Открытый урок по английскому языку World around us

The Theme: World around usThe Aims of the lesson: 1. Тақырыпқа байланысты сөздік қорларын кеңейту.                                         2. Тыңдап түсінуге арналған мәтінмен жұмыс.                                                 3. Ырықсыз етісті пысықтау, жаттықтыру.                                         4. Оқушыларды табиғатты қорғауға тәрбиелеу.                                                         Visual Aids: pictures, table   Әдіс – тәсілдері: көрнекілік, оқу, практикалықGood morning...
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Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
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The Theme: World around us

The Aims of the lesson: 1. Тақырыпқа байланысты сөздік қорларын кеңейту.

2. Тыңдап түсінуге арналған мәтінмен жұмыс.

3. Ырықсыз етісті пысықтау, жаттықтыру.

4. Оқушыларды табиғатты қорғауға тәрбиелеу.

Visual Aids: pictures, table

Әдіс - тәсілдері: көрнекілік, оқу, практикалық

Good morning children. I'm glad to see you. We have today interactive lesson with interactive teaching system. The theme of our lesson "World around us"

  1. At first, click on vocabulary and select the word that you want to hear and memorize them.

Pollution, damaging, environment, generation, recycle, extinct,

responsible, resources, surroundings, participate, proactive, nature,

encourage, conducive, evidence, unpleasantness, complex, crops,

irritating, surface.

III. Unscramble the words! For each sentence, unscramble the word given to

complete it.

1) sproc - crops

2) steasanplunsen - unpleasantness

3) teappciitra - participate

4) nureat - nature

5) mopclex - complex

6) excintt - extinct

7) deeciven - evidence

8) ceelyyrc - recycle

9) dingssorrnuu - surroundings

10) temnivnorne - environment

11) magginad - damaging

12) rusceaf - surface

13) taronsineeg - generations

14) lupilont - pollution

15) soursecer - resources

16) pracotive - proactive

17) gattirriin - irritating

18) rageecoun - encourage

19) ponsilebresr - responsible

20) niveducco - conducive

IV. Click on Reading. Listen the text "Pollution"

V. Quiz. Let's see how much you have learned from your reading! Select start

to begin. You have only 10 minutes to complete the quiz!

  1. What are the effects of pollution to the environment?

    1. Buildings become ruined

    2. Vegetables and crops grow

    3. Factories are being built

  2. The author implies that pollution must be countered by

    1. everyone

    2. government

    3. no one

  3. The author's purpose of writing this article is to … us to do something concrete against pollution.

    1. dictate

    2. entertain

    3. persuade

  4. Today water covers about … percent of the earth's surface.

    1. 60

    2. 70

    3. 80

  5. The harmful effects of pollution cannot be overlooked because … .

    1. our Earth and its inhabitants are in great danger

    2. they cause a lot of diseases

    3. its preventions causes a loss of billions of dollars

  6. Pollution causes … problems.

    1. health

    2. environmental

    3. health and environmental

  7. Burning of waste results in … .

    1. air pollution

    2. water pollution

    3. both

  8. The problem of pollution is not new. It dates back to … .

    1. the Middle Ages

    2. The Dark Ages

    3. The 20th Century

  9. What is not an affect of pollution?

    1. Irritated eyes and throats

    2. Breathing difficulties

    3. Strong lungs

  10. The author displays a mood of … throughout the article.

    1. optimism

    2. pessimism

    3. no mood

VI. Let us learn Grammar! Click on Grammar.


For the active voice, the subject performs the action.

For example: The dog bit the boy.

Dog is the subject bit is the active verb

  1. The passive Voice

For the passive voice, the subject receives the action. The agent of the action may be expressed by the phrase " by the … " or it may be omitted.

For example: The boy was bitten by the dog.

Boy is the subject was bitten is the passive verb dog is agent

Here are more examples of active and passive verbs:

Active Passive

Nancy chose the dress. The dress was chosen by Nancy.

Mark broke the window. The window was broken by Mark.

We make the Passive verb in the following ways:

  1. For the Simple Present and Simple Past Tense

We use is/are + the past participle

was/were + the participle

For example: The room is re -painted each year.

His bag was stolen.

  1. For the Present and Past Continuous tenses

We use is/are + being + the past participle

was/were + being + the past participle

For example: The school is being painted this month.

Did you know that you were being filmed?


A clause is a unit which contains a subject and verb.

F.e.: "It was raining" is a clause.

The subject is "It" and the verb is "was raining"

2. Coordinating Conjunctions

A coordinating conjunction is a word that joins together two clauses which are equally important.

F.e.: It was raining so I took my umbrella.

"It was raining" is a clause, and "I took my umbrella" is another clause. Both clauses can function independently.

It is joined by the word "so" which called a coordinating conjunction.

Some of the most important and most commonly used coordinating conjunctions are:

Conjunction Function Example

and Joins two similar ideas together I live in Japan and I study in elementary school.

but Joins two contrasting ideas You are a boy but I am a girl.

or Joins two alternative ideas We could go for a picnic or we could go for a swim.

so Shows that the second I was ill so I went to see the doctor.

idea is the result of the first

VII. Activity 1: In each sentence, the verb is highlighted. The verbs may be active or

passive. Click the correct answer. You have 10 minutes to complete the


  1. I will mail the letter tomorrow.

  2. The dishes are washed by me everyday.

  3. The presents were delivered by hand.

  4. The food was eaten by the hungry children.

  5. I ate the cake.

  6. Does he know that he was being followed?

  7. The car will be repaired by my father this evening.

  8. We do not know who stole his bag.

  9. My birthday was celebrated by my family.

  10. Several men are carrying the tables and chairs.

  11. The baby drank all the milk.

  12. The man gave the child a sweet.

  13. The bad news was received by my sister.

  14. The song was sung by the famous opera singer.

  15. The complaint was made by the unhappy lady.

VIII. Activity 1: For each sentence, fill in the appropriate coordinating conjunction. You

have 15 minutes to complete the activity.

Select start to begin.

  1. Valerie was keen on becoming a dancer … she enrolled for dance classes.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

2) If mother allows, we cold go to the movies … we could go to the theme park.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

3) He wanted to buy a new book … he save up some money.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

4) The cat is lovable … it sleeps on my bed every night.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

5) My brother pleaded with me to lend him some money … I refused to do so.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

6) I like to eat pizza … I like to drink coffee.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

7) Belinda wanted to go to the zoo … her parents were not keen on the idea.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

8) They can play football … they can play basketball if they wish.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

9) He was grateful for her help … gave her a "Thank You" card.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

10) George claimed he did not take the money … we found it in his bag.

a) and b) but c) or d) so

VIII. Test

  1. The conclusion

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