My desk is a mess (5 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Есть - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

Theme: My desk is a mess!

(Prepositions of place : in, on , under , next to )

Objectives :

  1. To enrich the pupils' knowledge using the theme.

2. To develop the pupils' abilities in listening, speaking, reading , and refer pupils to the grammar theme "Prepositions of place: in, on, under,next to", helping them freely express their opinions and ideas

3. To arouse their interest in learning English, to wide their scope , to be always tidy and active in their life.

Visual aids :

interactive board, tape recorder, pictures, balls, a box, slides.

The Procedure of the lesson

I. Warm - up :


T.: Good afternoon, boys and girls !

- How do you feel yourselves ? ( OK , Well, Good ) Sit down please !

- Who is on duty ? Is anybody absent today ? What date is it today ? What day of the week is it today? What season is it now ?

- So pupils, are you ready to start our lesson ?

- So boys and girls today we'll speak and discuss about pupils and their school things. I see you all are ready for the lesson ! I hope our lesson will be interesting, instructive and useful for you! Now let's begin !

II. Speech drill.

-Now look at the active board ! Listen to the words and repeat them all together! ( disc 1.38 )

rubber - өшіргіш

sweets - кәмпиттер

magazine - журнал

socks - шұлықтар

homework - үй тапсырмасы

chair - орындық

desk - парта

hand - қол

books - кітаптар

pencil case - қаламсауыт

bag - сөмке

posters - плакаттар

hairbrush - тарақ

T.: Look at the ex.1 on page 28 listen to the words once more and find these things in the picture ( disc 1.38 ), slide 1.

rubber - e

sweets - g

magazine - j

socks - l

homework - k

chair - f

desk - b

hand - d

pencil case - h

books - a

bag - c

posters - i

hairbrush - m

T.: Well done , pupils!

III. Presentation.

T.: Let's continue our lesson! Look at the picture and listen to the dialogue ex.2 on page 28.(disc 1.39) , slide 2 .

T. : Listen to the dialogue again and name the missing words .

( books, desk, rubber, chair, sweets, pencil case, homework, hand)

IY. Working on the dialogue. Ex.2 (b) on page 28

  1. read the text and answer the questions .

  1. What can you say about Molly ? ( She is Della's friend,classmate)

  2. Can you guess her problem ? (Molly is a messy pupil)

  3. What's her problem ? ( She can't find her things)

  4. What about Della? ( Della is a tidy girl)

Y. Working on the diagram.

So boys and girls let's compare these two girls and complete this diagram.

My desk is a mess (5 класс)


Mollyangry tidy

messy girls good

untidy friends active

lazy mates nice

inactive pupils friendly

Molly : messy, untidy, angry, lazy, inactive.

Della : tidy, active, good, friendly, nice.

Molly and Della : pupils, girls, friends, classmates.

T.: Yes, you are right! They are very different but they are both girls, classmates, pupils and friends.

YI. Game

-Dear pupils we all tired , let's play the game and relax. Come here and make a circle.( Teacher throws a ball and names Molly or Della , pupil catches it and gives adjectives of characters of the both girls)

Molly : messy, untidy, angry, lazy, inactive.

Della : tidy, active, good, friendly, nice.

T.: Thanks a lot. We have some pleasure time. Let's continue our lesson!

YII.Working on the grammar : Prepositions of place: on, in, under, next to.

( Teacher explains with a box and a ball )

T.: Look at the grammar table on page 28

-Where is the ball? It's in the box.

- Where is the pen ? It's on the desk.

- Where is the rubber ? It's under the chair.

- Where is the bag ? It's next to the chair.

YIII. Grammar practice.

Exercise 4 (a) on page 29. Look at the picture of Molly's desk. Complete the sentences with : in, on, under, next to.

  1. Where are the books? They're under the desk.

  2. Where is the rubber ? It's on the chair.

  3. Where are the sweets? They're in the pencil case.

  4. Where is Molly's homework ? It's in Molly's hand.

  5. Where are the posters ? They're on the wall.

  6. Where is the hairbrush ? It's next to the chair.

-Now listen and check .(disc 1.40) Well done, pupils !

IX. Sing the song : My sister Jessie on page 98.

X .Conclusion. Giving marks.

XI. Homework. Ex. 6 (a,b) on page 29

So boys and girls our lesson is over! You were very active at the lesson! Be always tidy, friendly, and active! Thank you for your preparation, goodbye !

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