At McDonald’s Presentation of the lesson talking about school subjects, revision grammar ‘ to be affirmative, negative and interrogative form, Like V+ ing

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
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Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 ә



Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

At McDonald's

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson about restaurants cafes and food,menu

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to learn Numbers 11-20 and letters .

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

  1. I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

  1. A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

c) A talk about the weather?

-What day is it today? -What season is it now?

-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

Test 10 min

II. Warm up:

Knowledge: Students listen to the words

- To work with dialogue

Omar:Hello.Can I have a cheese sandwich,please?

Waiter:Here you are.Anything else?

Omar:A cup of tea,please.

Waiter:Here you are.

Omar:How much is that ?

Waiter:That's 1.80 p.Thank you.

Omar:Thank you.Good-bye!


Comprehension: The focus here is to practice

Read and remember!

Anything to drink?

Anything else?


Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar

can work with electronic textbook and with cards

Analysis: Students analyse their work

Listen and repeat,then read.

Asel:How much is a tuna sandwich?

Waiter:One pound seventy pence.

Asel:How much is a chicken sandwich and mineral water?

Waiter:Two pounds eighty pence.

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material

Listen and read


Sandwiches: Piece of pizza-90 p.

Ham-1.50 Hamburger-2.50

Cheese-1.30 Ice-cream-80p.

Tuna-1.70 Cup of tea-50p.

Chicken-2.00 Orange juice-60p.

VI. Consolidation the material

Talk to your partner.Find the café on the map.


VI. Home task

Ex;15 p.141

To make the menu

Evaluate: summative assessment


I know

I don't know

I have known






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