Сценарий и презентация для городского конкурса Путешествие в страну Инязия

В последние года в нашем городе проводится конкурс по иностранному языку "Путешествие в страну Ин'язия" на муниципальном уровне. В конкурсе принимают участие все школы города (12 школ). Конкурс проводится через год из-за чередования языков (один год - на английском, следующий год - на немецком языке). Конкурс проводится для учащихся 5-6 классов. Целью конкурса является развитие познавательного интереса в изучении иностранного языка, а так же воспитание уважения и толерантности к стране изучаемог...
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Городское мероприятие по-английскому языку

«Англоговорящие страны: традиции и обычаи»

Цель: развитие познавательного интереса к изучению иностранного языка учащихся среднего звена. Формирование уважения и толерантности к обычаям других стран.

Оборудование: презентация, парта, глобус, книги, ноутбук, костюмы для танца, трилистник, 2 гусиных пера, чернильница, костюмы лепрекона, Патрика)

Использованные материалы: Википедия, картинки из интернета, книга Кэррол Кэтлин и Марины Новиковой Holidays Go Round and Round

(На сцене парта, за партой сидит девочка и держит книгу в руках)

Girl: Oh no! Retelling! Again! They couldn't have chosen a more boring country! What is so special about this Northern Ireland! Nothing at all! I'd rather take a nap!

(Девочка засыпает, а на сцене появляется лепрекон и будет девочку)

Leprechaun: Hello, Violetta!

Girl: Oops! Hi there! You are so funny! Who are you?

Leprechaun: I'm a leprechaun. I didn't want to scare you.

Girl: Leprechaun? But what is a Leprechaun?

Leprechaun: I'm an Irish fairy. A leprechaun looks like a small, old man, often dressed like a shoemaker, with a cocked hat and a leather apron. According to legend, we are aloof and unfriendly, live alone, and pass the time making shoes. We also possess a hidden pot of gold.

Girl: It's so interesting! But why can I understand your language? Oh my! I'm speaking English! It's impossible!

Leprechaun: Don't worry! Nothing is impossible! Simply I'm in your dream. I hear you know nothing about my native land and I'd like to tell you about it. Look, Ireland is amazingly. There is a charming beauty in the Irish land: its islands and bays, the settlements of ancient Vikings with their fortresses, cathedrals and monasteries. And how much beauty there is in poems of our poets! Will you listen to one of them?

(Выходят две девушки в роли поэтов и читают наизусть стихотворение об Ирландии Galway Bay)

Girl: How melodic!

Leprechaun: And guess what! We have our own Saint!

(Появляется мальчик, одетый в виде Патрика и держит в руках трилистник)

St Patrick: Excuse me! Let me introduce myself! I am the patron saint of Ireland. I was the one who brought Christianity to the Irish. I used a shamrock to explain about God, that's why it became the symbol of Ireland. The shamrock has three leaves on each stem. I told the people that the shamrock was like the idea of the Trinity -God as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My followers adopted the custom of wearing a Shamrock on his feast day.

May the road rise up to meet you;

May the wind be always at your back;

May the rains fall soft upon your fields;

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Leprechaun: On the 17th of March the Irish people celebrate St. Patrick's Day. They are happy on this day and dance everywhere.

(Девочки танцуют ирландский танец, а Виолетта присоединяется к ним)

Girl: You know, I hear the Northern Ireland is rich in legends. Is it really so?

Leprechaun: Yes! Look! You can see a red hand on the Irish flag. There is a legend about it. Let's listen to it! And you understand why there is a red hand on Irish flag and soldiers' coats.

(Девочка выходит на сцену и рассказывает легенду)

Girl 2: It was two thousand years ago. Two Viking leaders were going with their men to Ireland in two big boats. The first leader's name was O'Neill. They agreed that the first man who touched the Irish land would be the king of it. They were near the Irish land and the two boats were going faster and faster. O'Neill's boat was not as fast as the other one. O'Neill wanted to become the king so much that's why when the boats were very near the land, he quickly cut off his right hand and threw it over to the land. So he became the king of the Ireland because his hand was the first which touched the land.

Leprechaun: I hope you like my country. I invite you to visit us again! Farewell!

(Девочка прокручивает глобус на столе, а затем садится за ноутбук))

Girl: What a wonderful dream! What a fantastic country! I will browse the Internet to find more interesting things about it and maybe one day I'll meet the leprechaun again! Nothing is impossible!

(Заключительная песня: все выстраиваются, берутся за руки и вместе поют песню)

Сценарий и презентация для городского конкурса Путешествие в страну Инязия

Сценарий и презентация для городского конкурса Путешествие в страну Инязия

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