Поэтому данный урок строится таким образом, чтобы учащиеся смог...
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План открытого урока в 11 классе.

Тема урока: «Wellness Lifestyle: What is it»

«Здоровый образ жизни»

План разработан учителем английского языка -Тхамоковой Инной Хачимовной

Пояснительная записка.

Одной из тем, изучаемых в 10-11 классах на уроках английского языка, является тема «Wellness Lifestyle»("Здоровый образ жизни").

Средствами английского языка у учащихся формируется понимание значимости здоровья человека.

Здоровье - понятие многогранное. В прошлом быть здоровым означало не быть больным. Сегодня люди осознают, что данное понятие более объемно. Оно включает физическое, психическое, нравственное и социальное здоровье.

Поэтому данный урок строится таким образом, чтобы учащиеся смогли сделать вывод, что многие факторы, и образ жизни в том числе, влияют на здоровье человека, на качество его жизни.

Организация класса.

Практические задачи:

  • Проверить готовность классного помещения.

  • Проверить наличие учебников, тетрадей, дневников, текстов на партах.

  • Сообщить учащимся общие задачи урока и порядок работы на уроке.

Цели урока:

  • Формирование понимания значимости здоровья человека.

  • Осознание данного понятия более объемно.

  • Влияние многих факторов на здоровье человека, на качество его жизни.

  • Совершенствование приобретенных навыков и знаний устной речи.

  • Расширение кругозора учащихся.

  • Повышение кросс-культурной грамотности.

  • Воспитание у ребят чувства гражданских ценностей: чувства патриотизма, негативного отношения к идеям экстремизма.

Оборудование: высказывания, посвященные здоровому образу жизни, рисунок графического изображения, схема (качество жизни), ТСО.

Форма урока: групповая работа

Ход урока.

1.Начало урока.

Учащиеся входят в класс. Звучит песня «Healthy Life» или любая песня,

посвященная активному образу жизни. В классе развешаны высказывания по теме урока. Звучит гимн Российской Федерации.

Teacher: Good morning, students. I'm very glad to see you at our lesson. Today we shall speak about healthy way of life. I'd like you to tell us about health, that many factors and a way of life influence of the person. So, let's start our lesson. Students will you please to answer of my first question: What do you know about health?


  • Active life makes you feel happy;

  • Health is a gift of fate and it deserves our full attention;

  • A person who has a wellness lifestyle can make right decisions;

  • Wellness means more than physical health;

  • Wellness is a Journey which begins at the moment of our birth;

  • The quality of man's life depends on his lifestyle;

2. Работа над словом « Wellness»

Teacher: Students, tell me please what is wellness in your understanding?

Students` answers:

Wellness is a particular way to live and to be happy;

is a perfect physical development of a person;

is a healthy lifestyle;

is a quality of our private life;

is a common concern for human worth;

is building relationships with other people;

is dealing constructively with feelings and handling your


is keeping life in balance;

is the way to adjust to environment;

is financial independence

Teacher: What spheres of human life does wellness deal with?

Student: It deals with different spheres of man's life. It comprises physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social dimensions.

3. Графическое изображение многозначного слова "Wellness".

Teacher: Will you make your drawings to depict possible integration of all dimensions (characteristics) and say under what conditions "Wellness" can exist.

Учащиеся участвуют в выполнении этого задания и предлагают свое графическое изображение понятия "Здоровый образ жизни". Ребята формулируют, при каких условиях образ жизни можно назвать здоровым.

Один из возможных рисунков графического изображения с определением условий:

Открытый урок по теме Wellness lifestyle


Wellness exists when there is a balance between interdependent relationship of physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social dimensions.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard and give the conclusion suggest your graphic image of concept "Wellness Lifestyle".

4. Синонимичность слов "Wellness" и " Health"

Teacher: I want you to have picked up definitions to concepts: physical, mental and social health.


Physical health - is a condition of your body;

Mental health - is the way you feel about yourself and how you

handle your problems;

Social health - is the way you build your relationships and

establish contacts with people;

Teacher: In the past being healthy meant not to be sick. Today people are becoming aware of a more complete idea of health. Will you match the definitions and the words characterizing types of health? Can you say that two words "health" and "wellness" are synonyms?

Student: In a way, yes, but "Wellness" has a wider range of meanings. It includes the idea of health and well-being.

5. Работа учащихся по схеме: "The quality of life


Teacher: Wellness deals with the lifestyle of people populating the Earth. It's a global characteristic. Why do people of different countries demonstrate their great interest to wellness lifestyle?

The quality of life circle

The illustration shows that individual choices are more important than any other factor influencing personal health.

Открытый урок по теме Wellness lifestyle

Открытый урок по теме Wellness lifestyleОткрытый урок по теме Wellness lifestyle

Students: irrespective of the place of their living people want to be healthy

and happy;

many people come to understanding that they can control their

lifestyle and much depends on themselves;

social changes take place in the countries and they reflect the

interest of people to their lifestyle;

there is scientific evidence which explains the risks of alcohol and

drugs, benefits of exercising, playing sports and healthy food;

new athletic facilities;

Teacher: Will you please to open your books. There is a text in front of you,

as you see. I want to listen your reading. Be attentive please! And

now, look at the blackboard. You can see some words from this

text, repeat after me! Begin to read.

Teacher: Wellness depends on the quality of our life. The quality of our life

will be presented in the form of a geometrical figure, or in the form

of a circle divided into segments.

Look at the scheme and say what ingredients make up each

segment and how much they take in the circle.

( Ребята работают у доски по схеме)

Students: Genes and Body Makeup (16%) are what we inherit from our


Environment (21%) is what surrounds us;

Health Care System (10%) is what helps us improve health;

Lifestyle (53%) is the number of things I can do for myself;

Teacher: The 4th factor in the circle is lifestyle. Why does it take the

greatest part of the circle?


- the scheme shows that individual choices are more important

than any other factor influencing personal health;

- this scheme proves that lifestyle depends on a person to greater


- I think that, if all the factors are balanced, a person can reach


6. Ingredients of a quality life.

Teacher: Each of us has his or her own comprehension of a quality life.

What ingredients make up a quality life and influence our health and mood?

Students: (possible answers)

Having positive self-image;

Getting along with people;

Setting and reaching goals;

Planning my time and day;

Exercising and sport activities;

Choosing healthy nutrition for good health;

Participating in lifetime activities according to my inclinations

and likings;

Learning about harmful effect of drugs, alcohol, tobacco;

Teacher: I want you to speak about smoking. As for me, I think that

smokers are more likely to get colds and the flu than non-

smokers. Doctors claim that lots of teenagers are smoke because

they lack self-confidence. Nicotine is more addictive

than the most illegal drugs, including heroin. Tobacco kills a lot

of people every year than alcohol, drugs, murders and Aids

combined. What are your feelings about smoking?

Students: Every one of my friends who smokes says they regret starting

and now they can't stop;

Smoking is so uncool and anyone who thinks they look cool with

a cigarette hanging from their mouth is clueless;

Smoking stinks and pollutes the air. It is not attractive at all;

Smoking is disgusting. I don't understand why people smoke in

public when they know it bothers others;

Kissing someone who smokes like tastes an ashtray - totally


7. Conclusion

Teacher: And I'd like to know your advice and offers, which you can


Students: (possible answers)

  • In my opinion- to protect environment;

  • To respect national traditions;

  • To support friendship and cooperation between people;

8. Комментирование оценок.

Teacher: The job gave me great satisfaction and what about you?

Student: (possible answers)

Teacher: It must be admitted, that you dealt successfully with the

task, thanks a lot. Our lesson's over. With all my heart I

wish you health, wealth, happiness,

peace, friendship and love. You may be dismiss.

Good bye!

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