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Урок - презентация - Английский язык

Тема: «Настоящее длительное время » "Present Progressive Tense ".

Цель урока: активизация и закрепление грамматического материала по теме «Present Progressive Tense and hobbies».

Форма урока: Комбинированный.


Образовательные: совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме урока по таким видам речевой деятельности как говорение, чтение, письмо. Практиковать грамматический материал. Расширение представления учащихся о видовременной системе английского глагола,

Развивающие: развивать устную речь по теме урока; совершенствование мыслительных операций: синтеза, анализа, сравнения, обобщения; развитие логического мышления, умения преодолевать трудности, связанные с изучением грамматического материала; формирование иноязычных речевых механизмов: слухового и зрительного восприятия, выбора и комбинирования; развитие индивидуальных учебных способностей,

Воспитательные: Поддержание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности; воспитание культуры общения; воспитание трудолюбия, усидчивости, организованности, активности и внимания.

Оборудование: Мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (карточки с упражнением),учебник.

Materials required: Multimedia projector, blank sheets of paper (cards with exercise).

Lesson Plan

Stage of the lesson / Этапы

Purpose of the stage/ цели


The beginning of the lesson

Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речи, введение в языковую среду, подготовка учащихся к правильному интонационному и фонетическому оформлению речи.

Warm-up "Brainstorming"

Introduce problem questions

1. Good morning everybody! I'm glad to see you. I'm sure everybody is all right.

Let's start our lesson. Today we go on to talk about the present progressive tense and hobbies.

2.Encourage students to think about

But firstly let's speak a little.

- Who is absent today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Do you like this weather?

- Who doesn't like this weather?

- How many lessons do you have today?

- What days do you have English?

- How many times a week, have you got English?

- What do you do usually at English?

3.Speaking development activities.

Well, now look at the screen. We will practice the sound

Listen and repeat.

Taking ['teɪkɪŋ], smiling ['smaɪlɪŋ], having ['hævɪŋ] ,reading['ri:dɪŋ], playing ['pleɪɪŋ],going['gəʋɪŋ] sleeping['sli:pɪŋ], watching['wɒtʃɪŋ], answering [ˈɑːnsərɪŋ], drawing['drɔ:ɪŋ], writing['raɪtɪŋ], diving['daɪvɪŋ], shaking['ʃeɪkɪŋ], walking['wɔ:kɪŋ], making['meɪkɪŋ], dreaming[drˈiːmɪŋ], travelling['trævəlɪŋ], running['rʌnɪŋ], washing['wɒʃɪŋ], cooking['kʋkɪŋ], discussing[dɪ'skʌsɪŋ], changing['tʃeɪndʒɪŋ], utting['putɪŋ], watering['wɒtərɪŋ].

4. Answering the questions

Now let's check up your homework. Open your books on page 54, and find the exercise 38.Look at the picture and say what they are doing?

Karlson is flying now.

The little ducks are eating.

Chip and Deil are laughing.

The dolphin is swimming.

The mouse is dancing.

The ducks are sleeping.

5. Writing development activities.

And now let's check how well you know the Present Progressive Tense. Let's do the exercise in written form on cards. You'll make up the sentences in the Present progressive. You have 2 minutes.

Example: I read the text. - I am reading the text.

1. I do my homework.

2. Malvina sleeps on the bed.

3. The boys write the letters.

4. We sing songs.


Are you tired? Let's play a little.

This game is called "Champion".

But I think is better to make a competition. We have 3 teams. And let's know who is the best. The task is to continue my sentence in the present progressive.

I read the sentence: The teacher is……….and you continue.

…………sitting, playing, working, dancing and so on. Be attentive! Let's start!

7. Writing (grammar) development activities.

Ok, now look at the screen. You can see some words. The task is to put the words in correct order and make the sentences. Who can writes on the blackboard? Who can begin? But others write down in your copybooks.


2. is, a, reading, he, book.

3. to school, they, going, are.

4. cake, a, mother, my, making, is.

8. Reading development activities.

Well, the next task is to read and translate the text.

Dear my friend, Kate!

I'm writing this letter in my bedroom. My mother and my father are in the kitchen. They are eating.

My brother is playing the computer.

My grandma is watching TV.

What are you doing now? Are you riding a bike? Are you playing the computer?

9.Answering the questions

And now let's try to answer the questions.


1. What are mother and father doing?

2. Are they watching TV?

3. What is brother doing?

4. Is grandmother watching TV?

10.Home task

Now open your dairies ant write down the homework .Your task is to do the exercise 25, on page 26 in your workbooks.

11. The end of the lesson


The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.

Литература: Учебник Английский язык Enjoy English 6 класс М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева

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