«Грамматический тест по английскому языку»

Тест по английскому языку для 5-6 классов. Тема:  Употребление глагола to be в Present Simple.Цели:  Отработка, тренировка и контроль лексико-грамматических знаний по теме употребление глагола to be в Present Simple.  Как показывает практика, лексико-грамматические знания являются базовой основой в процессе развития знаний и навыков по иностранному языку. Современные УМК содержат достаточное количество проверочных тестов в конце пройденных разделов. Это очень удобно и все этим пользуются.  Но, к...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

Бабенко Виктория Викторовна

учитель английского языка

МОБУ ООШ № 18 г. Кореновск

Тест по английскому языку для 5-6 классов.

Тема: Употребление глагола to be в Present Simple.

Цели: Отработка, тренировка и контроль лексико-грамматических знаний по теме употребление глагола to be в Present Simple.

Предложения составлены на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания и контроля лексико-грамматических знаний.

To be. Present Simple.


Use am\is\are to complete the sentences.

1. I ... a driver.

2. My father ... not a worker, he ... an artist.

3. ... your mother a doctor? - Yes, she ... .

4. ... they at work? - No, they ... not at work, they ... at school.

5. My brother ... a teacher. He ... at work.

6. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I....

7. ... your sister 10? - No, she ... not 10, she ... 12.

8. ... your brother at school? - Yes, he ... .

9. ... your sister at school? - No, she ... not at school.

10. My ... sister ... not at home.

11. ... this your watch? - Yes, it ... .

12. He ... an actor.

13. These ... my bags.

14. My uncle ... a football player.

15. He ... at the stadium.

16. Mike ... a painter.

17. Rose and Dan ...good at swimming.

18. They ... at the swimming pool.

19. My mother and I ...good friends.

20. ...your brother a bus driver? - No, he ...not.



Use am\is\are to complete the sentences.

1. I am a driver.

2. My father is not a worker, he is an artist.

3. Is your mother a doctor? - Yes, she is .

4. Are they at work? - No, they are not at work, they are at school.

5. My brother is a teacher. He is at work.

6. Are you an engineer? - Yes, I am.

7. Is your sister 10? - No, she is not 10, she is 12.

8. Is your brother at school? - Yes, he is.

9. Is your sister at school? - No, she is not at school.

10. My sister is not at home.

11. Is this your watch? - Yes, it is.

12. He is an actor.

13. These are my bags.

14. My uncle is a football player.

15. He is at the stadium.

16. Mike is a painter.

17. Rose and Dan are good at swimming.

18. They are at the swimming pool.

19. My mother and I are good friends.

20. Is your brother a bus driver? - No, he is not.


1) Голицынский Ю.Б.

Грамматика: Сборник упражнений.-5е изд. -СПб: КАРО, 2006.- 544с.(Английский для школьников).

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