Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»

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Класс 4 класс
Тип Тесты
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Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. "At Home"

к УМК «Rainbow English» Из-во «Дрофа» Вертикаль

Разработала: Кудрякова Анастасия Александровна

МБОУ СОШ № 8 г. Владимир

Учитель: Английского языка

Задание 1 (7 баллов)


Прослушай аудиозапись, определи, какое высказывание прозвучало, и обведи соответствующую букву.

1. a) I can see a beautiful carpet in the middle of the living room.

b) I can see a beautiful carpet in the middle of the bedroom.

2. a) The cat is sleeping in the sun.

b) The cat is sleeping in the armchair.

3. a) Show them your comfortable sofa.

b) Show him your comfortable sofa.

4. a) The boys are ready for their lesson.

b) The boys aren't ready for their lesson.

5. a) I can see an apple tree behind the cottage.

b) I can see an apple tree in front of the cottage.

6. a) My friend is standing by the bookcase.

b) My friend is standing by the bookshelf.

7. a) Our bedroom is upstairs.

b) Your bedroom is upstairs.

Задание 2 (8 баллов)


Дополни предложения одним из вариантов, чтобы сделать их лексически правильными.

  1. I like our two-room ________.

  1. flat

  2. kitchen

  3. garage

  1. In the _________ of the living room we have a carpet.

  1. left

  2. middle

  3. right

  1. My mother likes big _________ in the kitchen.

  1. bookcases

  2. sofas

  3. cupboards

  1. Jenny is _________ for the lesson.

  1. ready

  2. time

  3. next

  1. The Jones' house is comfortable and __________.

  1. ready

  2. flat

  3. cosy

  1. Mike's bedroom is always ________. He never cleans it.

  1. messy

  2. tidy

  3. clean

  1. All Sarah's books are ________.

  1. the bookcase

  2. bookcase

  3. in her bookcase

  1. My sister is ________ her bedroom to her new friend.

  1. seeing

  2. showing

  3. taking

Задание 3 (7 баллов)

Посмотри на картинки и закончи предложения, используя слова из рамки.

behind, downstairs, in front of, on the left, in the middle, next to, upstairs

  1. The garden is ________ the house.

  1. The garage is ________ of the house.

  1. The table is ________ of the kitchen.

Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»

  1. Our house is ________ the cinema.

  1. The living room is _______ .

  1. The bathroom is ________ .

  1. The bookcase is ________ the armchair.


Задание 4 (9 баллов)

А. Джон (John) рассказывает про свой дом. Закончи его фразы, использую слова из рамки.

our, its, their, my, his

  1. My parents and I live in England. _____ cottage is not big but it is very cosy. _____ roof is brown.

  2. My room is nice and comfortable. _____ sofa is in front of the door.

  3. My parents' bedroom is upstairs. ______ bed is by the window.

  4. My dad is in the garage now. He is washing _____ car.

В. К Джону пришли друзья, и он решил показать им свой дом. Закончи высказывания ребят, используя местоимения из рамки.

us, me, them, her, him

Пример: John's sister Sally (to John): "Show THEM your room!"

  1. John's friends (to John): "Show _____ your garden!"

  1. Sally (to John): "Show _____ the kitchen."

  1. Sally (to John): "Show _____ our living room."

  1. Peter (to John): "Show _____ your books!"


Задание 5 (6 баллов)

Прослушай три высказывания. Соотнеси их с утверждениями (a-d). Напиши номер соответствующего высказывания рядом с буквой. Одно из утверждений лишнее. Ты услышишь запись два раза.

  1. The girl's room isn't always tidy.

  2. The girl likes to eat at home.

  3. The girl never plays video games in her room.

  4. The girl likes to come to a cottage in the countryside.


Задание 6 (9 баллов)

Прочитай, что написала девочка Энн, а также предложения после текста. Если утверждения после текста верные, напиши английское слово TRUE, если утверждения неверные, обведи английское слово FALSE.

Hi! My name is Ann. I want to show you a picture of my friend Monica's house. Monica is from the USA. She lives with her parents, Mr and Mrs Richards, her brother Bobbie and their dog. Monica's family have a big house: they have a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom downstairs and four bedrooms with two bathrooms upstairs. They also have a garage for two cars and a fantastic garden in front of the house.

I like Monica's bedroom. It is big and comfortable. You can see a bed next to the door and a sofa on the right. Monica's desk is by the window, and next to it she has a bookcase and a bookshelf. You can see Monica's books on the bookshelf. My friend is very tidy and her room is always clean. Monica has a lot of pictures and photos on the wall by the door.

Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»

In the picture you can see the Richards' kitchen with a wide window and a lot of modern cupboards. You can see a table by the window. At weekends Monica and her parents have meals in the kitchen. Bobbie isn't always at home at weekends because he sometimes studies on Saturday or on Sunday. He wants to be a doctor and he studies a lot.

I like Monica's house very much because it is cosy and comfortable.Контрольная работа для 4 класса по теме: Unit 3. “At Home” к УМК «Rainbow English»

  1. Monica is from America.

  2. The Richards' house is not big.

  3. One of the Richards' bedrooms is downstairs.

  4. Monica's family have got two bathrooms in the house.

  5. Their garden is behind the house.

  6. Monica has a bed and a sofa in her bedroom.

  7. Monica's room is never messy.

  8. The kitchen window is narrow.

  9. Monica's brother is always at home at weekends.


Задание 7 (5 баллов)

Вставь в слова пропущенные буквы.

  1. My father has a c_mfortablea_mchair.

  2. We have a lot ofcupbo_rds in the k_tchen.

  3. Sue has a beautiful carp_t in the mid_le of her room.

  4. We can see a c_sy living room d_wnstairs.

  5. How m_nybook_asesdo you have upstairs?

Задание 8 (5 баллов)

Напиши ответы на вопросы. Они должны быть полными и развернутыми.

  1. What can you see in the street where you live?

  2. How many people can you see there?

  3. Is your chair comfortable?

  4. What can you see in the right?

  5. Do you live in a small or a big street?

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