Урок английского языка на тему Искусство и телевидение (7класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Theme: Arts and television

Цели урока:

Образовательная: развитие речевых умений


- развивать исследовательские навыки (поиск информации в тексте, извлечение главной)

- развитие творческих способностей обучающихся

- развитие интеллектуальной, речемыслительной, эмоциональной, деятельностной сфер личности обучающихся.


- воспитывать у обучающихся умение сотрудничать, уважительное отношение к мнению в группах, уважать свою и зарубежную культуру.


1. Орг.момент. (звучит музыка Чайковского " Вальс цветов»)

Teacher: We can't imagine our life without arts. We really enjoy everything that is beautiful. We are fond of painting, music, theatre.

Today we will speak about wonderful arts.

I would like you to look at the quotation of a famous English writer W.Somerset

Maughem «There is nothing but art. Art is living» (на экране) What do you think about it?

P -

Look at the smart board. What kinds of arts do you know? Complete the spider gram. ( Работа у доски. Уч-ся записывает виды искусства на доске с помощью др. учащихся).

Cinema Painting Theatre Music Literature

Now I would like you to discuss about some kinds of arts. They are: theatre, cinema, music. Let me introduce the participants of our discussion.

The first group is pupils who like music. They will talk about the world of music.

The second group will tell us about cinema. The third is theatre-goers. They will express an opinion about theatre.

All pupils should listen to each other attentively and be ready to ask questions.

Let`s start with music lovers.

At the beginning of our lesson you listened to music. What kind of music was it?

Did you like it? What did you feel listening to this music?


Now I want you to tell us about music and your preferences in music. (pupil`s questions)

T- There is nothing better but theatre. Now the theatre-goers will have a talk about

this beautiful kind of arts. (questions)

T- Let`s sum up everything you have said about. What is the role of art ?


T- But unfortunately, some people never attend cinema or theatre.

They prefer staying at home. What entertainment do they have?

P- They like watching TV

T- Is TV an art? Let`s discover it.

I want you to divide into 2 groups. You should read the text TV or not TV?

  1. The task for the first group is to say arguments for TV

The task for the second group is to express the arguments against TV.

You have 6 minutes to read the text and copy out the arguments.

Your time is up. It`s time to listen to your arguments.

2. Prove that TV( на экране)

- helps you to learn

- entertains you

- provokes strong emotions

- is a waste of time

- makes people lazier

- like a drug

3. Add your own reasons for positive and negative sides of television.( на экране)

On the positive side

On the negative side

Magic box
Window of the world
Gives us company

One-eyed monster
Eats up time
Kills conversation
Some programmes are annoy able
Too much violence
You can't go outdoors…
Harmful to our health


4.You have said that there`s too much blood and violence on TV. Now we are going to watch the episode from the film.

What does this episode make you think about?

What do you feel watching this film?

Look at the smart board


T- I would like you to sum up.

Have you come to any conclusion about television?


T-Let`s recall the theme of our lesson today .

P- The theme of the lesson is Arts and television

Is television an art?


T I'm pleased of your work. You'll get such marks…

Write down your homework.

Write a composition "Is television a good thing or a bad one?" according to the plan:

1. Introduction. State the problem.
2. Arguments for.
3. Arguments against.
4. Conclusion.

Our lesson is over.

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