Урок по английскому языку на тему What should you do to keep fit?

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Form: 7th

Theme of the lesson: What should you do to keep fit?

Educational aim: to teach to speak about keeping fit using modal verb should, to revise studied

material on the theme health.

Developing aim: to develop pupils' skills and habits in speaking and grammar. Creative abilities in

expressing their own ideas and opinions.

Bringing up aim: to bring up the feelings of love for the foreign language and healthy attitude to live

Type of the lesson: mixed lesson

Visual aids: an interactive board, Power Point presentation, CD,

Plan of the lesson:

I.Organization moment.


T: Good afternoon, children!

P: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: How are you?

Conversation with duty

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I'm on duty today.

T: Who is absent?

P: All are present.

T: What date is it today?

P: The 8th of February

T: What day is it today?

P: Friday.

II. Brainstorming.

Let's sing a song!

A B C D E F Y,

How is called alphabet

School teach us (3)

We learn there how to work

Many friends we have got

School teach us (3)

s -What about this song?

-Do you like your chool?

-Do you keep school rules?

III. Checking homework

Look at the blackboard and make sentences using must or mustn't

  1. wear a uniform

  2. bring a mobile phone

  3. run in the corridor

  4. keep classroom tidy

  5. wear jeans and trainers

  6. be late for the lessons

  7. miss lessons

-Why do you miss your lessons?

-When we ill, we have to miss lessons. Do you agree?

. Look at the picture and listen, do you remember names of illnesses. Try to find the people.

1-b 4-h 7-f

2-g 5-I 8-a

3-c 6-d 9-e

IV. Choosing of the motto.

Today we continue to speak about health

People of different nations have proverbs about health which underline the importance of health. Let's remember some of them:

1.An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

  1. You are what you eat.

  2. Eat to live, not live to eat.

  3. The first wealth is health

Teacher: What proverb can we choose as a motto of our lesson?

V. New theme. Grammar "should"

If you want to be healthy and don't want to miss your lessons you should listen your parents and doctors. Today's our new theme is "What should you do to keep fit?"

We use the modal verb should and shouldn't to give advice and say what we think is good and right.

Example: You look ill. You shouldn't go to school today. You should stay at home.

Our health depends on different things. What are they? They are: our habits, the food we eat and physical activity. Here some things a person can do to take care of his health. Which two of them do you think are the most important?

New words: quality food- сапалы тағам

check-up- тексеру

weight- салмақ

junk food- сапасы төмен тағам

- Pupils, are you sure that food you usually eat is good for your health?

Nowadays children eat too much junk food and they don't take enough exercises.

-What do you like to eat?

-Do you do morning exercises? Do you go in for sport?

- What is your favourite sport?

VI. Grammar practice.

a.There are some advices for you to keep fit. Write should or shouldn't.

  1. You … do exercises every morning.

  2. You … take the bus to school

  3. You … walk or cycle.

  4. You … eat lots of sweets or chocolate.

  5. You … smoke.

b. CD game.

VII. Listening, reading and speaking.

a.Listen to John and Marat and write missed words.

Hi, I'm John. I'm from London. I'm 13. I've got a TV in my room, so I watch TV a lot. I don't walk to school. My father takes me in the car. I eat a lot of junk food, but I also like eating fruit, vegetables and playing football.

Hello, My name's Marat. I'm from Kazakhstan. I'm 13. We do a lot of PE and games at our school. I play football for the school team, but I don't like to do homework. I eat a lot of junk food like hamburgers and pizzas, but that's all right, because I take a lot of exercise.

b.Let's compare them using Venn diagram. Who is fitter?

Маrat Both John

from Kazakhstan 13 years old from London

has TV in his room eat junk food do a lot of games

goes to school by car play football doesn't like to do homework

c.Now write an advice to them

John Marat

  • shouldn't watch TV a lot. - should do homework

  • should walk to school - shouldn't eat junk food

  • shouldn't eat junk food

VIII. Conclusion.

Now, pupils, you know what to do to keep fit and to be healthy. Tell me , please, what do you do to keep fit? Speak about yourself as Marat and John.

The first wealth is health. At the end of the lesson I wish you strong health and to be the best pupils in your school.

Your marks are…

Your homework is Ex 6 p115

The lesson is over, good bye pupils!

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