Урок по теме Британия. Страна и люди

Данный урок  является обобщающим по теме "Британия" и может использоваться в 9 -11 классах. В начале урока детям даётся приём мозговой штурм в виде комментария цитаты о Британии. Перед учениками ставится задача самостоятельно сформулировать цель урока. Во время урока заполняется таблица" знаю - хочу узнать - выучил", которая помогает учителю определить усвоение учениками темы. В ходе урока ученики в группах презентуют 4 страны, рассказывают о традициях, символах и выдающихся личностях. Во время ...
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Класс -
Тип Рабочие программы
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Plan on the lesson

"Britain. The Country and its People"

(Полтушева Гульнара Якубовна)

Гимназия №132 г. Алматы

Ход урока

Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Do you like Friday? What season is it? Is it cold today? What holidays are we going to celebrate this month? (in March)

The theme of our lesson is: "Britain. The Country and its People".

The aim of the lesson is to show all the knowledge you've got about Britain in geography, history, culture. It's an extraordinary lesson on culture study. We have 3 main tasks (3 главные задачи):

  • To see interconnection, interpenetrating of two cultures;

  • Practice oral speech in English;

  • To enrich knowledge about on English-speaking country and to teach pupils to respect customs and traditions of an English-speaking country and of course our country Kazakhstan.

So, we'll speak about geography, history, famous people and two capitals: Almaty and London.

I. Let's begin our discussion with the quotation written by the great William Shakespeare about Britain: "Britain is a world by itself". (интерпретация цитаты о Лондоне)

What do these words show? (Britain is very small compared with many other countries in the words but it's surprisingly varied land in many different ways: the diversity of landscapes, a long history, long-lived customs and traditions, a rich mixture of people who live in the country, the great cities of London, Edinburgh, Oxford and Stratford. All together they make the image of Britain - fascinating an exciting (эпизоды Британии).Оцениваем каждого уч-ся по 5б.

II. Now we'll speak about this beautiful kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  1. geography (presentation of the UK)

Where is it situated?

What is the UK washed by?

Name 4 parts of the UK.

  1. I'll divide our group into 4 parts. Each group will describe its part: nature, capital, industry, famous for symbols(4 группы)

I group II group III group IV group

England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

(оцениваем каждую группу - 5 баллов)

Make a small short project (презентации 4-х частей Великобритании)

  1. While pupils are working I would like on-line participants do this test. Look at the blackboard (10 sentences in the test).

Check the presentations of each part of the UK.

III. Famous people of the UK.

Look at the portraits. What can you say about these prominent people?

Урок по теме Британия. Страна и люди

William Shakespeare

Урок по теме Британия. Страна и люди

Robert Burns

( the song

Auld Lyne Sane)

Урок по теме Британия. Страна и люди

Henry the 8th

Оценка группы 5 б.Урок по теме Британия. Страна и люди

John Lennon

IV. You are given dates on the history of the UK. What events are connected with these dates? (события по датам).

5th century BC

1066 (p.18)

1588 (Spanish Armada was defeated)

1665, 1666 (Plague; Great Fire of London)

1778 (British settles arrive to Australia)

1870 (Free primary education is established)

1981 (marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer)

V. Describe Almaty and London (2 rows - делимся на 2 группы).



  1. 2000 years old

  2. 9 mln. people

  1. more than 850 years

  2. 1 mln people

Make advertisements of visiting sights in

(it was a hometask)



Satellite link London-Almaty( we are going to Almaty and we have found a tourist bureau.The director of which is…Almaty, are you listening to us?( sights of Almaty).Song about Almaty.

Are you a good tourist?

What must tourists do not to feel a culture shock?

VI. Homework:

p. 42 (Identity) R, plan

One day In London (composition) - (Один день в Лондоне)

Read: p. 43 - 44.

VII. Marks and Commentaries. ( общая оценка за урок)

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