Разработка по английскому языку на тему Animals are our friends

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Разработка по английскому языку на тему Animals are our friendsАғылшын тілінен "Animals are our friends" тақырыбына ашық сабақ.

Кенжебаева Арай Турашовна , ағылшын тілі мұғалімі

Сабақ мақсаты: Оқушылардың жануарлар әлімі жайында білімдерін жетілдіру, жануарлар түрлерімен таныстыра отырып, білімдерін жан-жақты дамыту.

Сабақ түрі: жаңа, ашық сабақ

Сабақ барысы

1. Ұйымдамтыру кезеңі.

- What are we going to speak about?

(тақтада жануарлар суреттері ілінген)

- Let's try to guess what these pictures mean.

Yes,these are animals'parts of the body. And today we're going to speak about animals, our smaller brothers, which sometimes can be our true friends.

2. "Warming up"

(карточкалар арқылы жануарлардың дене мүшелердің атайды)

- Who has got this? Whose part is this? (Birds, Fish, Insects, Reptiles, Mammals)

3. Мatching.

- Find the names of the animals' parts. Find the pair.

4. Бекіту. Топтық жұмыс.

- But animals are different,we can put them into some groups. Who knows?

They are: Birds, Reptiles,Mammals, Fish, Insects.

Let's find out what they have and can do. Answer the questions and you will have this information.

Choose the examples from the cards given to you.

5. Describe these animals : Birds, Fish, Insects, Reptiles, Mammals.

Birds: have got feathers, wings, beaks. They can fly and lay eggs. (ex:parrot,swan, peacock,owl)

Reptiles: have got scales. Can live on land and in water. (ex: snake,tortoise,snail)

Mammals: have got fur, can swim and walk, feed their babies with milk. (ex: ox, horse, tiger,mouse)

Fish: have got scales, fins, can swim.( shark)

Insects: have got 6,8 legs, wings, can fly.( spider, fly, mosquito)

Have they got feathers? Have they got beaks?
Have they got fur?
Have they got fins?
Have they got shells?
Have they got scales?
Have they got wings?
Can they swim?
Can they fly?
Can they lay eggs?
Can they live on land and in water?
Can they feed their babies with milk?

- As we can see, the world of animals is rich and various, they are different as we are, people.

Sometimes we compare ourselves with animals, because we look like them.

Физкультминутка. - Show like the spider does.- Jump like a rabbit.- swim like a fish.- Fly like a bird.

6. Listening and reading.

Тыңдау УМК ACCESS- Interactive Whiteboard Software - 4f.(Similies) .

My mum's as busy as a bee
Because she looks after my family and me.
My dad is as strong as an ox
Because he's got big muscles and he can box.
My sis is as quiet as a mouse
Because you can hardly tell when she is in the house.
My brother is as slow as a snail
But he's clever and can never fail.
I'm as stubborn as a mule
'cause I'm headstrong but really cool!

- Find the names of animals you have learned today?

7. Matching.

- Underline the similes with animals and family members.

- Put the words into gaps.

- Read the poem together.

8. Project work.

(презентация - "Менің сүйікті жануарым").

9. Home task. Хайуанаттар бағына хат жазу.

10.Conclusion . The lesson is over! Thank you!

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