План урока ANIMALS IN KAZAKHSTAN. (7 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Статьи
Формат docx
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Subject: English

Grade: 5


Animals in Kazakhstan.


To teach about animals and to train in speaking, reading; to enrich the students' vocabulary, to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of ways how we should help; to bring up love to the nature, love to our country.

Күтілетін нәтиже

Коршаган орта, жануарлар тақырыбы бойынша жаңа сөздерді меңгереді, сұрақ койып, жауап беруге дағдыланады, топтық, жұлтық жұмыстарда белсенділіктері артады

Түйінді идеялар (кілтті сөздер)

Vocabulary: camel, leopard, bear, fox, wolf, eagle.

Сабақ кезеңдері:

Сабақ барысы



1 .Organization moment.

Divide into two groups.Checking the home




-Do you like animals?

-What is your favorite animals?

-Have you got any pets?

-What do you know about wild animals?

Name some of them.

-What kind of domestic animals do you


-What's your dog's name?

-Does it like meat or bones?

-Can you describe your cat or dog?

-What color is your dog?

-Do you go for a walk with your dog?

-Is it clever?

«Үш шапалақ» арқылы бағалау

Негізгі бөлім

Look at this text. Read and translate it, please.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere, (каскыр), (аю), (түлкі), (тиін) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle, (бака) lives in the lake, (жылқы) lives in the field. And (тышқан) lives in the dark places.

Бармақ арқылы бағалау

Presentation new words. Read the sentences and draw an animal. It lives in Altai mountains. It looks like a cat. It's tail is not long. It's ears are small, the legs are strong. ( a tiger) What kind of animals live in the tropical forest?( monkeys, tree snakes, some birds) Meat-eating animals.( dogs, wolves, foxes, tigers, lions)

It's quick, it'scolour red-orange, it habitats in the forest. It's small, likes nuts.(a squirrel)

5. And now we shall try to pronounce this patter:

A black cat sat on a mat And ate a fat rat.

6. Assosiation. Group 1-Wild animals

Group 2- Domestic animals.

План урока ANIMALS IN KAZAKHSTAN.(7 класс)

План урока ANIMALS IN KAZAKHSTAN.(7 класс)

План урока ANIMALS IN KAZAKHSTAN.(7 класс)

План урока ANIMALS IN KAZAKHSTAN.(7 класс)

План урока ANIMALS IN KAZAKHSTAN.(7 класс)


7.Make a Poster. "Animals in Kazakhstan". 8.Grammar revision. There is\there are.

«Бағдаршам»аркылы бағалау

Қосымша оқу Үйге тапсырма

Write an essay.


Two stars, one wish.

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