Контрольная работа NOW I KNOW

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Годовая аттестация

в 10 классе по английскому зыку

II variant

Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Mary was a very talented girl. She … read when she was only four.

  1. Can

  2. Could

  3. Coldn't

  1. Where are you going on holiday? - I hope I'll … visit my grandparents on Lake Baikal.

  1. Can

  2. Could

  3. Be able to

  1. We moved to our new residence last spring.

  1. Место жительства

  2. Резиденция

  1. The new telephone line enables us to use the internet 24 hours a day.

  1. Разрешает

  2. Дает возможность

  1. The Maya were ancient people of

  1. Australia

  2. America

  3. Asia

Task 2.

A) Read the text attentively.

It is very important to have friends - not just acquaintances, but truly close friends that we can trust. Unfortunately, just as in the saying ''a friend in need is a friend indeed'', we can never be sure who a genuine friend is until we really need one.

When things go well we have numerous friends. It is when the opposite happens that we discover who our real friends are. How many friends do you have when you are about to give a party? On the other hand, how many of these same friends would visit you if you were ill in bed?

Examples of how false friendship work can be seen in the entertainment world. Film stars are popular when they are successful; the greater their success, the more popular they seem to be. But as soon as their popularity decreases, they find themselves with few remaining friends.

What is friendship? Can we really expect it to be so perfect? There are no direct answers to these questions because each person relates to personal relationships in a different way. For some people it is important to be surrounded by many acquaintances, while other people prefer to have just one or two real friends on whom they can rely.

B) Tick off the correct answers and answer the following questions:

  1. According to the passage, who is a real friend?

  1. Somebody who will help you when you give a party.

  2. A person who helps you when you are happy.

  3. A person you can rely on when you have troubles.

  4. A real acquaintance.

  1. According to the passage, when we are successful we have many friends.

  1. we are pleased.

  2. we have few friends.

  3. we don't need friends.

  1. What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?

  2. Give a title to this text.

Task 3. Write down a short story about your last summer holidays. (100 words)

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