Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты: Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects ,revision grammar ‘ to be affirmative, negative and interrogative form , Like V+ ing Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creativeand logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills. Негізгі идеялар to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classr...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Есть - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 а

5 б

5 г


Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1 p 98-99

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects ,revision grammar ' to be affirmative, negative and interrogative form , Like V+ ing

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

  1. I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings

Knowledge: checking home task: dialogue

II. Warm up:

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using grammar present simple

They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar can work with electronic textbook and with cards

3.1. Vocabularies :

Gymnasium гимназия

Library кітапхана

Disco дискотека

Canteen асхана

Tennis courts тенисный корд

Сөздерді дыбыстау, дәптерге жазу

There is, there are құрылымдарын түсіндіру

Exercise 1 read

  1. Пысықтау

Analysis: Кітаппен жумыс

2. Listen and repeat.

Omar: Is there a swimming pool there?

Colin: Yes, there is.

  1. Talk to your friend about the Holiday Camp in Sherwood.

Is there a swimming pool there?

  • Yes, there is / No, there isn't.

4. Talk to your, friend about your school.

- Is there a------- ?

- Yes, / No,

5. Listen and repeat.

Omar: Are there any judo lessons?

Colin: No, there aren't.

6. Talk to your friend about the Holiday Camp in Sherwood.

Are there any ?

  • Yes, there are / No, there aren't.

  1. Synthesis:

Exercise 9-10 Answer the questions

  • read the text exercise 3 p

  1. Consolidation the material Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 12

Make your own dialogue

Кері байланыс

I know

I don't know

I have known







summative assessment

Giving marks:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 а

5 ә


Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

How many boys are there in your class? Unit 6 step 2 p 101-104

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects ,revision grammar

' to be' affirmative, negative and interrogative form , any

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

  1. I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings

Knowledge: checking home task: dialogue

II. Warm up:

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using grammar present simple

They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar can work with electronic textbook and with cards

3.1. Vocabularies :

Gymnasium гимназия

Library кітапхана

Disco дискотека

Canteen асхана

Tennis courts тенисный корд

Сөздерді дыбыстау, дәптерге жазу

There is, there are құрылымдарын түсіндіру

Exercise 1 read

  1. Пысықтау

Analysis: Кітаппен жумыс

2. Listen and repeat.

Omar: Is there a swimming pool there?

Colin: Yes, there is.

  1. Talk to your friend about the Holiday Camp in Sherwood.

Is there a swimming pool there?

  • Yes, there is / No, there isn't.

4. Talk to your, friend about your school.

- Is there a------- ?

- Yes, / No,

5. Listen and repeat.

Omar: Are there any judo lessons?

Colin: No, there aren't.

6. Talk to your friend about the Holiday Camp in Sherwood.

Are there any ?

  • Yes, there are / No, there aren't.

  1. Synthesis:

Exercise 9-10 Answer the questions

  • read the text exercise 3 p

  1. Consolidation the material

Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 12

Make your own dialogue

Кері байланыс

I know

I don't know

I have known







summative assessment

Giving marks:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 а

5 б


Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Would you like some juice? Unit 8 step 2 p 139

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects ,revision grammar

' to be' affirmative, negative and interrogative form , any

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

I.Organization moment : - Good morning, pupils! I'm glad to see you.

- Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you.

- Thank you, sit down please!

- Who is on duty today?

- I'm on duty today.

- Who is absent ?

- All are present

- Thank you, sit down please

Knowledge: checking home task: dialogue

II. Warm up:

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using grammar present simple

They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.

Some, Any сөздерінің сөйлемдерде қолданылуы.

Some болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады.

There are some apples on the table.

Any болымсыз сөйлемдерде қолданылады.

Is there any water in the glass?

I haven't got any sisters and brothers.

4.Oй қозғау.

Some cұраулы сөйлемдерде, біреуден бір нәрсе сұрағанда немесе біреуге бір нәрсе ұсынғанда қолданылады.

Can I have some tea?

Would you like some juice.

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar can work with electronic textbook and with cards

3.1. Vocabularies :

Lemonade Wine

Pepsi Pizza

Cake Chocolate

Coca-cola Orange

Water Salad

Tea Sandwich

Kymyz Banana

Milk Hamburger

Apple juice Meat


  1. Пысықтау

Children! We know about food and drink. What is food and what is drink? Write the words into the box. (флипчарт)




















Apple juice

Analysis: Кітаппен жумыс

8. Рольдік ойын:

Asel: Would you like some Pepsi?

Akberdy: No,thanks. I don't drink Pepsi.

Asel: How about some Kymyz?

Akberdy: Yes, please.

Asel: Here you are.

Akberdy: Thank you.

  1. Synthesis:

Exercise 9-10 Answer the questions

  • read the text exercise 3 p

Consolidation the material

Oljas: Would you like some…? (juice)

Asem: No, thanks.

Oljas: How about some…?

Asem: Yes, please

Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 13-14 p

Make your own dialogue

Кері байланыс

I know

I don't know

I have known







summative assessment

Giving marks:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 а

5 б


Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

I'd like hamburger Unit 8 step 3 p 142-145

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects ,revision grammar

' to be' affirmative, negative and interrogative form , any

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

I.Organization moment : - Good morning, pupils! I'm glad to see you.

- Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you.

- Thank you, sit down please!

- Who is on duty today?

- I'm on duty today.

- Who is absent ?

- All are present

- Thank you, sit down please

Knowledge: checking home task: dialogue

II. Warm up: I am, She is, It is, He is-

How difficult it is!

We are, You are, They are

Oh! Clever we are!

Comprehension: -Have you finished?

Ex.1. Read and translate. The title of the text " The USA"

Ex.3, pg.119 .

You should mark the sentences it is true or false. Read the first sentence. Who wants? Come to the blackboard.

-Well, we have grammar materials "Special questions in the Present Indefinite Tense. Сұрақ сөзінен кейін ( where, what, who, why ) do, does көмекші етістіктері қойылады:

Where do I live?




Where does he come from?



Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar can work with electronic textbook and with cards

3.1. Vocabularies :

Ok. Look at the blackboard.We have are new words.Listen to me.








-Well. Repeat after me all together.

-Repeat after me the 1st row(2nd row. 3rd row)

- Ok. Read please, one by one.

Well, write down words in vocabulary. I'll give you 5 minutes.

  1. Пысықтау

Ex.4, pg.119. Talk to your partner. Now one of you will ask to the partner a question, the partner should answer this question.

  • Where do ______ come from?

  • They come from ______.

  • Where does______ come from?

  • It comes from _________.

Ex.5. Where do apples ( oranges, cheese… ?) come from in Kazakhstan?

In Kazakhstan apples come from… .

Ex.6. Listen and practice.

Jane: Colin, what do you want to eat for lunch?

Colin: I'd like a hamburger.

Jane: And for drink?

Colin: Orange, juice, please. Thanks.

Ex.7. Talk to your partner. You should tell to the friend that you want for a lunch and also that you want to drink.

- What do you want to eat for lunch?

  • I'd like a______________.

  • What do you want to drink?

  • I'd like some _________.

  • Ex.10. Countable or uncountable?

Countable (c) uncountable (u)

A chair sugar

A car water

A sofa butter

An apple rain

A cup bread

Ex.11. Make a list of food and drink.

Analysis: Кітаппен жумыс

Consolidation the material Ex.9. What are the names of the things in the picture? Match the words to the pictures.

Tomato egg water potato cheese bread change wine banana milk lemon cabbage carrot meat sugar apple

Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Is there swimming pool? Unit 6 step 1

Үйге тапсырма

-Now open your diaries and write your home-task.

1. to learn by heart the new words

Кері байланыс

I know

I don't know

I have known







So, I'll give your marks. I want to evaluate your activities.

P1: You are the best one who works hard today. Your English is good & I put excellent.

P2: You want to work industrious, but have some mistakes today. I put mark good.



-Stand up!

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!

Giving marks:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 а

5 б


Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Would you like to order? Unit 8 step 4 p 146-150

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects , grammar Would you like to order

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

I.Organization moment : - Good morning, pupils! I'm glad to see you.

- Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you.

- Thank you, sit down please!

- Who is on duty today?

- I'm on duty today.

- Who is absent ?

- All are present

- Thank you, sit down please

Knowledge: checking home task: dialogue

II. Warm up: Would you like to have a pear?

Have a pear if you dare.

Would you like to have a sweet?

Have a sweet for a treat

I'd like to have pear

I'd like to have sweet

I'd like to come to your house.

That would be really neat

Comprehension: 1.The noun (Зат есім)
Singular plural (Зат есімнің көптік жалғаулары)

Singular nouns

Plural nouns +s







Singular nouns

Plural nouns if the nouns ends -s -ss -sh -ch -x + es







Singular nouns

Plural nouns if the nouns ends -f, fe we change f for v +s




Singular nouns

Plural nouns if the nouns ends -y

we change y for i +es




Irregular nouns









Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar can work vocabularies and cards

3.1. Vocabularies : - Would you like chicken?

- No ,thanks

- Would you like rice?

- yes ,please

I'm full, I'm not hungry, thirsty, I don't eat,

I can't eat, I'm allergic to, I'm on a diet,

Use these phrases with these vocabulary

chicken, vegetable, beef, rice, beans pasta, soda, sure, trouble, bite, pound, pence, waiter, customer, order.


2. Берілген сөздерді екі топқа бөл (саналатын, саналмайтын зат есімдер;)

chair, car, man, water, apple, money, boy, ice, milk, bread, desk.
3. Зат есімдерді көпше түрге айналдыр; Boy - woman - gentleman - bench - place - flower - sheep - toy - pencil - box -

Synthesis: the dialogue exercise 6 p 147

2.Exercise 7 p 147 Talk to your classmate

Consolidation the material

Write the plural forms of the nouns

Book Apple Photo Bus Dress Box Knife Family City Woman Sheep Foot


Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 14

Make your own dialogue

Кері байланыс

I know

I don't know

I have known







summative assessment

Giving marks:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 а

5 б


Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

What do you eat for breakfast? Unit 8 step 5 p 150 -152

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson talking about What do you eat for breakfast?

To introduce pupils with the name of butchers, in order to be healthy we must to eat healthy food regularly.

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the language, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

I.Organization moment : - Good morning, pupils! I'm glad to see you.

- Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you.

- Thank you, sit down please!

- Who is on duty today?

- I'm on duty today.

- Who is absent ?

- All are present

- Thank you, sit down please

Knowledge: checking home task: dialogue

II. Warm up:

Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day

Tea comes after dinner,

Then comes time to play

Comprehension: The motto of the lesson is "A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day"

The Kazakh equivalent is "Ертеңгі астан ауыз ти, түскі асты тастама, кешкі асқа қарама",

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar can work vocabularies and cards

  • 3.1. Vocabularies : What do you eat for breakfast? (dinner, supper).

  • I eat ______ for breakfast or I have _________ for breakfast.

( to use names of food in their speech)

Pork [po:k]- шошқа еті

Mutton [mat(ә)n]- қой еті

Beef [bi:f]- сиыр еті

Sausage [so:sidз]-шұжық

Fish [fis]-балық

Chicken [tsiken]-тауық еті

Analysis: Task2. Read the interview. Make sentences with them.

For example: Ulbolsin eats fish and mutton but she doesn't pork and sausage


















Synthesis: the dialogue exercise 8 p 152

2.Exercise 12 p 152 Talk to your classmate

Consolidation the material Test p 153

Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 14

Make your own dialogue

Кері байланыс

I know

I don't know

I have known







summative assessment

Giving marks:


1. Organization

Moment ____________________________________________________________________


2. Phonetic

exercise ____________________________________________________________________


3. Revision ___________________________________________________________________



4. Homework's check - up __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. New material ________________________________________________________________


6. Consolidation _____________________________________________________________________________


7. Homework _____________________________________________________________________________


8. Summing - up of the lesson _____________________________________________________________________________

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