Презентация на тему OUR SCHOOL

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Презентации
Формат docx
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Открытый урок в 6-м классе по теме: "Our school " ("Наша школа")

Цель урока: Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала по теме:


Задачи урока:

Повторить пройденные лексические, грамматические конструкции .

Развивать навыки говорения.

Учить анализировать информацию, обобщать ее.

Тренировка навыка чтения

Формы работы : групповая .

Методы обучения : проблемно - поисковый, интерактивный .

Оборудование : презентация , постеры , фломастеры.

Procedure of lesson

1. Приветствие . Организационный момент.

(Слайд 1.)

1. T - Good- morning boys and girls ! Good - morning guests ! We are glad to see you !

-Today we want to show you our knowledge .

-Dear boys and girls , I wish you success.

-If you are ready, let` s start our lesson.

2 . Мозговой штурм

(Слайд 2)

2.(Учащиеся угадывают тему урока , работают в парах, разгадывая кроссворд. Получается слово "School". Кроссворд на доске, такой же кроссворд имеет каждая пара на парте).

T -Do you want to know the topic of our lesson? So , you must do the crossword.

T-I give you lists

Т- Read and fill in necessary worlds .

  1. We have lessons in it. (Classroom)
    2. We seat on it. (Chair)
    3. A clock has two … (Hands)
    4. We have a lot of them in the garden. They are very beautiful. (Flower)
    5. We read it. (Book)
    6. We have a lot of them in the classroom (Plant)

3 .(Уч-ся работают в парах, разгадывая кроссворд. Получается слово "School").

( Слайд 3)

T -Checking your knowledge.

T -Read and answer .

T - So ,the topic is "School".

1Презентация на тему OUR SCHOOL

4. ( Сообщение темы урока).

(Слайд 4)

Т-Very well . The theme our lesson is " Our School ".

Т -Look at the screen. This is your school .

5.( Постановка цели и задач урока)

(Слайды 5)

T -Today on the lesson read about your school ;

listen about your school ;

WE`LL speak about your school ;

write about your school ;

draw your school;

3. Фонетическая разминка .

6. ( Уч-ся произносят хором стих за учителем)

(Слайд 6)

Т -There we will train to speak properly. Say after me.

The School

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait insaid

Hurry , hurry , let`s go in ,

For soon the lessons will begin.

Books and pencils I will need,

When I start to write and read,

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school , don` t you ?

4. Речевая зарядка

(Слайд 7)

7. (Уч-ся отвечают устно на вопросы ).

T -Answer the questions .

1. Do you like to go to school?

2. What is your school name ? ?

3. How many lessons have you got every day?

4. What are your favorite subjects?

5. Do you like English?

8. ( Деление на группы).

T -Now , come in please . I want to give you lists . You must read these lists and

divide into two groups.

T-The first group " School subjects ".

T-The second group " School things ".

5. Повторение изученного материала

( Cлайд 8).

9.Group work.( первая группа выполняет работу )

T - School building. Match the different places with their definitions.

1 . a classroom

2. a library

3. a canteen

4. a gym

a. where you do P .E .;

b . where pupils do during break to eat ;

c . a quit place to read or take a book;

d. where you have most of your lesson ;

(Слайд 9)

9a . Group work. ( вторая группа выполняет работу.)

T- Listen to the descriptions of the subjects and tick.



Art Biology

3.At this subject you can study nature. (Biology)

4.At this subject you can paint your favorite pictures. (Art)

6.At this subject you can count and write figures. (Maths)

7.At this subject you can learn to speak, to read, to write in foreign language. (English)

6.Работа с текстом.

(Слайд 10)

10. Group work.( группы выполняют письменную работу с текстом.)

T:- Read and fill in necessary worlds to the text.

Large , clean, three ,floor ,room , third, second , book ,ground, subject , like.

Our school is ____ and _____ . Our school has got ____floors. On the

first ____there is a big hall, a canteen, a cloakroom and a gym . The teacher`s

_______ is also on the first floor .On the _______ floor there is a big computer

room , a Kazakh languages room and English languages room.

The _____ floor there is a music room , a big light library and our classroom. In the

library you can find many interesting______. There are many trees , flowers in front

of our school. There is a sports ground behind the school .We like to have

P.E. on the sports _____.

Our favorite ____ is English , Computer Studies and Physical Educational .

We____ dancing ,drawing , singing, doing sports. We like our school very much.

7. Творческая работа учащихся.

(Cлайд 11).

11. Group work .( уч-ся переводят текст и зарисовывают его на постере ).

T - Now , you must translate this text and draw your school . Make a poster .

T - You need draw your translation on the poster.

(слайд 12 -13 ).

12.( Уч-ся выходят к доске и поют песню .)

T -Thank you very much. You worked hard. I see you are tired.

T -Do you like dancing ?

T- Let`s sing and dance .( физразминка)

A t school

May I come in ?

May I go out ?

May I help you to water the flowers ?

Yes , of course.

Sure , you may .

During the lesson

And during the day.

Can we play ?

Can we walk around ,

Have a snack ?

Can we talk aloud ?

Yes , of course ,

Sure , you can .

During the break

And during the day

8. Закрепление ( защита творческих работ)

T - Show poster and tell us about your school.


(слайд 14)

T- Today we've remembered the names of school subjects, speaking about our school.

T- Now you must take smile ,write your name and give marks each other .

T:- You were very active today . I `d like to thank you for good work at the lesson

I give excellent marks to …,well …., etc.

T -Thank you for attention.

T:-Home work: Draw the poster " My ideal School".

T:-The lesson is over . Good - bye !

  • Live and learn. - Живи и учись.

  • It is never too late to learn. - Учиться никогда не поздно.

  • Business before pleasure. - Делу время, потехе час.

  • Where there is a will there is a way. - Где хотенье, там уменье.

• Live and learn. - Живи и учись.

• It is never too late to learn. - Учиться никогда не поздно.

• Business before pleasure. - Делу время, потехе час.

Where there is a will there is a way. - Где хотенье, там уменье.

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