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Министерство образования Республики Башкортостан

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МОБУ СОШ села Лагерево

Мастер-класс по английскому языку с применением национально-регионального компонента на тему:

"Welcome to our Salawat District"

Мастер-класс был показан на районном конкурсе «Учтель года - 2010».

Разработала и провела: Губайдуллина Резеда Рифкатовна,

учитель английского языка высшей категории

МОБУ СОШ села Лагерево Салаватского района

Республики Башкортостан

2010 год

Цели: - ознакомить с особенностями и достопримечательностями регионального социума.

Задачи: - активизация лексики по данной теме;

- актуализация лексики в письменной и устной речи;

- воспитание патриотизма и любви к родной природе.

1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, dear friends!

- What is it? Yes, this is a globe. I'll read you the poem of the great Bashkort writer Mustai Karim.

Look at the globe:

Here is the earth.

And on it Bashkiria,

No bigger than a leaf,

One leaf in a tree.

And the birch, the Great Russia,

Stands so green and tall.

  • Who can recite this poem in Bashkort?

2. Введение темы.

- What is our planet called?

- What is our country called?

- What is our republic called?

- What is our native land called?

- What is the theme of our lesson?

(Slide 1) - The theme of our lesson is "Welcome to our Salawat District!"

At our lesson we shall learn history, geography, famous people, symbols, places of interest of our district.

  • Read the words about our native land.

(Slide 2) - Look at the map of our district.

  • The Salawat district is situated in the north-east of Bashkortostan. The territory of the Salawat district is 2182 square km. The population is 28000 people. The centre is Maloyaz. The symbols of our district is a flag and an emblem. There is a picture of S.Yulayev on them.

(Slide 3) - Answer the questions:

  • What is the territory of the district?

  • What is the population of the district?

  • What is the centre of the district?

  • What symbols of our district do you know?

(Slide 4) - This is the national hero not only of our district but as well as of our republic.

-What is his name?

- S.Yulayev was a hero, a fighter, a soldier, a musician, a poet, and an improviser. Read the poem about Salawat.

The monument is standing on the bank of the river,

So proud and beautiful, magic and brave.

He is our hero and our soul.

He was a singer and a fighter.

He was never a slave.

(Slide 5) - His poems are translated into many languages. This is his famous poem. Read it in Bashkort.

Read it in Russian.

Read it in Enlish.

There are blue heavens,

rivers, valleys, forests

Everywhere birds' voices.

You are my Motherland,

My love and my life.

You are song and my sadness,

Oh, my lovely Urals!

There are blue heavens,

rivers, valleys, forests

Everywhere birds' voices.

You are my Motherland,

My love and my life.

You are song and my sadness,

Oh, my lovely Urals!

(Slide 6)- The Salawat district is famous for its poets and writes. I think that it is the Nature itself that inspires her sons to write so talented poems.

Please, name the most famous poets and writers of the Salawat district. Who else?

(Slide 7) - I see you know a lot of poets and writers. Do you know their native villages? Match the names of the writers and the names their native villages. Say where they are from.

(Slide 8) - The Salawat district is a cultural centre. There are a lot of places of interest there. They are museums of S.Yulayev, R.Garipov, Kh. Galimov, the Sea museum by Samatov, the monument to S.Yulayev, the resort Yangantau, the Kurgazak, camping, the monument in the village Tikeevo and others.

(Slide 9) - Complete the sentences:

  • Museum of Salawat Yulayev is situated in…

  • Museum of Rami Garipov is situated in…

  • The name of the famous mountain is…

  • There… stairs in Yangantau.

  • The mineral resource is called…

  • The author of the monument to Salawat in Maloyaz is…

  • Raul Samatov founded the famous…

  • Near the Kurgazak there is…

  • The monument in the village Lagerevo is devoted to…

(Slide 10) -The nature of the Salawat district is unique indeed. There are a lot of forests, lakes, rivers, caves, mountains and others. What are the most well-known monuments of nature? They are the Salawat cave, the Lakly cave, the mountains Karatau and Yangantau, the Kapkatash, the rivers Ay and Yuruzan.

(Slide 11) - The task is to divide these words into 2 groups: British places and Bashkort places.

  • The Lakly cave, the North Sea, the Yangantau, the Ay, the Yuruzan, ben Nevis, the Stonehenge, the Idris cave, Karatau, the Lochness lake, the Atlantic ocean, the Kurgazak, the Thames, the Salawat cave, Snowdon, Kapkatash.

(Slide 12) - Bashkort people keep their traditions. One of them is the Bashkort folk costume. This is an example of the north-eastern Bashkort costume. How beautiful it is!

(Slide 13) - Divide boy's and girl's clothes:

(Slide 14) - The main holiday of the Bashkort people is the Sabantui. It holds on June. There are a lot of competitions on this holiday.

3.Подведение итогов.

(Slide 15) - Let's make a conclusion. What has done to memorize the name of Salawat in our republic? (схема)

(Slide 16) - We have learned a lot about our district. Let's sing a song about our native land in the Bashkort and English languages.

Rivers, lakes and mountains

Native land - 2

Forests, plains and magic caves

Native land - 2

How I like the beautiful

Native land - 2

How I'm proud of wonderful

Native land - 2.

It's impossible to forget my land.

It's impossible to leave it.

We can't live without our native land,

Our native land we need.

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