Внеклассный урок на тему Welcome to wonderland

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат docx
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Extracurricular lesson

Date: 19.11.2014

Grade: 5 "B"


Educational aims: to enrich vocabulary, improve pupils habits in speaking, reading, understanding, translating and writing, to make quick decisions and to introduce themselves in English.

Developing aims: to teach pupils to work in the team, to develop their minds with different interesting tasks.

Bringing up: to develop the respect in relationship between pupils.

Type of the lesson: nontraditional

The form of the lesson: competition

The visual aids: pictures, interactive board, cards, balloons, puzzles, papers, colored pencils.

Methods: Competition between two teams.

The plan of the lesson

Teacher 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome to our "WELCOME TO WONDERLAND" lesson.

Қазіргі таңда біздің елде өз ана тіліміз қазақ тілімізге қоса, орыс және ағылшын тілдері өте қарқынмен дамуда. Соның ішінде ағылшын тіліне қызығушылығы жоғары. Сондай ағылшын тіліне қызығушылығы жоғары оқушылар өз білімдерін сынау мақсатында бүгінгі сайсымызға қатысқалы отыр.

Teacher 2:the lesson will pass a competition between 2 team. Our competition consists of 6 stations.

  1. Introducing station

  2. Family's station

  3. Number's station

  4. Color's station

  5. School's station

  6. Game's station

Teacher 1: The participants of our competition are the pupils of 5 "B" form. There are 2 teams. They are Eagle and Swan. These pupils love English and want to be leader today. Before beginning our competition let us introduce with juries. They are the teachers of the English language. They evaluate the after each team. And we write for each team their points.

Teacher 2: the first station of the competition is "Introducing" station.

In this station the teams must introduce themselves orally such as

we study in 5 "B" form.

Our team's name is …….

And it consists of 6 pupils:

  1. My name is ….

  2. My name is ….

Total point: 5 points

Now the points for the teams for introducing ….

The team Eagle has ….

The team Swan has …

There are our pupils who learn by heart poems about letters, alphabet and they want to say it for you …….

Thanks for our pupils!

Teacher 1: The second station is "Family's station"

In this station for pupils there are given "Family tree" and task for it. In the family tree members of the family are numbered and in the task pupils must put the possible number which matches to the sentence. You must do this task in this paper…..

We give your answer sheets to juries. And while they check answer sheets our pupils say for you poems about family ……

Thanks for our pupils!

Total point: 8 points

Now the points for the teams for Family's station …

The team Eagle has ….

The team Swan has …

Teacher 2: The third station is "Number's station"

In this station pupils must solve crosswords. They must write and explain it orally. Now our pupils will learn their poems about numbers

Total point: 8 points

Now the points for the teams for Number's station….

The team Eagle has ….

The team Swan has …

Teacher 1: now the next station of the competition is "Colour's station".

Pupils, look at the blackboard, there are given colours, you must write them in the word in the paper. Juries check your answers. And while they check answer sheets, our pupils say for you poems about colours ……

Thanks for our pupils!

Total point: 6 points

Now the points for the teams for Colour's station …

The team Eagle has ….

The team Swan has …

Teacher 2: the next station is "School's station"

There are given rebus. You must solve it. You must do it this sheet of paper then we'll give answer sheets to juries. While they are checking answer sheets our pupils will learn their poems about autumn, rain….

Thanks for our pupils!

Total point: 5 points

Now the points for the teams for School's station …

The team Eagle has ….

The team Swan has …

Teacher 1: the last station is "Games station"

In this station we'll play 2 games

1st game is finding hidden words. There are given hidden letters in this poster. Pupils must find more words as they can find. Juries check your answer. While they are checking answer sheets our pupils will learn their poems about animals.

Teacher 2: The 2nd game is Polyglot. There are given 5words for each team. Pupils must say the words in the English and Russian languages.

Now the points for teams for Games station …..

the team Eagle has ……

the team Swan has …..

Teacher 1: Our competition is over. And now juries must count the points of teams. While they count, our pupils sing a song "If you are happy".

IX. Conclusion.

Teacher 2: Thanks a lot to our participants. Also thanks our juries.

Осы мектептің мұғалімдеріне сөз берейік

Our competition lesson is over! Good-bye!

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