Разработка урока английского языка для 9-го класса на тему

Учитель английского языка Яглова Ольга Петровна   Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме «Телевидение»   Цели и задачи Методические:     1) обобщить и повторить лексический материал по                                     теме  «Телевидение».                                2) Совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения,                                     говорения и письма по теме. Общеучебные:     1) учить учеников высказывать свое мнение и                                    участвовать в дис...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

Учитель английского языка Яглова Ольга Петровна

Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме «Телевидение»

Цели и задачи

Методические: 1) обобщить и повторить лексический материал по

теме «Телевидение».

2) Совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения,

говорения и письма по теме.

Общеучебные: 1) учить учеников высказывать свое мнение и

участвовать в дискуссии (развитие навыков устного


Методическое обеспечение: дидактический раздаточный материал, постеры, картинки, ТСО.

План - конспект урока.

1)Организационный момент.

Приветствие. Объявление темы урока и задач.

2)Речевая зарядка.

Ответы студентов на вопросы преподавателя.

-What do you usually do when you have free time?

-Do you watch TV?

-How often do you watch TV?

-The average teenager spends about 20 hours a week in front of the TV set. And what about you?

-What are your favourite programmes?

-Which is your favourite channel?

-How many TV channels are there in your city?

Soup operas -a programme on three or four times a week, it follows the lives of a group or community of people, the stories are often exciting, dramatic and hard to believe.

Serials - is a story that continues from one programme or episode to the next. A series is about the same characters or has the same format each week but each programme is complete in itself.

Quiz show or Game Show: Individuals, teams or families who answer questions or play different games against each other. The winner gets a prize, e. g. a car, a holiday , money.

Chat show: a programme, where a presenter talks to famous people about their lives and careers; sometimes there is a music as well.

Documentary : a film with factual information, often analyzing a problem in society.

Current affairs programme: a problem about a current social / political problem. Current means that it is happening now, at the present time.

-What kind of programme is it?

-Do you like this programme?

-How often do you watch this programme?

-Why do you like (or don't like) this programme?

-What function does this programme serve?

4)Отработка умения задавать вопросы с целью получения информации о той

или иной телевизионной программе. Ученикам предлагается отгадать

название программы с помощью постановки вопросов о телепередаче, не

задавая прямого вопроса. Предполагаемые вопросы студентов:

Let us play the game. Imagine that (…….pupil 1) .is a host of a TV program. Ask her questions to find out what program does she present? Try to guess who she is by asking questions about her program.

Try to ask her only special questions. Avoid general questions in order to get more information.

-What time is the programme on?

-What time does the programme start?

-How long does the programme last?

-Are they showing programme live or recorded?

-What days of the week is the programme on?

-What type is the programme? (informative, entertainment, educational…….)

-Do they invite any person?

-Do they invite famous (popular) people or ordinary persons?

-What channel is the programme on?

-Does this programme deal with political and social problems of modern society?

-What is the audience age of the programme?

-Is it a game for a team or for an individual ?

-Do they ask people questions?

-What are the questions about?

-Have you any prizes for the winners?

-What kind of a prize does the winner get?

-Is there music during this programme?

-Is the programme intended to be funny?

-Do they speak about animals and nature?

5)Аудирование кратких текстов по теме.

text 1

It is a non personal presentation and promotion of products, services, or ideas by

an individual or organization. It is used mainly in free market, profit-oriented

countries. Advertising can not turn a poor product or service into a good one.

But it gives people knowledge about new products and services.

text 2

The programme is on TV screens three or four times a week. It follows lives of a

group or community of people, the stories are often exciting, dramatic and hard

to believe.

text 3

It is the programme, where individuals, teams or families answer questions or

play different games against each other. The winner gets a prize. For example a

car, a holiday, money.

После прослушивания каждого из текстов ученики заполняют заранее приготовленную учителем таблицу. Во вторую и третью графу записывают функцию и тип программы. На доске находится плакат с перечислением всех типов и функций программ.

Тext №






Заполненные таблицы студенты сдают на контроль. После этого осуществляется устный контроль понимания текстов.

6) Поисковое чтение. Ученикам раздается впервые предъявляемый текст,

построенный на базе уже известной лексики.

Ученикам предлагается прочитать текст и выписать в два столбика

преимущества и недостатки телевидения. Далее следует контроль. Ученики

по очереди зачитывают пункты, учитель выписывает их на доску (по

каждому из пунктов даются краткие комментарии) чтобы ученики смогли

откорректировать неточности в своих работах, если они есть.

Advantages and disadvantages of TV

Whether we realize it or not, TV plays a very important part in our lives. It's the main source of information and a cheap form of entertainment for millions of people.

It's the window on the world, which gives us an opportunity to "travel" all over the world, to meet different people and to learn about their customs and traditions. Now TV allows people to see and speak with each other if they are separated by thousands of kilometres. TV bridges once were very popular. They showed that TV was a unifying force and that our planet in reality is a small world.

It has the power to educate and broaden our minds.

It helps us to relax after a hard day's work and to escape from reality.

There's always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sports programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances...

Of course not all programmes are good. But many are made in a good taste and with great professional skill.

Some people argue that television is a terrible waste of time. It makes us lazier. We stay at home instead of going out. We read less. We even talk less.

It's true that some TV addicts spend hours in front of the "box" watching whatever's on - from second rate Mexican soap operas to silly commercials.

Moreover TV is damaging for health. It has bad effect on the eyes, particularly of children.

The trick is to control television and use it intelligently. The ideal is to turn on the TV - set only when there's a really interesting programme.

Violence on TV is another problem that worries people. As George Mikes once said, TV teaches us "how to kill, to rob, to shoot, to poison". But the same can be said about computer games and many films and books. And if you don't like a certain programme, why watch it?


Обсуждение преимуществ и недостатков телевидения с элементами дискуссии. Ученикам предлагается высказать свое мнение по поводу тех или иных программ, по поводу телевидения как средства массовой информации, источника развлечения, возможности расширить свой кругозор, способа отвлечься от реальности или проблем.

Обсуждение ведется на базе лексики, изученной в ходе изучения данной

темы. Учитель задает следующие вопросы:

-Why do you watch TV?

-What role does TV play in your life?

-What kind of programme do you like to watch?

-Some people say that TV is dangerous. What do you think about it?

-What do you think about violence on TV?

-Do you believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals?

-Some people say that television kills conversation. Do you agree?

Do you enjoy soaps?

-What do you think of commercials?

Do you agree that TV has the power to educate?

-Why is TV often called «the window on the world»?

-Do you trust TV reporters?

-Do you believe in TV information?

-Do you like the programme «News».

-Are you interested in politics?

-What are you interested in?

-Which programmes do members of your family like to watch?

-What do you know from the history of TV?

-When was TV invented?

-Who invented TV?

После выслушивания ответов учеников учитель делает обобщение.

10) Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок за работу на уроке.

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