Контрольные работы по УМК для 8 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка Афанасьевой О. В. , Михеевой И. В

Контрольные работы предназначены для проверки знаний учащихся, занимающихся по учебно-методическому комплекту для 8 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Задания соотносятся с материалами учебника, уроки 2-4. В контрольные включены разнообразные упражнения, которые направлены напроверку  программного материала (новой лексики и грамматики), изучаемого в 8 классе. Содержание упражнений и типы заданий в максимальной степени учитывают интересы и возрастные особенности учащихся. Тест...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:


  1. Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences:

  1. If Ann (had / had had) a good meal for dinner, she (wouldn't be / wouldn't have been) hungry now.

  2. If Kate (didn't eat / hadn't eaten) that cake in the morning, she (wouldn't have / wouldn't have had) a stomachache now.

  3. Sam is (learning / studying) to drive a car.

  4. One should (learn / study) from other people's mistakes.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Если бы не шпаргалка, я бы не решил эту сложную проблему в контрольной по математике.

  2. Если бы не мамина болезнь, я бы предупредил вас об этом.

  3. Если бы не классный руководитель, никто бы не заставил меня придти в школу рано.

  4. Если бы не длинная очередь, я бы уже купил обед.

  5. Скажите это погромче, пожалуйста.

  6. Сегодня солнце светит ярче, чем вчера.

  7. Если бы существовали волшебники, эти редкие животные не исчезли бы с лица земли.

  8. Если бы местность вокруг школы не была с утра в таком беспорядке, директор бы сейчас вздохнул с облегчением.

  1. Choose the right adverb:

  1. Who arrived (faster / fastest) at the party?

  2. He listened to his child (patienter / more patiently) than usual.

  3. Could you come to school (earlier / more early) tomorrow?

  4. Henry ran (slower / slowest) of all.

  5. (Sooner / more soon) or (later / more late) he will choose a career for himself.

  6. Pam always gets up (earliest / most early) of all.

  1. Fill in the right word:

  1. Jack broke … tears when he handed … his test-book.

  2. A great storm broke … last night and our car was broken … .

  3. Why did the police break … his door and break … his flat?

  4. After the teacher had handed … the tests with the results, Lucy broke … and cried.

  5. The child broke … from his nursery teacher after his mother had handed him … to her.

  1. Put the verb into a correct form:

1. If I (not to be) encouraged by my teachers to study well when I was at school, I (not to be) a successful lawyer.

2. If John (not to disappear) so suddenly, I (to explain) everything to him now.

3. If Nick (to be) older now, he (to do) the things he could.

4. If Pete (to be) a wise man, he (not to argue) then.

  1. Sam is (learning / studying) to drive a car.

  2. One should (learn / study) from other people's mistakes.


  1. Form adverbs from the following adjectives:

Easy, gentle, due, dry, whole, loyal, busy, real, early, fast, careful, terrible.

  1. Form degrees of comparison of the following adverbs:

Brightly, clearly, heavily, slowly, soon, hard.

    1. Fill in the right pre""> I hope the barrier between us will break … .

    2. The girl broke … laughter, when she looked into the mirror.

    3. The epidemic of flu broke … .

    4. The cat broke … and we couldn't catch it.

      1. Write a possible ending or a beginning:

    1. But for Mother's help…

    2. But for my uncle's visit…

    3. … I wouldn't have come to school on time.

    4. … I would be happier.

      1. Choose the right word form to complete the sentences:

      1. If I (weren't / hadn't been) encouraged by my teachers to study well when I was at school, I (wouldn't be / wouldn't have been) a successful lawyer.

      2. If John (didn't disappear / hadn't disappeared) so suddenly, I (would explain / would have explained) everything to him now.

      3. If Nick (were / had been) older now, he (wouldn't be / wouldn't have been) able to do the things he could.

      4. If Pete (were / had been) a wise man, he (wouldn't argue / wouldn't have argued) then.

      5. He listened to his child (patienter / more patiently) than usual.

      6. Could you come to school (earlier / more early) tomorrow?



  1. Choose the right word:

  1. Nobody can spell my name (right/rightly).

  2. He has written the test so (bad/ badly), but his friend has written it even (worse/more badly).

  3. I've got her telephone call only (late/lately) at night.

  4. I hope this work is (right/rightly) done.

  5. We needed the money (bad/ badly), but he needs it even (worse/more badly).

  6. She left the door (wide/widely) open.

  7. He stared at me with (wide/widely) open eyes.

  8. I think this boy is (wrong/wrongly) believed to be a criminal.

  1. Choose the right word:

  1. Your clothes (was/were) dirty, so I took (it/them) to the dry-cleaner's.

  2. (This/These) (is/are) good news, don't spoil (it/them).

  3. -(Which/What) of the three pajamas does she like? - (This/These) (is/are) her favourite. She likes to put (it/them) on.

  4. -(Which/What) clocks does he prefer? - Simple (one/ones).

  5. Sam, (could/might) you clean the blackboard?

  6. He (maybe/may be) young, but he isn't silly.

  7. They (maybe/may be) firemen, look at their uniforms.

  8. Sally (can/might) come back home earlier tonight, I'm almost sure.

  9. After a lot of discussion we (managed to/could) strike a deal.

  10. I thought I was going to miss the plane but I (managed to/could) get to the airport on time.

  11. He was a brilliant linguist and (managed to/could) speak over a dozen languages fluently.

  12. When I was younger I (managed to/could) run several kilometers without feeling tired.

  1. Translate:

  1. Наконец я смогла посмотреть этот фильм, но не смогла понять, почему его стоит смотреть.

  2. Сколько файлов вы смогли прикрепить к письму?

  3. Том не смог завязать галстук: тот был огромного размера.

  4. Собака смогла прожевать тот жёсткий кусок мяса?

  5. Возможно, это нелепо, но я считаю ниже своего достоинства не участвовать в бал-маскараде.

  6. Возможно, завтра она накрахмалит бельё, хотя обычно она делает это неохотно.

  7. Мы купили отдельный дом. Ты заглянешь к нам на следующей неделе?

  8. Этот полный достоинства джентльмен столкнулся с нелепой проблемой.

  1. Fill in a pre""> What's come … him? He is quiet today.

  2. The hook came … my fur-coat.

  3. While reading an English text I came … an unknown word.

  4. She won' be able to come … . She has come … … a fever.

  5. Come … the carpet in those dirty shoes of yours!

  6. A feeling of loneliness came … me at that moment.

  1. Use: can, could, may, might. (Don't forget the negative form)

1. … you help me? 2. Something was wrong with the car: he … not start it. 3. A fool … ask more questions than a wise man … answer. 4. She asked me if she … use my telephone. 5. … I use your pen? 6. You … take this book: I don't need it. 7. …I help you? 8. The school was silent: nothing … be heard in the long dark corridors. 9. Waiting … be endless, you know. 10. … you tell me the nearest way to the city museum? 11. They … think that I am too weak to take part in the excursion, but I am strong enough to do any kind of hard work, indeed. 12. He knew this period of history very well: he had read everything on the subject he … find in the rich university library.

Test for Unit 4 (VIII Form)

  1. Refer the following sentences to the Past Simple and Future Simple. Use the verb have to in the correct way:

  1. We must leave a bit earlier and he ought to do the same.

  2. Must they earn enough money?

  3. You mustn't be strict with your child.

  4. She should finish all her work and they must help her.

  5. Has she got to do all the dishes?

  6. She hasn't got to decide it.

  1. Choose the right word(s). In some sentences use 2 words, if possible:

  1. … (must/should) you always be talking in my class?

  2. … (must/should) you always take my things from my table?

  3. You … (must/have to/should) read this book! It's interesting.

  4. This cake is nice. You … (must/have to/should) eat a piece!

  5. It's raining. I (mustn't/don't have to) water the garden.

  6. Little Nick is tired. His mother (mustn't/doesn't have to) read to him before going to bed.

  7. Your mum (has to/ has got to) work at night very often, she's a nurse.

  8. They (have to/ have got to) clean the car every morning.

  9. All parents want to see their children among (happy/the happy).

  10. (Beautiful/ The beautiful) are often admired.

  11. (Deaf/The deaf) people often use their hands to communicate.

  12. Looking after (sick/the sick) is hard.

  13. Come and sit (beside/ besides) me.

  14. Is anyone else going (beside/ besides) me?

  15. I don't like (any/neither) of the stories in this collection.

  16. The Smiths have five kittens and we can take (any/either) of them.

  1. Fill in the right pre""> Take him to hospital and get his leg seen … .

  2. We'll see you … at the station.

  3. I've never met her, but I've seen her… .

  4. See … it that all our guests are comfortable. We haven' seen Nick … for a day, by the way.

  5. They couldn't see … his little game.

  6. We like to see the Old year … and the New year … .

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Кто поставляет компьютеры и другое оборудование в вашу школу?

  2. Кто предсказывает будущее и выражает желание увидеть его?

  3. Учитель не должен быть равнодушным к успехам и рекордам учеников.

  4. Современные роботы должны иметь огромное преимущество: они обладают интеллектом.

  5. Не приставай к отцу с разнообразными вопросами, он очень раздражен.

  6. В случае если тебе потребуется помощь врача, позвони мистеру Блэку.

  7. По выражению лица мальчика я понял, что он очень нервничает.

  8. У него хватает смелости носить эти потёртые джинсы, это действует мне на нервы, как (в сочетании) и те эмоциональные пластинки, которые он слушает.

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