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  • Сценарий выступления «THE SNOW MAIDEN / СНЕГУРОЧКА» студентов Иркутского государственного университета путей сообщения на вузовской «Неделе иностранных языков» - 2006

Сценарий выступления «THE SNOW MAIDEN / СНЕГУРОЧКА» студентов Иркутского государственного университета путей сообщения на вузовской «Неделе иностранных языков» - 2006

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Сценарий выступления студентов Иркутского государственного университета путей сообщения «THE SNOW MAIDEN / СНЕГУРОЧКА»

на вузовской «Неделе иностранных языков» - 2006 в Иркутском государственном лингвистическом университете

Музыка: All about us (Тату)

Irkutsk State Railway Transport University presents


Музыка: "Wonderful Life":

Автор: Once upon a time there lived an old man and his wife.

Музыка: А ты меня любишь?

Автор: They had everything - a cat, a cow and a horse. Also, they had everything except children. This saddened them, and they would often grieve.

Автор: One winter's day there was such a heavy snowfall that the snow came up to the knees.

Музыка: Зима

Автор: The neighbor's little child rushed out to make a snowman. The old man watched him out of the window. He watched and watched, and then said to his wife:

Дед: Wife, wife, what makes you sit there staring at other people's children, deep in thought? Why should we not go out ourselves and have sum fun. Let us make a snowman too!

Бабка: Very well husband, out we go. But why make a snowman? We already have you in the family, and that's enough for me. Let us make a daughter for ourselves, a snow maiden.

Дед: OK. Come on.

Автор: No sooner said than done. Out they went into the back garden and began to make they snow daughter. When they had finished, they took two black beads for her eyes…

Музыка: Чёрные глаза

Автор: … made two little dimples in her cheeks. They made the mouth out of scarlet ribbon. How lovely she looked, their Snow Maiden! The old man and his wife could not take their eyes off her.

Музыка: Pretty Woman

Автор: All of a sudden, the corners of the Snow Maiden's mouth turned up in a smile and her hair began to curl! Then she started to move - and walked through the garden to the house!

Автор: The old man and his wife were astounded that they stood rooted to the spot. Бабка: Husband! Just think! We have got a real live daughter of our own?

Дед: Our darling Snow Maiden!

Автор: And they rushed into the house. What a joy that was!

The Snow Maiden grew fast. And with every passing day she grew lovelier. The old man and his wife would not let her out of their sight.

Музыка: Ну что ты страшная такая!

Автор: The Snow Maiden was white as a snowflake; her eyes were like two beads. But there were no roses in her cheeks, not a touch of color in her lips. Even so, the Snow Maiden was so beauty.

Soon the merry springtime came; the trees burs into leaf, the bees flew here and there in the fields. All the lads were glad as glad, and the lasses sang songs of spring. But the Snow Maiden grew sad and listless; she would look out of the window and weep. Then came the bright summer days. The flowers blossomed in the gardens, and the corn ripened in the fields.

Музыка: Вот оно, какое наше лето! (мультфильм «Дед мороз и лето»)

Автор: The Snow Maiden grew more and more melancholy. She avoided the sunshine and sought out cool, shady places - she liked to be out in the rain best of all.

Музыка: Забери солнце с собою, оно мне не нужно, веришь. (Лена Терлеева)

The old man and his wife would ask her:

Дед: Aren't you feeling well, little daughter?

Музыка: Расскажи снегурочка, где была? Расскажи-ка, милая, как дела?

Снегурочка: - I am not well.

Музыка: Болела, тобою я болела (Ангина)

Автор: She sat in the corner, and wouldn't go out. A day came when her friends, the village girls, decided to go barring in the woods. They called to the Snow Maiden to joint them:

Подружка: Come with us, little Snow Maiden!

Музыка: Где лучшие подруги? У нас в клубе! (Тимати)

Автор: The Snow Maiden was reluctant to go to the woods, out there in the sunshine. But the old man and his wife insisted, saying:

Дед: Go along, Snow Maiden, go with your friends!

Музыка: Уходи и дверь закрой! (эта фраза повторяется три раза)

Автор: The Snow Maiden took a little basket and went to the woods with her friends.

Музыка: А я ни разу не была в Малинках (дискотека Авария и Жанна Фриске)

Автор: Her friends walked about in the woods and danced in a ring and sang songs. But the Snow Maiden found a cool streamlet to sit by, and looked into the flowing water, dipping her fingers into it, and playing with the pearly drops.

Музыка: Течёт ручей, бежит ручей (Кадышева)

Автор: The day was drawing to a close. The girls built up a bonfire, and began jumping across it. The Snow Maiden had no desire to joint them. But her friends gave her no peace until she walked up to the fire.

Музыка: Влад Соколовский «Ближе к небу, ближе к огню, ближе к солнцу я долечу»

Автор: She stood there trembling.

Подружка: Jump! Jump, Snow Maiden!

Музыка: братья Грим «Хлопай ресницами и взлетай»

Автор: The Snow Maiden took a flying leap…

Музыка: Валерия «Таю»

Автор: There was a hissing sound above the fire, and the Snow Maiden vanished. A white wisp of steam rose from the fire. It formed a little cloud that floated even higher and higher into the sky. The Snow Maiden had melted away.

Музыка: Максим «Ветром стать»

Максим «Наверно это мой рай» (самое начало песни)

Все выходят на поклон!


Once upon a time there lived an old man and his wife. They had everything - a cow, a sheep and a cat on the hearth - everything except children. This saddened them, and they would often grieve.

Жили-были дед и баба. Всего у них было вдоволь - и коровушка, и овечка, и кот на печке, а вот детей не было. Они очень печалились, всё горевали.

One winter's day there was such a heavy snowfall that the snow came up to the knees. The neighbor's little children rushed out to go tobogganing, and to throw snowballs at each other. After that they began to make a snowman. The old man watched them out of the window. He watched and watched, and then said to his wife:

"Wife, wife, what makes you sit there staring at other people's children, deep in thought? Why should we not go out ourselves and have sum fun. Let us make a snowman too!" "Very well husband, out we go. But why make a snowman? We already have you in the family, and that's enough for me. Let us make a daughter for ourselves, a snow maiden".

Вот раз зимой пало снегу белого по колено. Ребятишки соседские высыпали на санках кататься, снежками бросаться, да и стали снежную бабу лепить. Глядел дед из окошка, глядел да и говорит бабе: Что, жена, призадумавшись, сидишь, на чужих ребят глядишь, пойдём-ка и мы разгуляемся на старости лет, слепим и мы снежную бабу. А на старуху верно, тоже весёлый час накатил. - Что ж, пойдём, дед, на улицу. Только на что нам бабу лепить, хватит с тебя и меня одной, а давай-ка вылепим дочку Снегурочку.

No sooner said than done. Out they went into the back garden and began to mould they snow daughter. When they had finished, they took two blue beads for her eyes, and made two little dimples in her cheeks. They made the mouth out of scarlet ribbon. How lovely she looked, their Snow Maiden! The old man and his wife could not take their eyes off her.

Сказано-сделано. Пошли старики в огород, и давай снежную бабу лепить. Вылепили дочку, вставили вместо глаз две голубенькие бусины, сделали на щёчках две ямочки, из алой ленточки - роток. Куда как хороша - снежная дочка Снегурочка. Смотрят на неё дед с бабой - не насмотрятся, любуются - не налюбуются.

All of a sudden, the corners of the Snow Maiden's mouth turned up in a smile and her hair began to curl! Then she started to move - and walked through the garden to the hut! The old man and his wife were astounded that they stood rooted to the spot. "Husband!" cried the old woman. "Just think! We have got a real live daughter of our own? Our darling Snow Maiden!" And they rushed into the hut. What a joy that was!

А у Снегурочки роток улыбается, волосок завивается. Шевельнула Снегурочка ножками-ручками, с места сдвинулась, да и пошла по огороду к избе. Дед и баба точно ума решились - к месту приросли. - Дед, - баба кричит, - да это у нас доченька живая, Снегурочка дорогая! И в избу бросилась… То-то радости было!

The Snow Maiden grew fast? And with every passing day she grew lovelier. The old man and his wife would not let her out of their sight. The Snow Maiden was white as a snowflake, her eyes were like two beads. But there were no roses in her cheeks, not a touch of color in her lips. Even so, the Snow Maiden was so beauty.

Растёт Снегурочка не по дням, а по часам. Что ни день - Снегурочка всё краше, Дед да баба на неё не насмотрятся, не надышатся. Да собой Снегурочка - как снежинка белая, глазки, что голубые бусины, русая коса до пояса. Только румянца у Снегурочки нет как нет да в губах ни кровиночки. А и так хороша Снегурочка.

Soon the merry springtime came, the trees burs into leaf, the bees flew here and there in the fields. All the lads were glad as glad, and the lasses sang songs of spring. But the Snow Maiden grew sad and listless; she would look out of the window and weep. Then came the bright summer days. The flowers blossomed in the gardens, and the corn ripened in the fields.

Вот пришла весна-красна, набухли почки, полетели пчёлы в поле. Все ребята рады-радёшеньки, девушки весенние песни поют. Снегурка заскучала, невесела стала, всё в окно глядит, слёзы льёт. Вот и лето пришло красное, зацвели цветы в садах, созревает хлеб в полях.

The Snow Maiden grew more and more melancholy. She avoided the sunshine and sought out cool, shady places - she liked to be out in the rain best of all. The old man and his wife would ask her: - Aren't you feeling well, little daughter?

- I am well. But she still sat in the corner, and wouldn't go out. A day came when her friends, the village girls, decided to go barring in the woods. They called to the Snow Maiden to joint them: Come with us, little Snow Maiden!

Пуще прежнего Снегурочка хмурится, всё от солнца прячется, всё бы ей в тень да в холодок, а того лучше - под дождичек. Дед да баба всё ахают: -здорова ли ты доченька?

- Здорова я, бабушка.

А сама всё в уголок прячется, на улицу не хочет. Вот раз собрались девушки в лес, по ягоды, стали и Снегурочку с собой звать: - Пойдём да пойдём, Снегурочка!

The Snow Maiden was reluctant to go to the woods, out there in the sunshine. But the old man and his wife insisted, saying: Go along, Snow Maiden, go with your friends!

Неохота Снегурочке в лес идти, под солнышко. А дед с бабкой велят: - Иди, иди, Снегурочка, иди, иди, повеселись с подружками.

The Snow Maiden took a little basket and went to the woods with her friends. Her friends walked about in the woods and danced in a ring and sang songs. But the Snow Maiden found a cool streamlet to sit by, and looked into the flowing water, dipping her fingers into it, and playing with the pearly drops.

Взяла Снегурочка кузовок, пошла в лес с подружками. Подружки по лесу ходят, хороводы водят, песни поют. А Снегурочка нашла студёный ручеёк, пальцы в воде мочит, каплями, словно жемчугом играет.

The day was drawing to a close. The girls built up a bonfire, and began jumping across it. The Snow Maiden had no desire to joint them. But her friends gave her no peace until she walked up to the fire. She stood there trembling. - Jump! Jump, Snow Maiden! - cried the girls. The Snow Maiden took a flying leap… There was a hissing sound above the fire, a piteous moaning, and the Snow Maiden vanished. A white wisp of steam rose from the fire. It formed a little cloud that floated even higher and higher into the sky. The Snow Maiden had melted away.

Вот и вечер пришёл. Девушки, разожгли костёр, стали через него прыгать. Неохота прыгать Снегурочке, да пристали к ней подружки. Подошла Снегурочка к костру. - Прыгай, прыгай, Снегурочка! - закричали подружки. Разбежалась Снегурочка и прыгнула. Зашумело над костром, застонало жалобно, и не стало Снегурочки. Потянулся над костром белый пар, свился в облачко, полетело облачко в высоту поднебесную. Растаяла Снегурочка.

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