Plan of the lesson My flat

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

The theme: My flat. Thereis /are construction.

The aims:а Thereis /are құрылымын қолдана отырып өз үйлерін суреттей алуға үйрету.

в.танымдылық қабілетін арттыра отырып ,есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту.

с. адамгершілік қасиеттерге тәрбиелеу

Type of the less: жаңа сабақ

Meth of the less: әңгімелеу, суреттеу, сұрақ-жауап

Visual aids: интерактивті тақта, суреттер

Procedure of the lesson

I.Org moment.

-Good morning, children.

-I m glad to see you.

-How are you today?

-Sit down, please.

II.Phonetic drill.

We are happy

I m happy We are

You are happy You are happy

He/She/it is happy They are

III.Explanation of new theme:

Thereis/are constructions

Sin Pl

There is a pen. There are pens.

There is a book. There are books.

There is a window. There are windows.

IV. Working with new words:

V.Listen to the text.

Read the text. My Flat

We have a nice flat. This is a picture of our flat. There are four rooms in our flat: a living room, two bedrooms, and a kitchen. You can see three large windows of the living room. In the living room there is a TV set. There are two chairs near the table. There is a table in the middle of the room.

VI.What do you do in your room?

-aliving room, -a bed room, akitchen.

VII.Make up sentences:


VIII.Conclusion of the lesson: Complete the sentences there is/are

1.-----------a book on the table.

2------------pencils in the pencil box.

3.-----------four windows.

4------------one door.

IX.Giving marks: X.Home task:ex 11p56

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