Проверочная работа для учащихся 8 класса

Проверочная  работа  для учащихся восьмого класса составлена в двух вариантах. Цель проверочной работы - проверить, систематизировать, проанализировать   знания учащихся страноведческого материала, грамматического и лексического материала по темам: Великобритания, страны изучаемого языка,  традиции и обычаи, праздники, путешествие. В контрольную работу включён программный материал на знание пословиц, умение найти "лишнее" слово. По грамматике включён материал на знание разделительных вопросов, н...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Проверочная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе.

1 вариант.

  1. The official name of my country is ….

a) Russia b) the Russian Federation c) the USA d) the Russian Republic

2. Edinburgh is the capital of ….

a) England b) Wales c) Scotland d) the USA

3. a) visa b) passport c) ticket d) computer

4. A painted sheet of paper that gives information about traveling is….

a) travel leaflet b) visa c) destination d) coach

5. Mike already … the place for ideal traveling

a) choose b) has chosen c) choosing d) chose

6. Dyed eggs are connected with …

a) Halloween b) Easter c) New Year d) Christmas

7. a) tradition b) habit c) custom d) party

8. Russians are considered to be hospitable, ….

a) are they? b) aren't they? c) don't they? d)do they?

9. East or West …

a) like home b) home is best c) long lies d) its customs

10. September 1 st is a day when …

a) people play tricks on friends

b) pupils and students start the new academic year

c) people in our country honour workers

d) people honour members of the armed forces

Проверочная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе.

2 вариант

  1. London stands on …

a) the Clyde b) the Severn c) the Thames d) the Tyne

2. Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain is in …

a) Scotland b) Wales c) England d) the USA

3. a) museum b) gallery c) camp d) palace

4. The place to which a person or a thing is going is …

a) coach b) visa c) destination d) luggage

5. I never ….abroad.

a) travel b) travelling c) have travelled d) travelled

6. Cloth dragons are connected with …

a) Easter b) Christmas c) the Chinese New Year d) April Fool

7. a) Shrovetide b) Epiphany c) Birthday d) Christmas

8. It is not polite to be late for meetings and parties ,…

a) doesn't it? b) isn't it? c) is it? d) does it?

9. Every country has …

a) home is best b) like home c) its customs d) long lies

10. February 23 rd is a holiday when …

a) people in our country honour workers.

b) people honour members of the armed forces.

c) people play tricks on friends.

d) pupils and students start the new academic year.

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