Методическая разработка внеклассного занятия по английскому языку на тему: Английские классики

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Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку имеет большое общеобразовательное, воспитательное и развивающее значение. Эта работа не только углубляет и расширяет знание иностранного языка, но и способствует также расширению культурного кругозора, эрудиции обучающихся, развитию их творческой активности, духовно-нравственной сферы, эстетических вкусов и, как следствие, повышает мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры другой страны и сквозь призму этих знаний более активно осваивать культуру своей страны.

Мною разработано следующее мероприятие «Английские классики (по творчеству У.Шекспира и Р. Бёрнса)». Предложенное мероприятие проводится как внеклассное итоговое занятие кружка по английскому языку. Для его проведения необходима подготовительная работа. Обучающимся предлагается выбрать и выучить сонеты Шекспира, стихотворения Р. Бёрнса на английском и русском языках, подготовить материал и оформить рефераты по творчеству английских бардов. Мероприятие рассчитано на обучающихся 1 - 4 курсов. Обучающиеся готовят презентации, посвященные биографии и творчеству Шекспира и Бёрнса. Проводятся репетиции с ведущими вечера.

Предмет: Английский язык.

Цель: повышение культурного и образовательного уровня обучающихся.
Образовательный аспект: формирование у обучающихся представления об англоязычной поэзии; освоения навыков выразительного чтения, пониманием и восприятием усвоенных стихов; углубление социокультурных знаний обучающихся.
Развивающий аспект: развитие культуры публичного выступления и творческой деятельности обучающихся.
Воспитательный аспект: развитие эстетического вкуса в музыке и стихе; исполнительской и зрительской культуры; воспитание уважения к творчеству деятелей страны изучаемого языка.
Практический аспект: формирование навыков понимания и перевода прослушанных стихов; обогащение словарного запаса обучающихся; расширение практических навыков исполнительского искусства.

Оборудование и оформление: презентации.

Время: 90 мин.

Место: компьютерный класс.

Ход внеклассного занятия.

The 1st compere:

.William Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon.

(Слайды 3,4)

His father was a rich citizen whose business was making and selling leather gloves. His mother was the daughter of an important farmer. .(Слайд 6) Young Shakespeare studied at Grammar School where boys learned Latin, Greek, and other subjects. (Слайд 5)

The 2nd compere:

When he was nineteen, William married Anne. She was a farmer's daughter and she was some years older than himself. (Слайды 6,7)

During that years he may have helped his father in the family business or he may have been a country schoolmaster for a time, we don't know exactly. . Shakespeare had three children: Susannah, the eldest, then twins - a son, Hamnet, and another girl, Judith .(Слайд 8)

The 1st compere:

.In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children at home.

Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays. (Слайд 9)

Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company .

The 2nd compere:

In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed. It was a round building with the stage in the center, open to the sky. If it was raining, the actors got wet; if the weather was too bad, there was no performance at all. By 1603 Shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of his time. He continued to write for the next ten years. .(Слайд 10). "Mundus universus exercet histrionaim"

(Приложение 1. Монолог Жака «Весь мир - театр, а люди в нем актеры» (Акт II, сцена VII). from "As You Like It".(Слайд 11).

The 1st compere:

"Romeo and Juliet" is one of the Shakespeare's best plays. It is a tragedy but it was written in the first period of his creative work. This play is full of love, youth and humanism. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories.

(Приложение 2, the account from ' Romeo and Juliet').

The 2nd compere:

All of Shakespeare's famous tragedies appeared between 1600 and 1608. This was the second period of his literary work. In the plays of this period the dramatist reaches his full maturity He presents great human problems. This period began with the tragedy 'Hamlet', which was a great success. The following plays belong to the second period : 'King Lear', 'Othello', 'Macbeth' and others.

The 1st compere:

Shakespeare's plays of the third period (1609-1611), are called Romantic Dramas: 'The Tempest', ' The Winter's Tale', 'Henry VIII '.

(Слайд 12). (Приложение 3, an extract from 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' To be, or not to be…)

The 2nd compere:

He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses .(Слайды 13 - 17. Сонеты 25, 56, 77).

The 1st compere:

In 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He is buried in Stratford-on-Avon. (Слайд 18).

( Приложение 4. The song from the play "The Winter's Tale").

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry". In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. (Слайд 19)

The 1st compere: My hearts in the Highlands.

My hearts in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My hearts in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,

А-chasing, the wild deer and following the roe.

My hearts in the Highlands, wherever I go! (Слайд 2 )

The 2nd compere: Robert Burns, Scotland's national poet, was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland. (Слайды3, 4,5 )

The 1st compere: His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer, There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. His father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could afford. Robert was sent to school at the age of six. When the teacher left, the poet's father taught the children himself. Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, and Latin - that was Robert Burns's education. (Слайд6) The 2nd compere:

Robert's mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. (Слайды 7,8)

The 1st compere: Robert Burns became fond of reading. His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet. (Слайд 9 )

The 2nd compere:

Robert Burns began to write poetry when he was fifteen. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land.

(Слайд 10 )
The 1st compere:

Burns published some of his poems in 1786. Their success was complete. And Robert Burns became well known and popular. When Burns came to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a new and enlarged edition of his poems was published. (Слайд 11 )

The 2nd compere:

Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour. Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as "I love my Jean", "Bonnie Jean" and many others. .
(Слайды 12-16 )FAREWELL TO ELIZA

The 1st compere:

Robert Burns's poems were very popular, he always remained poor. He worked hard and destroyed his health. He died in poverty at the age of thirty - seven in 1796. (Слайд 18 )The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world. (Слайды 19 -21 )

Технологическая карта внеклассного занятия.

Этапы урока

Содержание учебного материала





1 этап. Организационный.

Hello, dear guests, dear colleagues and dear students. I am happy to welcome you at our party devoted to the English literature. I am sure and always tell my students that when a person learns a foreign language it is necessary to learn about the history and culture of the country. This knowledge will help you very much in learning the language and you will know the country better, you'll be able to feel the language better.

Today we are going to speak about 2 outstanding writers and poets of Great Britain. You'll know some interesting facts of their biography, you'll hear the poems, watch some extracts of the films and listen to music.

The first page is devoted to William Shakespeare!

Hello, dear friends!

We are happy to welcome you at our party devoted to the greatest play writer in the world-W. Shakespeare.

Слайд 1.

Звучит музыка эпохи Возрождения.

2 этап. Презентационный

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry". In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance.

William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) - 23 April 1616)[ was an English poet and playwright. The last half of the 16-th century and the beginning of the 17-th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English Renaissance and sometimes are called "The Age of Shakespeare".

The 1st compere:

William Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was a rich citizen whose business was making and selling leather gloves. His mother was the daughter of an important farmer. When he was nineteen, William married Anne. She was a farmer's daughter and she was some years older than himself. During that years he may have helped his father in the family business or he may have been a country schoolmaster for a time.

The 2nd compere:

When he was nineteen, William married Anne. She was a farmer's daughter and she was some years older than himself.

During that years he may have helped his father in the family business or he may have been a country schoolmaster for a time, we don't know exactly. . Shakespeare had three children: Susannah, the eldest, then twins - a son, Hamnet, and another girl, Judith .

Слайд 2.

Слайды 3 - 5

Слайды 6,7.

The 1st compere:

In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children at home.

Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays.

Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company .

The 2nd compere:

In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed. It was a round building with the stage in the center, open to the sky. If it was raining, the actors got wet; if the weather was too bad, there was no performance at all. By 1603 Shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of his time. He continued to write for the next ten years. "Mundus universus exercet histrionaim".

S. 1,2: Монолог Жака «Весь мир - театр, а люди в нем актеры».

The 1st compere:

"Romeo and Juliet" is one of the Shakespeare's best plays. It is a tragedy but it was written in the first period of his creative work. This play is full of love, youth and humanism. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories.

The 2nd compere:

All of Shakespeare's famous tragedies appeared between 1600 and 1608. This was the second period of his literary work. In the plays of this period the dramatist reaches his full maturity He presents great human problems. This period began with the tragedy 'Hamlet', which was a great success. The following plays belong to the second period : 'King Lear', 'Othello', 'Macbeth' and others.

S. 3: An extract from 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' To be, or not to be…

The 1st compere:

Shakespeare's plays of the third period (1609-1611), are called Romantic Dramas: 'The Tempest', ' The Winter's Tale', 'Henry VIII '.

The 2nd compere:

He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses .

S. 4,5,6: Сонеты 25, 56, 77.

The 1st compere:

In 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He is buried in Stratford-on-Avon.

Слайд 8.

Слайд 9.

Слайды 10.

Приложение 1. Монолог Жака «Весь мир - театр, а люди в нем актеры» (Акт II, сцена VII). from "As You Like It".Слайд 11.

Приложение 2, the account from ' Romeo and Juliet'.

Слайд 12. Приложение 3, an extract from 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' To be, or not to be…

Слайды 13 - 17. Сонеты 25, 56, 77.

Слайд 18. Приложение 4. The song from the play "The Winter's Tale".

Слайд 19.



The 1st compere:

My hearts in the Highlands.

My hearts in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My hearts in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,

А-chasing, the wild deer and following the roe.

My hearts in the Highlands, wherever I go!

The 2nd compere:

Robert Burns, Scotland's national poet, was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland.

The 1st compere:

His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer, There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. His father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could afford. Robert was sent to school at the age of six, but as his father could not pay for the two sons, Robert and his brother Gilbert attended school in turn. When not at school, the boys helped their father with his work in the fields. But soon the teacher left, and so Burns's father invited a young school teacher to teach the boys. When the teacher left, the poet's father taught the children himself. Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, and Latin - that was Robert Burns's education.
My father was a farmer upon the Carrick border, O,
And carefully he bred me in decency and order, O;
He bade me act a manly part, though I had ne'er a farthing, O;
For without an honest manly heart, no man was worth regarding,
The 2nd compere:

Robert's mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. His mother's friend Betty told Robert many fantastic tales about devils, fairies and witches. Burns's mother died in 1820. She lived long and enjoyed the fame of her poet son.

The 1st compere:

Robert Burns became fond of reading. He read whatever he could lay nis hands on. His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet.

The 2nd compere:

Robert Burns began to write poetry when he was fifteen. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk-songs, which he had admired from his early childhood. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land.
The 1st compere:

Burns published some of his poems in 1786. Their success was complete. And Robert Burns became well known and popular. When Burns came to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, a new and enlarged edition of his poems was published.

The 2nd compere:

Robert Burns left Edinburgh and returned to his native village with money enough to buy a farm and marry Jean Armour. Burns devoted to Jean many beautiful poems, such as "I love my Jean", "Bonnie Jean" and many others. .
S. 7. Farewell to Eliza.

S. 8. A Red, Red Rose.

S. 9. For The Sake O' Somebody.

S. 10. In The Prospect Of Death

The 1st compere:

Robert Burns's poems were very popular, he always remained poor. He worked hard and destroyed his health. He died in poverty at the age of thirty - seven in 1796.The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world.

S. Should old acquaintance be forgot 11.

Слайд 2.

Фоновая музыка, шотландская волынка

Слайды 3 - 5.

Слайд 6.

Слайд 7,8.

Слайд 9.

Слайд 10.

Романс «Любовь и бедность» из кинофильма «Здравствуйте, я ваша тётя!» в исполнении А. Калягина

Слайд 11.

Звучит «В моей душе покоя нет…» из кинофильма «Служебный роман»

Слайд 12 - 16.

Слайд 18.

Слайд 19 , 20.

Звучит «Should old acquaintance be forgot »

3 этап. Рефлексивно-оценочный.

Слайд 21.

Дидактический материал

Монолог Жака «Весь мир - театр, а люди в нем актеры» (Акт II, сцена VII)

Жак: Весь мир - театр. В нем женщины, мужчины - все актеры. У них свои есть выходы, уходы, И каждый не одну играет роль. Семь действий в пьесе той. Сперва младенец, Ревущий горько на руках у мамки... Потом плаксивый школьник с книжной сумкой, С лицом румяным, нехотя, улиткой Ползущий в школу. А затем любовник, Вздыхающий, как печь, с балладой грустной В честь брови милой. А затем солдат, Чья речь всегда проклятьями полна, Обросший бородой, как леопард, Ревнивый к чести, забияка в ссоре, Готовый славу бренную искать Хоть в пушечном жерле. Затем судья С брюшком округлым, где каплун запрятан, Со строгим взором, стриженой бородкой, Шаблонных правил и сентенций кладезь, - Так он играет роль. Шестой же возраст - Уж это будет тощий Панталоне, В очках, в туфлях, у пояса - кошель, В штанах, что с юности берег, широких Для ног иссохших; мужественный голос Сменяется опять дискантом детским: Пищит, как флейта... А последний акт, Конец всей этой странной, сложной пьесы - Второе детство, полузабытье: Без глаз, без чувств, без вкуса, без всего.

JAQUES All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms; And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well sav'd, a world too wide For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion; Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

(Приложение 3, an extract from 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' To be, or not to be…).

To be, or not to be, aye there's the point, To Die, to sleep, is that all? Aye all: No, to sleep, to dream, aye marry there it goes, For in that dream of death, when we awake, And borne before an everlasting Judge, From whence no passenger ever returned, The undiscovered country, at whose sight The happy smile, and the accursed damned. But for this, the joyful hope of this, Who'd bear the scorns and flattery of the world, Scorned by the right rich, the rich cursed of the poor? The widow being oppressed, the orphan wronged, The taste of hunger, or a tyrants reign, And thousand more calamities besides, To grunt and sweat under this weary life, When that he may his full Quietus make, With a bare bodkin, who would this endure, But for a hope something after death? Which puzzles the brain, and doth confound the sense, Which makes us rather bear those evils we have, Than fly to others that we know not of. Ay that, O this conscience makes cowards of us all, Lady in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered.


Sonnet 25

Let those who are in favour with their stars

Of public honour and proud titles boast,

Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars

Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.

Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread

But as the marigold at the sun's eye,

And in themselves their pride lies buried,

Нат For at a frown they in their glory die.

The painful warrior famoused for fight,

After a thousand victories once foil'd,

Is from the book of honour razed quite,

And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd:

настя Then happy I, that love and am belov'd,

Where I may not remove nor be remov'd.

Сонет 25 наташа настя

Кто под звездой счастливою рожден -

Гордится славой, титулом и властью.

А я судьбой скромнее награжден,

И для меня любовь - источник счастья.

Под солнцем пышно листья распростер

Наперсник принца, ставленник вельможи.

Но гаснет солнца благосклонный взор,

И золотой подсолнух гаснет тоже.

Военачальник, баловень побед,

В бою последнем терпит пораженье,

И всех его заслуг потерян след.

Его удел - опала и забвенье.

Но нет угрозы титулам моим

Пожизненным: любил, люблю, любим.

Sonnet 56

Sweet love, renew thy force; be it not said

Thy edge should blunter be than appetite,

Which but to-day by feeding is allay'd,

To-morrow sharpened in his former might:

So, love, be thou, although to-day thou fill

Thy hungry eyes, even till they wink with fulness,

To-morrow see again, and do not kill

The spirit of love, with a perpetual dulness.

Let this sad interim like the ocean be

Which parts the shore, where two contracted new

Come daily to the banks, that when they see

Return of love, more blest may be the view;

Or call it winter, which being full of care,

Makes summer's welcome, thrice more wished, more rare.

Сонет 56

Проснись, любовь! Твое ли острие

Тупей, чем жало голода и жажды?

Как ни обильны яства и питье,

Нельзя навек насытиться однажды.

Так и любовь. Ее голодный взгляд

Сегодня утолен до утомленья,

А завтра снова ты огнем объят,

Рожденным для горенья, а не тленья.

Чтобы любовь была нам дорога,

Пусть океаном будет час разлуки,

Пусть двое, выходя на берега,

Один к другому простирают руки.

Пусть зимней стужей будет этот час,

Чтобы весна теплей пригрела нас!

Sonnet 77

Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear,

Thy dial how thy precious minutes waste;

These vacant leaves thy mind's imprint will bear,

And of this book, this learning mayst thou taste.

The wrinkles which thy glass will truly show

Of mouthed graves will give thee memory;

Thou by thy dial's shady stealth mayst know

Time's thievish progress to eternity.

Look! what thy memory cannot contain,

Commit to these waste blanks, and thou shalt find

Those children nursed, deliver'd from thy brain,

To take a new acquaintance of thy mind.

These offices, so oft as thou wilt look,

Shall profit thee and much enrich thy book.

Сонет 77

Седины ваши зеркало покажет,

Часы - потерю золотых минут.

На белую страницу строчка ляжет -

И вашу мысль увидят и прочтут.

По черточкам морщин в стекле правдивом

Мы все ведем своим утратам счет.

А в шорохе часов неторопливом

Украдкой время к вечности течет.

Запечатлейте беглыми словами

Всё, что не в силах память удержать.

Своих детей, давно забытых вами,

Когда-нибудь вы встретите опять.

Как часто эти найденные строки

Для нас таят бесценные уроки.

Д. Шостакович и Г. Свиридов.

Романс «Любовь и бедность» из кинофильма «Здравствуйте, я ваша тётя!» в исполнении А. Калягина

Love and Poverty.

O poortith cauld, and restless love,
Ye wrack my peace between ye;
Yet poortith a' I could forgive,
An 'twere na for my Jeanie.
O why should Fate sic pleasure have,
Life's dearest bands untwining?
Or why sae sweet a flower as love
Depend on Fortune's shining?
The warld's wealth, when I think on,
It's pride and a' the lave o't;
O fie on silly coward man,
That he should be the slave o't!
Her e'en, sae bonie blue, betray
How she repays my passion;
But prudence is her o'erword aye,
She talks o' rank and fashion.
O wha can prudence think upon,
And sic a lassie by him?
O wha can prudence think upon,
And sae in love as I am?
How blest the simple cotter's fate!
He woos his artless dearie;
The silly bogles, wealth and state,
Can never make him eerie,

Любовь и бедность навсегда

Меня поймали в сети.

Но мне и бедность не беда,

Не будь любви на свете.

Зачем разлучница-судьба -

Всегда любви помеха?

И почему любовь - раба

Достатка и успеха?

Богатство, честь в конце концов

Приносят мало счастья.

И жаль мне трусов и глупцов,

Что их покорны власти.

Твои глаза горят в ответ,

Когда теряю ум я,

А на устах твоих совет -

Хранить благоразумье.

Но как же мне его хранить,

Когда с тобой мы рядом?

Но как же мне его хранить,

С тобой встречаясь взглядом?

На свете счастлив тот бедняк

С его простой любовью,

Кто не завидует никак

Богатому сословью.

Ах, почему жестокий рок -

Всегда любви помеха

И не цветет любви цветок

Без славы и успеха?


(Перевод С.Я.Маршака)

From thee, Eliza, I must go,
And from my native shore;
The cruel fates between us throw
A boundless ocean's roar:

But boundless oceans, roaring wide,
Between my love and me,
They never, never can divide
My heart and soul from thee.

Farewell, farewell, Eliza dear,
The maid that I adore!
A boding voice is in mine ear,
We part to meet no more!

But the latest throb that leaves my heart,
While Death stands victor by, -
That throb, Eliza, is thy part,
And thine that latest sigh!

Прощусь, Элиза, я с тобой
Для дальних, чуждых стран.
Мою судьбу с твоей судьбой
Разделит океан.

Пусть нам в разлуке до конца
Томиться суждено, -
Не разлучаются сердца,
Что спаяны в одно!

Оставлю я в родной стране
Тебя, мой лучший клад.
И тайный голос шепчет мне:
Я не вернусь назад.

Последнее пожатье рук
Я унесу с собой.
Тебе - последний сердца стук
И вздох последний мой.

O, Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast

O, were you in the cold blast

On yonder meadow, on yonder meadow,

My plaid to the angry direction,

I would shelter you, I would shelter you,

Or did Misfortune's bitter storms

Around you blow, around you blow,

Your shelter should be my bosom,

To share it all, to share it all.

Or were I in the wildest waste,

So black and bare, so black and bare,

The desert were a Paradise,

If you were there, if you were there.

Or were I monarch of the globe,

With you to reign, with you to reign,

The brightest jewel in my crown

Would be my queen, would be my queen.

В полях, под снегом и дождем перевод С. Маршака

В полях, под снегом и дождем,

Мой милый друг, Мой бедный друг,

Тебя укрыл бы я плащом

От зимних вьюг, От зимних вьюг.

А если мука суждена

Тебе судьбой, Тебе судьбой,

Готов я скорбь твою до дна

Делить с тобой, Делить с тобой.

Пуская сойду я в мрачный дол,

Где ночь кругом, Где тьма кругом, -

Во тьме я солнце бы нашел

С тобой вдвоем, С тобой вдвоем.

И если б дали мне в удел

Весь шар земной, Весь шар земной,

С каким бы счастьем я владел

Тобой одной, Тобой одной.

A Red, Red Rose

O my luve's like a red, red rose.

That's newly sprung in June;

O my luve's like a melodie

That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

So deep in luve am I;

And I will love thee still, my Dear,

Till a'the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,

And the rocks melt wi' the sun:

I will luve thee still, my Dear,

While the sands o'life shall run.

And fare thee weel my only Luve!

And fare thee weel a while!

And I will come again, my Luve,

Tho' it were ten thousand mile!

- Robert Burns


Любовь, как роза, роза красная,

Цветет в моем саду.

Любовь моя - как песенка,

С которой в путь иду.

Сильнее красоты твоей

Моя любовь одна.

Она с тобой, пока моря

Не высохнут до дна.

Не высохнут моря, мой друг,

Не рушится гранит,

Не остановится песок,

А он, как жизнь, бежит...

Будь счастлива, моя любовь,

Прощай и не грусти.

Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет

Пришлось бы мне пройти!

Перевод С.Маршака

Про кого-то Пер. С.Маршака

Моей душе покоя нет.

Весь день я жду кого-то.

Без сна встречаю я рассвет -

И все из-за кого-то.

Со мною нет кого-то,

Ах, где найти кого-то!

Могу весь мир я обойти,

Чтобы найти кого-то.

О вы, хранящие любовь

Неведомые силы.

Пусть невредим вернется вновь

Ко мне мой кто-то милый.

Но нет со мной кого-то.

Мне грустно отчего-то

Клянусь, я все бы отдала

На свете для кого-то

For The Sake O' Somebody (Burns Original)


My heart is sair-I dare na tell,

My heart is sair for Somebody;

I could wake a winter night

For the sake o' Somebody.

O-hon! for Somebody!

O-hey! for Somebody!

I could range the world around,

For the sake o' Somebody.

Ye Powers that smile on virtuous love,

O, sweetly smile on Somebody!

Frae ilka danger keep him free,

And send me safe my Somebody!

O-hon! for Somebody!

O-hey! for Somebody!

I wad do-what wad I not?

For the sake o' Somebody.

For The Sake Of Somebody (Standard English Translation)

For the sake of Somebody

My heart is sore - I dare not tell -

My heart is sore for Somebody:

I could awaken a winter night

For the sake of Somebody.

O-hon! for Somebody!

O-hey! for Somebody!

I could range the world around

For the sake of Somebody.

You Powers that smile on virtuous love,

O, sweetly smile on Somebody!

From every danger keep him free,

And send me safe my Somebody!

O-hon! for Somebody!

O-hey! for Somebody!

I would do - what would I not? -


Молитва в ожидании смерти Пер. Е.Фельдмана

Моих надежд, моих тревог

Неведомый Исток,

И я, когда настанет срок,

Приду на Твой порог.

Меня манила с давних пор

Кривая колея.

Быть может совести укор

Был должен слушать я, -

Но не задуман я Тобой

Как ангел во плоти,

И страсти голос колдовской

Сбивал меня с пути.

И если где я согрешил

По слабости людской,

Ты тьмою все, что я свершил,

Закроешь, Всеблагой.

А если с умыслом грешил,

Шепну Тебе: "Услышь!" -

И ты, хоть я не заслужил,

Услышишь и простишь!

In The Prospect Of Death (Burns Original)


O Thou unknown, Almighty Cause

Of all my hope and fear!

In whose dread presence, ere an hour,

Perhaps I must appear!

If I have wander'd in those paths

Of life I ought to shun,

As something, loudly, in my breast,

Remonstrates I have done;

Thou know'st that Thou hast formed me

With passions wild and strong;

And list'ning to their witching voice

Has often led me wrong.

Where human weakness has come short,

Or frailty stept aside,

Do Thou, All-Good-for such Thou art-

In shades of darkness hide.

Where with intention I have err'd,

No other plea I have,

But, Thou art good; and Goodness still

Delighteth to forgive.

Should old acquaintance be forgot

1. Should old acquaintance be forgot

And never brought to mind?

Should old acquaintance be forgot,

And days of auld lang syne!

And days of auld lang syne, my dear,

And days of auld lang syne,

Should old acquaintance be forgot,

And days of auld lang syne?

2. And there's a hand, my trusty friend!

And gie's a hand o' thine!

We'll take a cup o'kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


внеклассного занятия по дисциплине "Английской язык" на тему: «Английские классики», проведённого преподавателем английского языка Задонского политехнического техникума Аксёновой Т.Н.

В классе присутствовало 26 человек , заместитель директора по УР Е.А. Позднякова, преподаватель немецкого языка И.Н.Жихарева.

Внеклассное занятие подготовлено совместно с обучающимися 1 - 4 курсов согласно плану работы кружка «Лингва».

В ходе подготовки и проведения занятия были реализованы следующие принципы:

принцип совместной деятельности, направленный на на комплексное решение задач;

принцип доступности ;

принцип систематичности и последовательности формирования стойкого интереса к изучаемому языку.

На мой взгляд была правильно выбрана тематика стихотворений, сонетов; последовательность исполнения отрывков из пьес В. Шекспира и видеоматериалов по его творчеству; а так же стихотворений и песен Р. Бёрнса.

Современные технические средства обучения позволяют визуально представлять преподносиый материал. Задачи, решавшиеся на данном занятии, были реализованы. Обучающиеся в полной мере проявили активность и заинтересованность в получении дополнительной информации при подготовке, во время выступлений, в ответах на вопросы, увлеченность новой темой, заинтересованность в получении дополнительной информации. Они смогли проявить свою самостоятельность в умении работать с информацией (в подборе литературы). Смена видов деятельности, доброжелательная среда позволили избежать перегрузки обучающихся.

К началу занятия класс и оборудование были подготовлены. Обучающиеся быстро включились в ритм .

Обучающиеся легко справились с вопросами викторины. Отвечая на них, они ссылались на знания, полученные в ходе занятия и его подготовки, что говорит о результативности проектной работы.

Занятие получилось очень динамичным, искренним.

В целом внеклассное мероприятие прошло на хорошем уровне.

Обучающиеся показали хороший уровень самостоятельного мышления, высокую познавательную активность, уровень усвоения и использования материала.

Преподаватель: /Т.Н.Аксёнова/

Материалы рефлексии.

  1. From which plays are the words…

To be, or not to be.

All the world's a stage.

And you, Brutus!

All is well that ends well.

…wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss,

But cheerly seek how to redress their harms.

'All's well that ends well'

'As You Like It '

'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark'

' Julius Caesar'

' Henry VI, part 3

  1. Match.




Literary movement

Notable work(s)

Poet lyricist farmer playwright actor

Scottish British

British Scottish


English Renaissance

' Romeo and Juliet' ' Auld

Lang Syne '' As You Like It '

'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark'

' A Red, Red Rose '


  1. Сборник сонетов В. Шекспира. М., 1997.

  2. Сборник стихотворений Р. Бёрнса. М., 2001 г.

  3. Интернет - ресурсы.


На методическую разработку внеклассного занятия по дисциплине "Английский язык" на тему: «Английские классики», подготовленную преподавателем английского языка Задонского политехнического техникума Аксёновой Т.Н.

Методическая разработка выполнена согласно требованиям написания методик проведения внеклассного занятия. Тема методической разработки обусловлена проблемой сохранения интереса к изучению английского языка и создание мотивации к дальнейшей самостоятельной работы в этом направлении.

Решая задачи формирования поликультурной личности, пробуждения интереса к европейской культуре, преподаватель использует современные образовательные технологии: ИКТ, обучение в сотрудничестве посредством работы над проектом..

Подобран обширный материал по теме: дидактический и иллюстратииииииииииииииный. В ходе занятия у обучающихся формируется умение участвовать в публичных мероприятиях и видах деятельности, способствующих пониманию национально-культурных особенностей народа стран изучаемого языка и воспитывающих уважение к нему. Рекомендую для активного использования на уроках английского языка и во внеурочной деятельности.

Преподаватель Задонского политехнического техникума


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