План конспект урока английского языка Забайкалье

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Цель: формирование развитие навыков и умений англоязычной речевой деятельности ( аудирование, говорение ( монологическая и диалогическая виды речи), чтение, письмо с использованием материала регионального курса о Забайкалье.


Образовательная: обобщить и проконтролировать знания учащихся о развитии Забайкальского края, исторических событиях и памятниках культуры, известных людях, о своей родной деревне

; развивать аудитивные, устные и письменные речевые умения и навыки;

совершенствовать аудитивные и речевые навыки;

Познавательная: совершенствовать навыки и умения в чтении, говорении, аудировании; обобщить знания; познакомить с дополнительным материалом;

Развивающие: развивать лингвистическое умение через англоязычную речь; совершенствовать межпредметные связи, развивать умения переносить ранее усвоенную информацию в область английского языка; расширить кругозор средствами английского языка; развивать способость к сравнению и анализу;

Воспитательная: воспитывать патриотические чувства к Родине, в том числе и к своей малой Родине, чувство гордости за свой родной край, умение работать самостоятельно и в группе.

Сопутствующая: развивать умение смотреть видео фильм с целью извлечения необходимой информациию

  1. Оргмомент. (2 min)

We all know that on the 1 of March was the fifth anniversary of Zabaikalsky krai. I I would like to remember the Anton Chekhov`s words " In Zabaikalye I found all I wanted: the Caucasus, the Paslo Valley, Zvenigorod District and the Don. In the afternoon you rode in the Caucasus, at night you were in the Don steppe, and in the morning I found myself in Poltava Province".

We have read and spoken about many aspects of life in our region: history, geography, sights, free time activities and many other things. At this lesson we`ll sum upthe results of our work. We`ll have watch the video film on Zabaikalye to get necessary information. Then I would like you to tell about the outstanding people of our krai. And to the end of the lesson I hope to see the result of your independent research. Can you name the aim of our today`s travel on Zabaikalye?


I think our tasks are to improve and enlarge our English, get an insight on our region and know authentic material about Zabaikalye.

I think the aim of our lesson is to know more wonderful things on our krai. The English language helps us to wider our mind, to have an opportunity to communicate with each other.

I think we can wider my glossary, remember the grammar rules, may be open something new for myself.

Teacher :

I want you to revise facts you know, then you watch a video film, tell your stories and presentations if you have some.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.(3-5 min)

Teacher :

As far as you know Russian names have different sounds in English. Let`s revise some words - names of the significant geographical places. Make a word web, please.

На доске:

Zabaikalsky krai

Borders on: the Buryat republic, the Irkutsk region, the Yakutia Sakha Republic,

the Amur Region, Mongolia, China.

Has ranges: the Yablonovy, Chersky, Malkhansky, Argunsky, Gazimuro -Ononsky.

Has main rivers: the Onon, the Vitim, the Ingoda, the Shilka, the Amur.

Has groups of lakes: of glacial origin - Leprindo, Nichatka;

Mineralized lake - Arey;

Of tectonic origin - Arakley, The Ivan lake, Kenon;

The lakes occupying ancient water basins - Zoon Torey, Burun Torey.

Well done .

  1. Аудирование с опорой на видео с извлечением необходимой информации.(10 min)

I invite you to watch a video film "Zabaikalye". You`ll have a virtual execution on our krai and visit so wonderful places. Look through these statements to say if the information in them is true or false. Revise this list please. The text to the film was made on your well -known glossary. But pay your attention please on these words: Buddhist, datsan, temple, mantra(sacred book), makhatmy, cup, okrug, omul.

  1. Контроль понимания конкретной информации ( 3 min)(после просмотра)

Now let`s discuss a little what you have understood. Read and say if it is true or false.( приложение) План конспект урока английского языка Забайкалье

Do you like the film? What is your impression?


Once and once I was admiring the unique places of my native region: the great mountainous ranges, clearest rivers, unique valuable plants and animals.

  1. Динамическая пауза(2 min)

Now let` s have a rest. Sit more comfortable please. Let your eyes have a rest. Screw up your eyes(1-4), open your eyes and look at the blackboard, look on your nose, look at the door then at the window, drop your eyes, lift your eyes up, roll your eyes.

Have you relaxed?

  1. Мини -сообщение по теме. S1,S2, S3…(10 min)

The pride of any country or region is its people. And our Zabaikalye can be proud of outstanding people such as scientists, musicians, actors, writers, sportsmen, the men and women, who made a great contribution in the development of Zabaikalye.

Do you know any of them? Would you to tell about any of them?


Былков Д. - Георгий Граубин

Дубров С - Виталий Соломин

Добрынина - Олег Лундстрем

Казаченко -Борис Кузник

Бочкарникова - Людмила Титова

The questions please.

  1. Высказывания учащихся.

Teacher : there is no place like home. Our home is our native village Dunayevo. Would you like to tell about the village where you live.

  1. Дубров Степан -презентация «My Native Village"(5 min)

  2. Казаченко Кристина -презентация «Chita is the Capital of Zabaikalky Krai"

  3. Добрынина А. - презентация "The wonderful places of Chita"

  1. Итоги.

Teacher: At the beginning of the lesson we have put the tasks of our work. Have we achieved any results?

Students :

  1. 1. I have known many new facts.

  2. I have made the difficult but interesting and creative presentation.

  3. I think that we have improved our English.

  4. We have widened our glossary.

  5. we enjoyed of communication with each other.

  6. I think that the subject of the next unit will be interesting, and I would like to continue to research any interesting problem.


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План конспект урока английского языка Забайкалье

План конспект урока английского языка Забайкалье

План конспект урока английского языка Забайкалье

План конспект урока английского языка Забайкалье

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