Разработка к фильму Alice in Wonderland по произведению Lewis Carroll Alices Adventures in Wonderland

Ребята любят смотреть мультфильмы.Считаю,что такой урок будет интересен для учащихся 6-8 классов.Он не только уводит детей в мир сказки, но и мотивирует их к изучению английского языка.Они с удовольствием отвечают на вопросы по фрагментам мультфильма, выполняют упражнения на развитие догадки.Я применяю парную и групповую работу на этом уроке, учитывая дифференцированный подход к каждому ребенку.Здесь раскрывают свои способности даже "слабые" дети. На дом можно дать задание пересказать некоторые ...
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Разработка к фильму "Alice in Wonderland" по произведению Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

Гладкова А.М.

  1. Answer the questions:

1.Why was Alice beginning to get very bored ?

2. Why was the Rabbit strange?

3. How did Alice feel in the hole?

4. What did Alice think falling down ?

5. What did Alice dream about looking through the open door into a beautiful garden?

  1. Put the sentences in the right order .

1. Alice found a small key and unlocked a very small door.

2.Alice fell down a rabbit-hole.

3. Alice drank something from a bottle and got very small.

4. Alice ate a small cake, which said .

5. Alice saw a White Rabbit and ran after him.

  1. Try to understand episodes and explain them.(without sound).

  1. Here are some untrue sentences about it. Change them into true sentences.

1.Alice was soon as small as a mouse.

2.The Duchess dropped her gloves and fan.

3. The fan made Alice get bigger.

4. Alice fell into the sea.

5.While she was swimming , Alice met a cat.

6.Alice suddenly found herself outside in a garden.

  1. Answer the questions:

What did the Caterpillar tell Alice to do?

What couldn't Alice explain herself?

Why did the Caterpillar call Alice back?

What did Alice have to eat if she anted to get bigger?

Why did the bird call Alice?

Why didn't Alice answer the question about stealing eggs?

Were Alice's actions correct or incorrect?

What was strange in the behavior of the Duchess?

What happened whith a child in her arms?

What were Alice's problemes to speak whith the Cheshire Cat?

  1. Match these halves of sentences:

1.The croquet game was very strange…

2.The Queen of Hearts got very angry…

3.Then Alice saw her friend the Cheshire Cat,..

4.The King didn't like the Cat' s head…

5.But the executioner couldn't cut off a head…

6.After the croquet there was a jury trial to find out…

7. While the Hatter was giving his evidence,..

8.At the end Alice began to argue with the Queen,..

  1. but only its head appeared , not its body.

  2. and then she woke up.

  3. because everybody had to use flamingoes for mallets.

  4. who stole tarts made by the Queen of Hearts.

  5. and wanted to cut it off.

  6. Alice was getting bigger and taller.

  7. And sent nearly everybody to prison.

  8. If there wasn't a body to cut it off from.

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