Тесты по английскому языку для 5 класса

Тесты по английскому языку для 5 класса были сзданы на материале уровня элементери и преследуют цель проверки и контроля знаний учащихся 5 класса по темам: Present Simple, Present Continuous, глагол to be и лексическим темам "Моя семья", "Школа", "Режим дня". Тест может быть использован как во время уроков так и для проведения олимпиады или конкурса. Для теста использовались материалы следующих учебников: Solutions Elementary 2-nd edition, Family and Friends 5, Headway elementary 4-th edition, G...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Тесты для 5 класса

составила: Назарова Л.В.

УМК: любой

источники информации:

  1. Solutions elementary 2-nd edition, Oxford University Press

  2. Family and Friends 5, Oxford University Press

  3. Grammar Friends 2, Tim Yard, Oxford University Press

  4. Headway elementary fourth edition, Oxford University Press

Test 5 Form.

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

is are any a aren't isn't

  1. There _______ five English teachers at our school.

  2. _______ there a computer in your classroom?

  3. There _______ a DVD player in room 2. Use room 5.

  4. There _______ any students in the canteen.

  5. Are there _______ English books in the library?

  6. There's _______ dictionary on the shelf in the classroom.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple affirmative form of the verbs in the box.

love get up go study drive watch listen

1 My friends _______ to school by bus.

2 My dad _______ football on television every Saturday.

3 My parents _______ at 7.30 a.m.

4 My mum _______ The Simpsons!

5 I _______ to music after school every day.

6 Jenny _______ medicine at university.

7 My brother _______ a big car.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the present simple.

I (1) g______ u______ every morning at 7.00 a.m. After breakfast I (2) g______ to school. My mum (3) d______ me in the car. My brother, Tim, (4) d______ go to school. He's a baby. My mum (5) s______ at home with Tim. She (6) d______ g______ to work.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 I have two _______, football and sailing.

A hobbys B hobbies C hobby's

2 My _______ works in London. He's very rich!

A aunt B grandmother C uncle

3 I go _______ every weekend.

A football B school C shopping

4 My friend's _______ is two years old.

A daughter B wife C father

5 This is my _______ bike.

A sisters B sister's C sisters'

5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

cook go clean do take

1 We _______ to the supermarket on Fridays.

2 My parents _______ us to school after breakfast.

3 My mum doesn't _______ dinner at the weekend. My dad does.

4 I _______ the washing on Sunday morning.

5 My brother doesn't _______ his room.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct object pronouns.

  1. Who's that girl? I don't know _______.

  2. That's a good magazine. I buy _______ every week.

  3. My boyfriend's called Tim. I like _______ a lot.

  4. Petra is good at maths. I'm not! She often helps _______ in class.

  5. Jan and Brian are really good tennis players. I play with _______ on Saturdays

7*. Read the text. Finish the sentences.

I usually get up at 7 o`clock a.m. I walk to school. I have five or six lessons a day. In the lessons, we speak, ask and answer questions, read, translate, write tests. I get only good marks.

1. I usually get up…

a) in the morning. b) in the afternoon. c) in the country.

2. Every day I go to…

a) forest. b) school. c) dance

3. I have …

a) no lessons. b) 4 or 3 lessons. c) 6 or 5 lessons.

4. My marks are ….

a) "12". b) "6". c) "5" and "4".

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