Animals are in danger plan of the lesson

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Animals are in danger

Form: 7th

Teacher: Satimanova Perizat

Akshukur 26.01.2016

Date: The 26th of January

Form: 7th

Day: Tuesday

Theme of the lesson: "Animals are in danger."

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities

  2. To widen pupil's knowledge about animal's world

  3. To speak about animals, to create an interest in studying English

Visual aids: Interactive board, cards, book.

Literature: Т.Ayapova, 7th form

The plan of the lesson
1. Organization moment.
A. greeting, short conversation with the pupils on duty
b. Talking about the weather, season, day, date
2. Checking up the pupils homework

Ex 12 p 48-49 Translate the text

3. New theme: "Animals are in danger."

New words:

a tiger [ t a i g ә ] жолбарыс

an elephant [ ' e l i f ә n t ] піл

a rhino [ ' r a i n ә u ] мүйізтұмсық

hunt [ h Λ n t ] аң аулау

hunter [ ' h Λ n t ə ] аңшы

ivory tusk [ ' a i v ə r i t Λ s k ] пілдің тісі

appear [ ə' p i ə ] пайда болу, көзге көріну

disappear [ d i s ə' p i ə ] жоғалу

enough [ i' n Λ f ] жеткілікті

species [ ' s p i: ∫ i: z ] түр

threaten [' Ө r e t n ] қауіп төндіру

  • Today we'll have a new theme. The theme of our lesson is "Animals are in danger". Animals are all around us. But nowadays animals are in danger, because people collect animals as pets, and hunt them for food and for fun. Today we can speak about them.

  • Please, all of you, look at the Interactive board and watch videos about animals.

  1. Reading the text: " Do you know that…" and translate

  2. Doing exercises: Exercise 1 page 49

  1. A tiger -b

  2. An elephant - a

  3. A rhino - c

Exercise 4 page 50 Read and translate the text " Do you know that…"

Exercise 5 page 50 Match the Kazakh word with

the English a - 3 e - 6

b - 7 f - 2

c - 5 g - 4

d - 8 h - 1

Exercise 6 page 51 Make adjectives from the following nouns:

  1. Africa-African

India- Indian

Tropic- Tropical

  1. Appear-Disappear

  1. Hunt-hunter


Exercise 9 page 52-53 Read the words

Exercise 10 page 53 Read the text and mark the new information

" Do you know that…"

Exercise 11 page 53 Read the text again and write out:

  1. The names of birds

  2. The words which describe birds

Ok, I'll give you paper and pictures, you must choose and stick the wild animals, domestic animals and rare animals in the paper.

  1. Making: Your are marks….

  2. Conclusion: The lesson is over!

You are maybe Free!

See you the next lesson.

Good bye!

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

. Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

Animals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lessonAnimals are in danger plan of the lesson

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