Конспект урока в 11 классе

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Открытый урок в 11 классе.

Урок совершенствования умений и навыков диалогической речи.

Тема: «Какие фильмы тебе нравятся больше всего ?».


Учебный аспект: Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Развивающий аспект: интеллектуальное развитие учащихся за счёт усложнения речемыслительных задач.

Воспитательный аспект: Воспитание терпимого отношения к мнению других людей, умения работать в группе.

Цели урока:

  • Развитие способности к анализу, синтезу.

  • Развитие воображения.

  • Формирование потребности и способности понимать чужие точ­ки зрения на социальные и гуманитарные проблемы.

  • Достигать согласия и сотрудничать в условиях различия взгля­дов и убеждений.

  • Развитие речевого умения.

  • Диалогическая форма общения

Оснащение урока:

  1. магнитная доска

  2. слайды по теме

  3. карточки для работы в группах

  4. компьютер

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.

Объявление целей и задач урока.

II. Основная часть урока.

♦ Работа в группах, Каждая группа работает с отдельным диалогом и заданиями к нему.

Conversation 1

Sally: Do you feel like doing anything tomorrow evening, Peter?

Peter: Yes, all right. What do you suggest?

Sally: How about going to see "Star Wars"? It's oft locally and they say it's very good.

Peter: Well we could, I suppose, but I don't really like sciencefiction films

all that much Of course, if you'd like to see it....

Sally: No, no... I don't mind It was just a suggestion, that's all.

Peter: Yes, Dave Wilkins. You know that chap who works for the B.B.C. He's having a house-

warming party. Everyone's invited

Sally: No, I don't think so somehow! You know what Dave's parties are like. I still

haven't recovered from the last one we went to.

Peter: Welt, it was only an idea.

Sally: No. I'd prefer to go somewhere else, if you don't mind. Just the two of us.

Peter: Would you like to go out for a meal, then? We could go to that super restaurant in

Chelsea. Brian told me tliefood was really great.

Sally: Yes, that would be nice. Let's do that. And why don't we call in on Bob and Sue on the

way home? We've been promising to go and see them for ages.

Peter: Yes, good idea.

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions:

What are Sally and Peter discussing?

What does Sally suggest? Does Peter feel like seeing "Star Wars"?

What idea does Peter suggest? Does Sally like it?

What do they agree upon?

2. Write out the phrases expressing suggestions and replies to suggestions.

3. Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following:

Что ты предлагаешь?

Как насчет того, чтобы сходить посмотреть фильм «Война миров»? Говорят, что это интересный фильм. Я не возражаю. Давай так и сделаем.

Я бы предпочла сходить куда-нибудь еще.

Это было бы прекрасно.

Почему бы ни зайти к Боби и Сью по пути домой?

Не хочешь ли ты пойти пообедать?

Хорошая мысль (идея). Мы могли бы, я полагаю.

У него новоселье.

Мы могли бы сходить в тот великолепный ресторан в Челси.

4. Ask questions on the conversation.

5. Pole-play the conversation.

Conversation 2

Alex: What shall we do tonight?

Bob: Why don't we go to the cinema?

Alex: Well we could, I suppose, but there aren't really any good films on at the moment.

Bob: Weil, what do you suggest then?

Alex: How about going out for a meal?

Bob: No, I don 't feel like eating anything,

Alex: All right. And what about going to the pub then?

Bob: Well, I'd rather go dancing, if you don't mind.

Alex: That's OK by me. And why not go to a restaurant afterwards?

Bob: Yes, that's a marvelous idea.

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions:

What are the boys talking about?

Why doesn't Alex want to go to the cinema?

Does Bob feel like going out for a meal?

Where do they agree to go?

2. Write out the conversational formulas used to make sug­gestions and replies to suggestions.

3. Respond to the following suggestions using the phrases form the conversation:

  1. What shall we do tonight?

  2. And why not go to a restaurant afterwards?

  3. And what about going to the pub then?

  4. How about going out for a meal?

  5. Why don't we go to the cinema?

4. Accept suggestions:

1) Who about going to Spain?

2) Why not go to the pub?

3) I suggest we go and see her at Ester.

4) Why don't we ask our English teacher?

5) Let's go for a walk.

6) Shall we visit the art exhibition on Sunday?

7) How about going out of town on Saturday?

8) Why don't we play cards?

9) How about a nice curry?

10) Let's go and stay with my sister in Brighton.

5. Reject the suggestions. Give reasons for your refusal.

1) Do you feel tike watching the film?

2) Let's visit the Smiths.

3) How about having a snack?

4) Would you like to go on a picnic for the weekend?

5) What about going for a walc?

6) Why don't we dine out tonight?

7) How about playing a game of chess?

8) Why not go to Bulgaria this summer?

9) Shall we go skiing tomorrow?

6. Make counter-suggestions to the following:

1) Why not spend the weekend in the country?

2) Shall we play a game of tennis.

3) Would you like to go fishing tomorrow?

4) Let's send her a letter.

5) Why not stay at a hotel?

6) Let's have a steak.

7) Do you feet like traveling by sea.

8) Why don't we go out on Saturday?

9) How about watching "Coronation Street" tonight?

7. Suggest to your friend.

going to the pictures; spending the weekend in the country; having a swim; playing cards; going shopping; starting at 6 a.m.; going by air; ordering a steak.

Conversations 3

John: Would you like to get together this weekend?

Peter: Sure. What would you like to do?

John: Well, how about seeing a movie?

Peter: That sounds good. Did you have any particular movie in mind?

John: Well, they say "A Man and his Horse" is very good. It's playing at the Rialto Theatre.

Peter:"A Man and his Horse "? That's a western, isn't it?

John: I think so.

Peter: Well, to tell the truth, I don't like westerns very much

John: Oh, well, is there any particular movie you 'd like to see?

Peter: How about "The Return of the Monster"? It's playing at the shop­ping Май Cinema, and I

hear it's excellent.

John: "Return of the Monster"? Hmm... Isn't that a science-fiction movie?

Peter: Yes, don't you like science-fiction movies?

John: No, not really. Maybe we should do something else.

Peter:Okay. Would you be interested in doing something outdoors?

John: Sure. Any suggestions?

Peter: Well, we could go ice-skating.

John: Oh, I'm afraid I don't really enjoy going ice-skating. How about going hiking?

Peter: Well to tell the truth, I've gone hiking several times in the past few weeks.

John: Realty? Then I guess you must be pretty tired of hiking.

Peter: I am. Let's do something else.

John: Hwy don't we just have dinner together somewhere this Saturday?

Peter: That sounds like a good idea. Where would you like to go?

John: Well, one of my favorite places to eat is "The Captain Table "

Peter: Hmm. "The Captain Table "? What kind of food do they serve there?

John: Seafood. But if you don't like seafood we could go someplace else.

Peter: No. On the contrary. I love seafood.

John: You do? Great.

Peter: Then it's settled, "The Captain Table" for dinner on Saturday. What time?

John: How about 7 o'clock?

Peter: Is 8 okay?

John: Fine.

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions:

What are John and Peter talking about?

What does John suggest?

Does Peter feel like seeing "A Man and his Horse "?

Does John like science-fiction movies?

John enjoys ice-skating, doesn't he?

Why doesn't Peter feel like going hiking?

Where do the two friends agree to go?

2. Write out the phrases expressing suggestions and replies to suggestions.

3. Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following:

Как насчет длительной пешей прогулки?

Тогда решено.



Почему бы нам просто не пообедать где-нибудь в это воскре­сенье?

Куда бы ты хотел пойти?

Возможно, нам не следует смотреть фильм.

Я слышал, это отличный фильм.

Ты имел в виду, какой- то конкретный фильм?

Разве ты не любишь научно-фантастические фильмы?

Какие-нибудь предложения?

Ты, должно быть, устал от прогулок.

Это кажется хорошей идеей.

Какого рода пищу там подают?

Мы могли бы пойти куда-нибудь еще.

По правде говоря.

Conversation 4

Susan: Guess what? They're showing "China Seas" wtth Clark Gable on TV tonight.

Lucy: Are they realty? Oh, I must watch that. If there's one actor I love watching it's Clark


Susan: Yes, so do I, especially when he's playing opposite Jean Harlow.

Lacy: Jean Harlow? Oh, I can't stand her!

Susan: Can't you? But why not?

Lucy: I don't know. I just don't like the way she acts, that's all.

Susan: But she was a very good actress!

Lucy: You must be joking!

Susan: No, I'm not. I really like the way she acts. Anyway, I'd much rather watch "China Seas"

than the opera on B.B.C. 2 "La Traviata"

Lucy: You ate not serious, are you? You really mean to say that you'd prefer to watch "Chine


Susan: Yes, any day.

Lucy: Well... if that's the sort of film you enjoy watching then all I can say is that I don't think

very much of your taste! I shall watch the opera!

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

What are they showing on TV tonight?

What do the girls think of Clark Gable?

Do they both think much of Jean Harlow's acting?

What programmes are the girls going to watch tonight?

2. Write out the phrases expressing likes, dislikes and prefer­ences.

3. Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following:

Мне действительно нравится, как она играет.

Я невысокого мнения о твоем вкусе.

Ты, наверно, шутишь

Я не могу ее терпеть.

Если такого рода фильм тебе нравится...

Мне просто не нравится, как она играет.

Я бы предпочла посмотреть фильм.

4. Express your agreement or disagreement with your friend's likes.

1) I like detectives.

2) I enjoy the opera.

3) I'm keen on jazz.

4) I'm fond of folk songs.

5) I love football.

6) I liked sweets when I was a girl.

7) I enjoy classical music.

8) I'm keen en fishing.

9) I like jogging.

10) I'm fond of figure-skating.

5. Express your agreement or disagreement with your friend's dislikes,

1) I hate football.

2) I can't stand loud music.

3) I dislike the way she dances.

4) I can't bear Indian films.

5) I don't like opera.

6) I hate shopping.

7) I dislike the songs he sings.

8) I didn't enjoy the ballet

9) I don't like coffee with milk.

10) I hate being late.

6. Respond to the following suggestions expressing prefer­ences.

1) Shall we go to the cinema?

2) What about seeing a detective?

3) Let's go to the theatre tonight.

4) Why don't we play a game of tennis?

5) Would you like to go to a concert.

Conversation 5

Peter: Jack, you've seen "Star Wars", haven't you?

Jack: Yes, that's right.

Peter: What do you think of it?

Jack: Well, I was a bit disappointed, really. I didn't think it was a particu­larly good film at all.

Peter: Oh, I disagree, Jack. I though it was great. It's one of the best films I've ever seen. I

enjoyed every minute of it.

Jack: I think it was pretty boring.

Peter: I really can't agree with you there, Jack I don't see how you can say it was boring. It

was full of excitement.

Jack: In my opinion, it wasn't. I was bored... mainlybecause I was expect­ing so much more

to happen, I suppose.

Peter: Oh, come on! A lot happened. It's really exciting. You are the first person I've met who

hasn't enjoyed the film.

Jack: Tastes differ, you know.

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

What are tine boys talking about?

What does Peter think of the film "Star Wars"?

What is Jack's opinion?

2. Write out the phrases expression opinions, agreement and disagreement.

3. Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following:

Я полагаю, о вкусах не спорят.

Я не согласен.

Я полагаю, он очень скучный.

Я скучал (мне было скучно).

По моему мнению...

Что ты думаешь об этом фильме?

Я был немного разочарован.

Это один из лучших фильмов, которые я когда-либо видел.

Потому что я ожидал большего.

Фильм действительно захватывающий.

4. Express agreement.

e.g. -The film is pretty boring.

- Yes, it is.

e.g. - Dick doesn 't like ballet.

- No, he doesn't.

1) Kate is fond of musicals. 2) Betsy doesn't like defectives.

3) Tom is fond of football.

4) Television is the greatest invention of the twentieth century.

5) The films of this producer are always a great success.

6) They didn't enjoy the performance.

7) The play is realty exciting.

8) His acting is marvelous.

9) The costumes were perfect.

10) You didn't like the first act, did you?

5. Express disagreement

e. g. - You didn't enjoy the film, did you?

- Yes, I did, I enjoyed every minute of it.

e. g. - You liked the acting, didn't you?

-No, I didn't.

1) You didn't enjoy the book, did you ?

2) You are keen on theatre, aren't you?

3) The scenery is good.

4) Your friend likes dancing, doesn't he?

5)The play was exciting. 6) You didn't book the tickets, did you ?

7) He is fond of detectives, isn't he?

8) Mary doesn't like opera, does she?

9) Lucy doesn't enjoy science fiction films, does she?

10) The play was a success, wasn't it?

6. Agree or disagree with an opinion using one of the follow­ing conversational formats;

I (quite) agree with you.

You are right.

I think so.

I don't (quite) agree with you.

I disagree.

I don't think so.

That's not my opinion.

What's your opinion, not mine.

1) American films are awful.

2) Women are less intelligent than men.

3) English is a very difficult language to learn.

4) The taxes are too high.

5) Parents should have to pay far their children's education.

6) There's too much discussions about women's rights today.

7) We need more nuclear power stations

8) Indian films are exciting.

9) The climate, here is pleasant.

10) Jogging is usefull health

Conversation 6

Mr. Alden: Shall we see a film this evening?

Miss Brown: That would be delightful. I haven't seen a film in many weeks.

Mr. Alden: There are several cinemas in my neighborhood which show the latest pictures.

Miss Brown: Let's consult the news paper to see what films they are show­ing in town.

Mr. Alden: That's a splendid idea. I believe Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" is on

at one of the cinemas tonight. I've heard it is one of the best pictures of the year.

Miss Brown: My sister and I have already seen it. We enjoyed it very much.

Mr. Alden: The Casino may have a good programme. They are showing two main pictures, a

French film and an American. I hope you haven't seen them.

Miss Brown: I haven't seen either of them.

Mr. Alden: Do you think we shall be able to obtain seats? Shall we buy balcony seats of we

can get them?

Miss Brown: Please, don't. I do not enjoy seeing a picture from such a dis­tance.

Mr. Alden: The picture starts in fifteen minutes. The foyer has many com­fortable seats. We can wait there and enjoy a cigarette in the meantime. There will be many vacant seats after the picture ends.

(After the film)

Miss Brown: I certainly enjoyed both pictures. In the French film, the actors spoke English

with a slight French accent. The French vil­lages shown were very picturesque.

The acting was faultless, but I think the plot was a little weak.

Mr. Alden: I am so glad that you enjoyed both pictures. I think the Ameri­can plot was very

clever. The diction, too, was excellent.

Miss Brown: I always like the news-reel. It brings world event in vivid form and leaves a

lasting memory.

Mr. Alden: I had a very lovely evening. I hope to have the pleasure of hearing an opera with

you in the near future.

Miss Brown: Thank you for a pleasant evening. Good night, Mr. Alden.

1. Read the conversation and answer the questions:

What are Mr. Alden and Miss Brown talking about?

What film is on me of the cinemas in town?

Miss Brown hasn't seen it yet, has she?

What is the Casino showing?

Does Miss Brown like seats in the balcony?

How did Miss Brown find' the programme at the Casino?

What did Mr. Alden think of the American plot?

Where к Mr. Alden going to invite Miss Brown in the near future?

2. Find in the text appropriate English phrases for the following.

Думаете, мы сможем достать билеты?

Посмотрим фильм сегодня вечером?

Я не люблю смотреть фильм с балкона.

Фильм начинается через пятнадцать минут.

Это было бы восхитительно.

Я полагаю, «Сон в летнюю ночь» Шекспира идет в одном из кинотеатров сегодня вечером.

Мне, конечно, понравились оба фильма.

Будет много свободных мест после того, как фильм закончится.

Я слышал, что это один из лучших фильмов года.

Я не видела ни одного из них.

III. Подведение итогов урока.

Домашнее задание: разыграть один из диалогов.

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