Мероприятие на тему English smarts

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Angren shahar XTMFT va TE bo'limiga qarashli 34- maktab-internati ingliz tili fani o'qituvchisi Yuldasheva Shahnoza Bazarvayevnaning

"English smarts" nomli

Мероприятие на тему English smarts

1-boshlovchi: Dear ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our drama scenery which is called "English smarts"

2-boshlovchi: Assalom qalbimning qaridan sizga

Istardim omadlar tilangiz bizga

Muruvvat bezaydi ko'nglimiz jo'shqin

Eng avvalo salomni atadim sizga

1- boshlovchi: Today we want to show the smartest of English, the talents of our pupils. Music, dance, poems and games as well.

2- boshlovchi: Bugun biz birinchi sinflar o'rtasida Ingliz tili bilimdonlarini aniqlab olamiz .

1-boshlovchi: Now, we will invite the deputy of director of school № 34 Usmonov V.V.to open our scenery.

2-boshlovchi: Tanlovimizni ochib berish uchun so'zni maktabimiz ma'naviyat ishlari bo'yicha direktor o'rinbosari Usmonov V.V.ga beramiz. Marhamat so'z sizga.

1-boshlovchi: Thank you a lot for your words.

2-boshlovchi: Ajoyib fikrlaringiz uchun tashakkur, ustoz.

1-boshlovchi: Today our first grades show their knowledge's and competitive for five tasks.

The first is named "Introducing".

The second is "Sing a song"

The third is " What is this?"

The fourth is " Look and say"

The fifth is "Contest of chiefs"

2-boshlovchi: Bugun birinchi sinf o'quvchilarimiz 5 ta shart bo'yicha bellashishadilar.


  1. Tanishtiruv.

  2. Qo'shiq kuylash

  3. Bu nima?

  4. Qarang va ayting

  5. Sardorlar bellashuvi

1-boshlovchi: Let's start our 1st task introducing. 2 groups come to the stage.

2-boshlovchi: Xozir sahnaga 2la guruhni ham taklif etamiz va 1-shartimis Tanishtiruv shartimi boshlaymiz.

1-boshlovchi: Our pupils have learned English for many years, so they want to tell some poems in English.

2-boshlovchi: Bizning o'quvchilarimiz ingliz tilida she'rlar aytishmoqchi. Marhamat ularni sahnamizga taklif qilamiz.

She'rlar (Poems)

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here

My heart's in the Highlands, a chasing the deer

A chasing the wild deer and following the roe

My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

If I were a bird

I wouldn't like to be

In a little cage

Where I couldn't be free

I wouldn't to spread

My wings and fly

Over the tree tops

And into the sky

1-boshlovchi: Now, ask our jury give for groups' ball.

2-boshlovchi: Jyuri a'zolaridan ballarni e'lon qilishini suraymiz.

1-boshlovchi: Our second task is favourite task of pupils. Sing a song. Please "Tiger"s let's begin.

2- boshlovchi: Ikkinchi shartimiz o'quvchilarimizning sevimli sharti bo'lib ular juda ham qo'shiq kuylashni yoqtirishsa kerak. Endi navbat "Tiger" guruhiga.

1- boshlovchi: What a wonderful singing, I like their dancing too.

2-boshlovchi: Ajoyib qo'shiq kuylashdi. Menga ularning raqslari ham yoqdi.

1-boshlovchi: The next the girls want to retell poems let's listen it.

2-boshlovchi: Qizlarimiz she'r tayyorlab kelishgan ekan marhamat tinglang..

1- boshlovchi: Are you with me, pupils? Let's turn on the historical moment when the famous novel was written by Shakespeare. The pupils staged the part of this film. Let's show.

2- boshlovchi: O'quvchilarimiz tarixga bir nazar tashlab, William Shekispirning "Romeo and Juliet" asarini sahnalashtirishgan, kelinglar tomosha qilamiz.

"Romeo and Juliet"

Granny: Hurry up my little princes

Juliet: I am going after you.

Oh Granny, look at these wonderful flowers.

Romeo: You are so glamorous

You like tender rose

That I can never smell

I want to be your leaf

Which can defend you

Juliet: But I am a rose wish sharp thorn

That not allow to be together

Despite our love is grown up

You are my brave candle in my life.

Granny: Oh no sweety it's impossible. Your brother is coming, we should go away

Romeo's brother: Romeo, what are you doing?

Romeo's friend: You must not fall in love with her. She is our enemy's daughter

Juliet's brother: Who you are that you can talk with my sister

Brother's friend: You make her being ashamed

Juliet's groom: Who give you permission to look my princess.

Romeo's brother: How she can be your princess, if she has a prince like Romeo

Juliet brother: You will answer for it

Romeo's friend: Strike them (Romeo killed Juliet's brother)

Romeo, you have killed him, you should run away.

1-boshlovchi: 3rd task is called What's this? Pupils should find name of things with a bandage eyes.

2-boshlovchi:3 shartimizda o'quvchilar bog'langan ko'zlari bilan stol ustidagi narsalar nima ekanligini topishlari kerak.

1-boshlovchi: Our pupils like learning English proverbs, and they want to introduce them.

2-boshlovchi: Bizning o'quvchilarimiz ingliz tilida ham bir nechta maqollarni yod olishgan.

1. Never put off till tomorrow

What you can do today

2. Rome was not built in a day

3. Time is money

4. East or West, home is best

5. An apple a day keeps the doctor way and etc.

1- boshlovchi: The next task is Look and say. In this task pupils should walk around from shirt of papers with dancing. When the music stopped they should take one sheet of paper look and say what is it?

2- boshlovchi: Keyingi shartimizda guruhlar aylana bo'lib aylanishib raqsga tushishadi va musiqa to'xtagach qog'ozni olib u erda nima tasvirlanganini aytishlari shart.

1- boshlovchi: Now we will play a game " Tongue-twister".

2- boshlovchi: Hozir "Tez aytish" o'yini o'ynaymiz. O'quvchilar tez aytishlardan birini tanlab bir nafasda ko'p aytishga harakat qilishlari kerak.

1-boshlovchi: Now invite to the stage 2 group chiefs. They will translate some words in Uzbek to English.

2-boshlovchi: Endi sahnaga ikki guruhning sardorlarini taklif etamiz. Ular so'zlarni ingliz tiliga targima qilishlari shart.

All participants come into the stage and say "Thank you for your attention"

1-boshlovchi: Did you like our scenery? I'm sorry that we should say good bye because it's time to end our scenery. We wish you good luck.

2-boshlovchi: Mana shuning bilan bizning tadbirimiz o'z nihoyasiga yetdi. Barchangizga tashakkur, o'qish va ishlaringizga omad.


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