Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)

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Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)MY TOYS

(второй год обучения)

Practical aim: - to systematize pupils' knowledge on the topic;

  • to practise pupils' listening and speaking skills;

  • to activate pupils' vocabulary on the topic;

  • to involve pupils in the process of communication.

Educational aim: - to teach pupils to work in pairs;

- to teach pupils to describe objects (toys).

Developing aim: - to develop pupils' communicative competencies;

- to develop pupils' attention;

- to develop logical thinking;

- to develop presentation skills.

Equipment: учебник "Fairyland" - Starter, J. Dooley, V. Evans, Express Publishing, 2009; мультимедийная установка; презентация в режиме Power Point; постеры; карточки с изображением английских звуков; магнитные смайлики и грустики; детские игрушки.


I. Introduction

Teacher: Hello, my friends! I'm glad to see you.

Pupils: We're glad to see you, too.

Teacher: Tell me, please, how are you?

Pupils: We're fine, thank you. And you?

Teacher: I'm fine, too. Thank you.

II. Warming up (проводится в парах, или в игровых формах: "горячая картошка", "шеренги", "змейка" и т. д.)

P1: How are you, Nastya?

P2: I'm OK, thank you. How are you, Misha?

P3: I'm brilliant, thank you. How are you, Nick?...

(not bad, all right, very well, quite well…)

III. Main part. (Appendix 1).

1. (Слайд 1) So, everyone is OK. Let's begin our English lesson. The topic of our lesson is "My Toys" (Cлайд 2).

Учащиеся хором повторяют тему.

Teacher: Spell the words. Учащиеся называют слова темы по буквам. Teacher: What colour is the letter M? и т. д.). Учащиеся называют цвет каждой буквы.

So, my friends, today we'll sing songs, play games, you'll present your favourite toys. I wish you to do your best and be active during the lesson. Good luck!

2. Песня "Colour My World" (Appendix 2).

3. (Cлайд 3) Teacher: Look! I've got a lot of lovely things. I've got something beginning with [k] (игра)

P1: You've got a cat.

Т: No.

P2: You've got a coala.

T: No.Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)

P3: You've got a car and a cap.

T: Yes! Well done!

Игра продолжается с другими картинками и звуками. Одновременно учитель демонстрирует карточки, на которых напечатаны звуки.

[æ] - apple, ant

[f] - flower, frog

[d] - dog, duck, doll

[p] - plane, pen, pencil, pencil-case

[r] - rubber, red, red apple, red car

[h] -horse, house.

Игру можно проводить как в режиме Т - P1, P2…, так и в режиме P1 - P2 - P3 - …

4. Игра "Crossword" (Appendix 3).

Find the word, spell it and make up a sentence (Pupils' answers).

Key: duck, mouse, dog, bat, cow, horse, fish, bare.

5. Песня "I've Got…" (Appendix 2).

Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)

6. (Cлайд 4) Wow! Look! What a lovely toy!

Teacher: What's this?

Pupil 1: It's a train.

Teacher: What colour is it?

Pupil 2: It' blue.

После повторения хором учащиеся работают в парах.

Teacher: Now work in pairs and make up a dialogue like this about your favourite toys and then act it out.

Контроль можно провести в режиме опроса в парах или в виде игры. P1 выходит к доске, закрывает глаза. P2 выходит со своей игрушкой, дает потрогать её и задает вопрос: What's this? P1 угадывает: It's a lion. Затем открывает глаза. P2: What colour is it? P1: It's brown. и т. д.

7. Teacher: And now let's sing and play. (Ребята поют песню "Go To School", играя в "Ручеёк"). (Appendix2).

8. Teacher: And now it's time to present your favourite toys.

Pupils present their toys.

Sample answer: I've got a lot of lovely toys. But my favourite toy is a car. Look! It's red and blue. It's big and nice. I like my toy. And you?

IV. Summing up and evaluation.

Teacher: What did we do at the lesson? (Pupils' answers)

Teacher: So, my friends, you worked hard today. You did your best. Well done! You're brilliant! I love you! Did you like the lesson or no? (Cлайд 5)

(На доске "смайлик" и "грустик". Учащиеся выкладывают вокруг них магнитные "смайлики" или "грустики"). Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему My Toys (второй год обучения)

Заканчивается урок песней "Hello, Magic Forest" (Appendix 2), в руках у детей Characters' Cut-outs.

Note: There are many ways to animate the songs. These are just only a few suggestions on how to use the songs during the lesson. Be as inventive as you can.

  1. Total Physical Response (TPR) Activities: Have the pupils stand in a circle. Sing and demonstrate the actions, encouraging the pupils to imitate you.

  2. Using props: Bring visuals or realia to class. Hand out these props to your pupils and ask them to hold up the prop as soon as they hear the equivalent word in the song.

  3. Song dramatisations: The teacher can dramatise the songs into short sketches, thus motivating pupils. Assign roles and have the pupils sing their lines. Simple costumes and props can be prepared and used to make the performance more realistic.

Appendix 1

Слайд 1

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Appendix 2

Colour my world.

Colour my world.

Co;our it red and blue!

Colour my world.

Colour my world.

Colour it yellow, too!

Colour my world.

Colour my world.

Colour it pink and green!

Colour my world.

Colour my world.

Colour my world for me.

I've got a train,

I've got a ball!

I've got a teddy,

I've got a doll!

All the girls

And all the boys

Have got a lot

Of lovely toys!

Go to school! Go to school!

School is cool! School is cool!

Say your name Say your name

And go to school! And go to school!

Ma-ri-a! Svet-la-na!

Go to school! Go to school!

School is cool! School is cool!

Say your name Say your name

And go to school! And go to school!

John-a-tan! Ni-ko-lay!

Hello, Magic Forest!

Hello, Magic Forest!

Hello, Magic Friends!

Hello, Frosty! Hello, Woody!

Hello, hello again!

Hello, Magic Forest!

Hello,Willow, too!

Hello, Arlina! Hello, Alvin!

Hello, hello to you.

Appendix 3


















































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