English Singing Contest Script

Сценарий проведения конкурса "Английская песня" в школе. English Singing Contest Script -  Hello everyone! Welcome to the English Singing Contest of 2014. - Здравствуйте! ДобропожаловатьнаКонкурсанглийскойпесни !  We are the MCs for today. I am Geliya,   - and I am Ilmira. We are happy to see you all this year!   -Мы рады видеть вас в этом году!  Yes, we are all eager to start the English Singing Contest this year. It is our honour to be standing here and addressing all of you today. And we are happy that this contest today take place in our school! ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
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English Singing Contest Script

- Hello everyone! Welcome to the English Singing Contest of 2013.

- Здравствуйте! Добро пожаловать на Конкурс английской песни !

We are the MCs for today. I am Geliya,

- and I am Ilmira. We are happy to see you all this year!

-Мы рады видеть вас в этом году!

Yes, we are all eager to start the English Singing Contest this year. It is our honour to be standing here and addressing all of you today. And we are happy that this contest today take place in our school!

- Мы все готовы начать наш конкурс английской песни! И нам выпала честь представлять участников на этой сцене! И мы счастливы, что именно в нашей школе проводиться это мероприятие!

Yes! I am sure that through this contest, not only have we improved our English, but more importantly, it has also improved our team spirit and made us work more closely with each other.

- Да! Мы уверены, что сегодня вы не только совершенствуете Англйский, но также , что более важно, воспитаете в себе дух команды и это заставит нас работать в еще более тесной атмосфере!

Let's allow to say some words headmaster of our school - Saniya Samatovna.

(Говорит Сания Саматовна)

  • Thanks a lot! Now let's greet the main judge - Alsu Rinatovna!

(Говорит Алсу Ринатовна )

  • Today we have a special guest from Батыревск secondary school number 1 - Овчиникова Ксения - the pupil of the second form with the song "Friends".

  • Thank you VERY MUCH! Now let's watch a dance of pupils of the second form of our school. Your applause for the little dancers!

  • Oh! I am very excited!

  • Me too! Let's get start! The first participant is Салеева Фагиля - the pupil of the fifth form with the song "Let's dance!". Долгоостровская secondary school!

  • Thank you! Your applause!

  • The next song is "Everything". The singer is Василя Салихова the pupil of the fifth form. Тат-сугутская secondary school!

  • Thanks a lot!

  • The following song is a bit special.

  • WHY?

  • Because they are the pupils of our school. The next song is "Shake it up". The singer is Яфизова Лейсян.

  • Your applause! Okay… the next song "Listen to my heart". Let us welcome Петрова Аня . Батыревск secondary school number 1.

  • Big applause! Let's watch a group of girls from Батыревск secondary school number 2 with the song "Shine like the Sun".

  • Thank you! The next participant is Захарова Ирина with the famous song "My heart will go on". Тойсинская secondary school. Your applause!

  • Amazing! The following girls of the eight form Ямалетдинова Айсылу and Тухватуллина Алсу . The song "Hit the lights". Алманчиковская secondary school.

  • Your applause! Other singer Кондратьева Кристина gives you the song "Love you like I love song". Балабаш-Баишевская secondary school!

  • The next singers are Пушкина Татьяна and Щербакова Алиса with the song «Satellite»- Батыревск secondary school number 2.

  • Your applause! The neхt song is "Magic"and the singer is Яковлева Ярослава. Тарханская secondary school!

  • Thanks a lot!! Let's have Басырова Эльза with the song "Haleiluya!" Батыревск secondary school number 1. Your applause!

  • The next song "Only hope " is going to sing Алексеева Лолита - Норваш - Шигалинская secondary school number!

  • Big applause! The next participants are Алимова Венера and Шарафутдинова Зиля with the song "My heart will go on". Тат-Сугутская secondary school.

  • Let's welcome Яфизова Илюзя to sing the song "I love you like I love some baby". Шыгырданская secondary school number 1.

  • Our next song "I love you " . Суйфетдинова Люция the pupil of the Шыгырдан secondary school named the honor of Feizov! Your applause!

  • Let's Кошкина Татьяна sing song "My dilemma". Батыревск secondary school number 1.

  • Thank you very much!! The next participant is Басырова Энже with the song "Once upon a decmder". Батыревск secondary school number 1.

  • Very good! Let's have Логунова Кристина on the stage with the song "Masterpieces". Батыревск secondary school number 2.

  • The pupils of the tenth form Султеева Ландыш and Юнусова Динара go on our contest with the song "Diamonds." Шыгырдан secondary school number 1.

  • Let's welcome Купкенова Дина to sing the song "Cry"! This song best describes the feeling of loneliness. Шыгырдан secondary school named the honor of Feizov!

  • Big applause! Now the girls - Шулаева Анна and Югаметова Алина on the stage with the song "My loving'. Батыревс secondary school number 1ю

  • Thanks a lot! The next participant is Каштанова Инзиля with the song "I give you my love". Полевобикшикская secondary school !!

  • Now Убасева Карина gives you the song "Only hope". Your applause! Сугутская secondary school!

  • The next singers are Салмина Наталья and Кузьмина Екатерина with the song «Boys »- Тарханская secondary school.

  • The next song is "The DJ and mine". The singer is Воробьева Александра. Тойсинская secondary school!

  • Thanks a lot! The next participant is Чернова Антонина with the song " My heart will go on ". Первомайская secondary school !!

  • Your applause!

  • The next song "I am yours" is going to sing Гусева Елена and Краснова Елена - Норваш -Первомайская secondary school number!

- The super nervous moment has come!!!

- Are the judges going to announce the results?

- Ladies and gentlemen, please sit back and fasten your seatbelt


- I'm so nervous myself, I feel like fainting!

- Now, time for the judges to announce the results, judges please!

- Ok! Thank you everyone for participating in this event.

- Before you leave, please give a big-

- big-

- big applause to our judges, guests, and students who have sung on stage!

- Thank you!

- This is the end of the singing contest of 2012!

- We hope you have enjoyed the show!

I&G: Good-bye!

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