Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме Внешность

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Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме Введение новых лексических единиц по теме «Внешность»


практический аспект - совершенствование навыков аудирования;

образовательный аспект - познакомить с лексикой по теме «Внешность» и обеспечить ее активизацию; практиковать учащихся в чтении;

развивающий аспект - развитие памяти, мышления, внимания, языковой догадки;

воспитательный аспект - познакомить с семейными традициями в Англии.

Речевой материал:

рецептивный: to be brave, to be in love, nickname, stepson;

продуктивный: leg, face, head, chin, hand, body, eye, ear, mouth, hair, arm, red, curly, straight, tall, slim, round, oval, handsome;

грамматический: глаголы to be и can в Past Simple.


Плакат с изображением человека; магнитофон; опорная схема.

Оформление доски:

Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме Внешность

Could you write/drive/play computer games/wash the floor/fly

when you were 5/6/7?

He/She is handsome/beautiful boy/girl.


человекаHe/She is …and …

His/Her face is …

He/She has …and … hair.

His/Her eyes are … and nose is …

He/She has … mouth.

He/She has … ears.






Ход урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Организационный момент


- Good morning, children! I am glad to see you again.

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is today? - What day is today? - - Are you ready for the lesson?

- How are you P1? - Are you fine, P2 ?

- Are you OK, P3?

- Could you write a report about your friend?

- Could you translate the new words at home?

- Could you learn by heart the new words? (беседа ведется во фронтальном режиме)

Fine, let,s begin!

Учащиеся приветствуют учителя и отвечают на вопросы:

P1: I am on duty today.

P2: Today is the 4th of January.

P3: Today is Monday.

P5: Yes, I am. I am ready for the lesson.

P6: I am OK.

P7: I am fine.

P8: Yes, I could. I could write a report about my friends.

P9: Yes, I could. I could translate the new words at home.

P10: Yes, I could. I could learn by heart the new words.

Речевая зарядка

Guess what your friend could do when he/she was 7? Ask him/her questions. Use the model (на доске):

Could you (write/drive/play/wash the floor/read books/swim/fly) when you were 7/ 6/5?

Учащиеся друг другу по цепочке задают вопросы, используя модель на доске:

P1 P

Could you write when you were seven?

Could you drive when you were six?

Could you play when you were five?

Could you wash the floor when you were seven?

Could you read books when you were five?

Could you swim when you were six?

Could you fly when you were seven?

Контроль домашнего задания

Are you ready with your homework?

Who wants to read the poem?

P Yes, I am. P1, P2, P3 читают написанное дома стихотворение:

When I was one,

I could say the world "Mum".

When I was two,

I was sad and blue.

When I was three, I could talk to the trees.

When I was four,

I could open the door.

When I was five,

I could swim and dive.

When I was six,

I could do magic tricks.

When I was seven,

I could wash the floor.

Основная часть урока

а) введение лексики

б) закрепление лексики:


2) обучение поисковому чтению

3)монологическая речь с опорой на текст

Введение в сюжет урока:

- I like to look at my family,s photos, and remember my relatives. What can I see there?

Look at the portrait on the blackboard (на доске портрет человека).

Listen to me and guess the new words.|

the translations of the words: head, face, hair, eye. nose, mouth, chin, ear, body, hand, arm, leg.

- We need some other words to describe a man, a woman or a child. Open your books on page 154.

Let,s listen, repeat and read some new words from the ex. 2:

red, curly, straight, tall, slim, round, oval, handsome.

  • Our friends want to help us to learn some new words, too. Read them in the rubric "Friends"and guess the meaning of the underlined words.

- It,s so funny to look at old portraits, isn,t it?

Rosy has some family portraits at home and she wants to tell us her family history. Let,s do ex.3. Listen a story about Lady Jane MacWizard and read sentences with new words.

  • It,s very long, but interesting story. Read about Edward and Walter MacWizard. Find their portraits and answer my questions concerning their appearance:

  1. Why was Sir Edward,s nickname Edward Strong Arm?

  2. What colour were Edward,s eyes?

  3. What colour was his hair?

  4. Why was Sir Walter,s nickname Raven?

- Read aloud about Robin MacWizard and make up sentences about your classmate.

- When we describe people we use the following words: blond, tall, small, big and so on. Go to the blackboard and let,s check the table. You can use the list of ex.7 page 156.

- Look at the blackboard and make up sentences about your classmate, using these expressions (опорные фразы на доске):

He/She is ...

He/She is …

His/Her face is …

He/She has …hair and …eyes.

His/Her nose is …

He/She has …ears.

Учащиеся смотрят на плакат, повторяют хором слова за учителем и говорят значения слов: head - голова; face - лицо; hair - волосы; eye - глаз; nose - нос; mouth - рот; chin - подбородок; ear - ухо; body - тело; hand - рука; arm - кисть; leg - нога.

Учащиеся с кассеты слушают новые слова и повторяют их за диктором хором: red, curly, straight, tall, slim, round, oval, handsome.

Ученики читают и переводят предложения из рубрики:

P1: There are a lot of family portraits on the wall (портреты).

P2: My grandfather was a soldier in World War 2 (солдат).

P5:She has beautiful blonde hair but her nose is very big (светлые).

Прослушивают первую часть рассказа о Джейн Маквизад со зрительной опорой, находят и зачитывают предложения с новыми словами:

She was short and fat, her hair was blonde and straight, and her mouth was very big.

Ученики читают описание внешности сэра Эдварда и Волтэра, находят их портреты и отвечают на вопросы учителя:

Опорная фраза (на доске): I think the second/ third portrait is …

Р1: His nickname was Edward Strong Arm because he was a very handsome man and a good soldier.

P2: His eyes were blue.

P3: He was blonde.

P4: His nickname was Raven because his nose and ears were very big.

Два учащихся выходят к доске и выполняют задания на карточках (см. приложение).

Учащиеся вслух читают предложения о Робине.

Все вместе дети проверяют правильность заполнения таблички на доске.

Составляют рассказ об одном из своих одноклассников (о мальчике/девочке):

P1: Не is handsome.

P2: He is tall.

P3: His face is oval.

P4: He has blonde and short hair and blue eyes.

P5: His nose is small land straight.

P6: He has big ears.

Сильные ученики рассказывают весь рассказ по опорным фразам.

Подведение итогов

  • We could do a lot of at our lesson. What could you do at the lesson?

  • Thank you. It was very good. P1, P5, P7 you could read very well. Your mark is excellent. P3,P4 get good marks.

Ученики отвечают на вопросы:

P7: We could learn some new words.

P8: We could read a very interesting text.

P9: We could make a story about our classmates.

Домашнее задание

Write down your home task. For the group "A": bring your family's photo and prepare a story about your mother, father and so on. For the group "B": exercise C, page 154. Is it clear? Have you got any questions? Goodbye.

Ученики записывают домашнее задание и сдают тетради.

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