Тест по английскому языку на темуEnglish grammar

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Класс -
Тип Тесты
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Вариант 1
1. Окончание читается отлично от других в слове:
A) Needed B)Waited C) Developed D)Wanted E) Expected
2.Правильно написано слово

A) Diffecult Dufficult C)Difficalt D) Deefficult E) Difficult

3. "Wet" является антонимом слова:

A) Dry Fast C) Old D) Neat E) Light
4.Найдите синоним слова "Toworry":
A) To appeal To go on C) To apply D) To trouble E) To turn

5. Заменитеданноевыражениеоднимсловом: You put it into your tea or coffee.
A) Salt Sugar C) Sand D) Flour E) Juice

6. Найдите общее слово для данной группы слов:
A)Arm Body C)Finger D) Palm E) Neck

7. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова: Невозможный
A) Possible Impossible C) Inpossible D) Dispossible E) Unposssible

8. Выберите сложное слово:
A) Expensive Graduation C) Beautiful D) Demonstration E) Airport

9. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже:
This is my ... coat.
A) wifes's wife's C) wifes' D) wife E) wives

10. Завершите разделительный вопрос.
The weather was changing the whole day yesterday, ...?
A) haven't it? wasn't it? C) did it? D) don't it? E) wereit?

11. Отметьте форму глагола, перед которой можно поставить «to":
A) grown have grew C) grow D) will grow E) grew

12. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
What is the national emblem of England?
A) shamrock tulip C) violet D) rose E) maple leaf

13. Заполните пропуск: Dad was invited to ... to see the headmaster.
A) school schools C) the school's D) school's E) a school

14. Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложении:
Doing exercises is good ... your health.
A) in from C) to D) for E) with

15. 869 правильно читается:
A) eight hundred sixty-nine seven hundred and sixty-nine C) eight hundred sixty-five
D) eight hundred sixty-three E) eight hundred and sixty-nine

16. Найдите порядковое числительное:
A) Twelvth Twelfth C) Twelve D) Twelveth E) Twenty

17. Закончите предложение: The shortest word in this group is ...
A) July February C) May D) July E) April

18. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.
Thatbutterflylookslikeaflower. Aren't ... wings wonderful?
A) her other C) its D) their E) ours

19. Выберите предложение с правильным указательным местоимением:
A) These big black box is rather new. This big black box is rather new. C) That big black boxes are rather new. D) These big black box are rather new. E) Thosebigblackboxisrathernew.

20. Выберите правильный общий вопрос к предложению:
There wasn't anything in the bag.
A) What there something in the bag? Was there something in the bag? C) Was there anything in the bag? D) There was nothing in the bag, wasn't there? E) There wasn't anything in the bag, wasn't it?

21. Вставьте нужное слово. Where do ... live?
A) oxes oxens C) oxs D) oxen E) ox

22. Выберите правильную форму глагола "tobe".
I ... in the 8 form three years ago.
A) was were C)am D) are E) is

23.Выберите глагол в форме Present Indefinite:
A) Taughted Teaching C) Teached D) Teaches E) Taught

24. Поставьте глагол в предложении в PastContinuousTense:
The children (to sleep) when their parents came home.
A) was sleeping were sleep C) was sleep D) were sleeping E) were to sleeping

25. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге:
How many buildings (to build) in your city every year?
A) Are built Has been built C) Were build D) Will be build E) Have build

26. Выделенное слово является существительным в предложении:
A) He stands at the window every evening. Why are you standing here? C) The stand with many books is in the corner of the room. D) Stand up, please. E) The computer for children stands in the room.

27. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола «togive":
The mother ... ... and let the boy watch TV.
A) gave up gave out C) gave away D) gave back E) gave in

28. Выберите правильный вариант ответа или вопроса в диалоге.
- I've got an awful toothache.
- Open your mouth, please. I can see it. The tooth looks very bad.
- ... . Well, I'm frightened.
A) Nonsense. I'm very happy. C) Can you pull it out? D) Can you examine it out? E) Can you show it out?

29. Закончите пословицу: As you make your bed ...
A) ... by halves. ... than to go astray. C) ... three minutes behind. D) ... so you must lie on it. E) ... toolatetolearn.

30. Укажите предложение, где глагол "tobe" является модальным:
A) She was sixteen last year. She was at the cinema. C) Mother is at home.
D) What are you doing? E) The delegation is to come on Monday.

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