
В настоящее время одним из приоритетных направлений в педагогической деятельности учителя является разработка проблемных заданий (ПЗ) для обучения всем видам речевой деятельности на английском языке. Учащиеся должны уметь прочитать и понять аутентичный английский текст, проанализировать его языковые средства и стилистические приёмы, дать характеристику героям, их действиям. Соответственно, учащиеся сталкиваются с двойной проблемой: адекватное понимание иноязычного текста и его анализ на английск... Если мы хотим достичь высокой эффективности урока и обеспечить мотивацию учащихся, мы должны тщательно продумать приёмы, стимулирующие интерес учащихся к коммуникации. Если есть стремление высказаться, если предмет обсуждения является интересным для  учащихся, то эффективность такого урока бесспорна.
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9класс. Экология. 1.

Ecology. How can we help our Earth? Our bodies?

Цель урока:- 1.Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения и чтения.

Задачи: 1.Развивать диалогическую, полилогическую речь учащихся.

2Читать текст с целью извлечения конкретной информации

(Genetically Engineered Food)

3.Практиковать уч-ся в дифференцировании фактов и мнений.

4.Учиться выражать свои мысли об экологии с помощью музыки


Ход урока.

1.Начало урока (оргмомент, приветствие.)

2.Фонетическая зарядка.(звук « I» ) Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.

3.Цели урока:

- Today we'll devote our lesson to ecology. Our Earth , our bodies are polluted.

We'll try to find the ways how to make our planet a beautiful garden, our bodies healthy , our minds clear. We'll talk about some extraordinary ways of making people think about ecology.

4.Проблематика урока - (уч-ся формулируют проблему урока)

Eg : We must take care of our nature. I think so , and you?

Science or ecology? Pros and cons.

I know how to save the Earth , and you?

5. Мозговой штурм:

-How to save our Earth?

-What 3Rs do you know?

-Should we follow the litter code?

-What are the air pollution bands?

- Have you ever heard about Genetically Engineered food?


6.Работа в парах.Ex.18 p.212.

Interview each other about ecology. 2.

-So, what have you learnt? P - P

7.Работа в парах сменного состава. Р - Р

Р - Р

Look at these pictures and describe them.


-Imagine the situation; you are in the conference about the global problems of ecology of our Earth and our body. Share your thoughts with each other.

-What are your friends' thoughts?

-Are these problems really global?

8.Работа в группах.

Gr1- You like watching fantastics, and have to tell some words before the film. This film is about nature catastrophy.

Gr2 - You are in the street, try to organize the meeting about our ecology problems

( группы готовят 1 выступающего)

Eg: People, if you care about our Nature , listen to me. The air is polluted, animals are killed, litter is everywhere…If we roughly depict the ecological situation in Russia now, we'll see that unfavourable and even a very acute ecological situation has developed at the present time in our country. Many regions appear to be zones of elevated danger and great ecological risk where the probability that an acute ecological situation will develop is very high. Let's help our Earth.etc…

9. Контроль домашнего задания.

-Can you name some unusual ways how to help our planet? Yes, music, poetry , theatre…Let's listen to your songs about ecology.

Ecology song (уч-ся поют свои песни) eg:

Put your litter in a bin

Ecology must be clean

Keep your garden litter free

You will have a better tree

Lot's of garbage, no heart

These words characterize all of us

Baby, you'll be happy with us

We don't dance on broken glass

We put it in a bin 3.

Never spoil ecology

Our biology

There are no other ways

Our health isn't in safe nowadays

Come with us to''Greenpeace''

You'll have a healthy piece

Baby, you'll be happy with us

We don't dance on broken glass

We put it in a bin.


9. Ecology of our body. Bad habits.

-Teacher: Taking care about ecology begins with us. Ecology of a body is very important. We are what we eat, what habits we have. You know that smoking, taking drugs and alcohol, hurt our health and body. Let's listen to a story about one girl and her life. (Вызывается 1 ученица, требуется несколько пиджаков)


'' There lived a girl called Helen. Her father smoked and she tried her first smoking when she was 5. It was interesting for her. Then the problems with her parents began. (далее после каждой проблемы на плечи ученицы накидывается очередной пиджак.) At school she went on smoking and lots of problems with teachers came. She wasn't good at many subjects because of smoking. After school Helen met a young handsome man and fall in love with him. He didn't smoke but she did. So again problems. He forgave her and they got married. She felt some problems with her health: headache, coughing, yellow teeth. She didn't pay any attention at these problems. Helen didn't give up smoking even while being pregnant. She gave a birth to her son but the baby was mentally ill! It was the greatest problem for her and her husband. Some time passed and doctors told Helen that she had got a dangerous disease - cancer! Why? Because of one small cigarette! And I've got only one question:'' How are you? Is it comfortable?

P- Oh, no! It is difficult, I can't breathe in! I will never smoke!

Урок Урок

-Teacher: 4.

-What do you think of this story?

-Will you smoke? Why? What are your reasons?

-Does it hurt your body?

-Has smoking any future in your life?

10. Рефлексия.

-Let's come back to the beginning of the lesson and remember our problems. So, how could you save our Earth? Is ecology of our bodies important?

(уч-ся суммируют материал урока и высказывают свои мнения)

11.Итоги урока.

H|T:-ex.11 p.222. (Fill in the gaps in the passage, using the proper article)

-Think over your ideas about ecology problems. (In groups)

How to solve them, the ways out, etc.

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