Урок по теме Лондон

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Урок по теме Лондон

Урок английского языка в 5 классе

Тема: London - the city of many faces

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации


развивающая: развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся (научиться составлять собственные диалоги с целью решения поставленной коммуникативной задачи с опорой на диалог-образец), развитие лексических, языковых навыков (употребление в речи лексики по теме «Лондон», повторение темы «неправильные глаголы», «формы глагола»), развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью обучающихся (памяти, мышления, внимания), развитие языковой догадки, развитие умения переносить сформированные навыки в новую ситуацию.
образовательная: совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Лондон», разыгрывать восстановленный диалог по ролям с опорой на образец, совершенствование навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания, закрепление пройденного материала по теме «Лондон»

воспитательная: формирование потребности пользования английским языком как средством общения, расширение кругозора обучающихся, воспитание уважительного отношения друг другу при работе в группах и индивидуально

Учебно-универсальные действия:

Личностные УУД:

Формирование мотивации изучения иностранных языков и стремление к самосовершенствованию в образовательной области «Иностранный язык»

Регулятивные УУД: Определение цели урока с опорой на наглядность, определить чему научился, что было трудно, что было интересно

Коммуникативные УУД: Работа в паре и группе в соответствии с нормами общения, взаимопонимания, правилами поведения и этикета

Познавательные УУД: Осознанное построение речевого высказывание в устной форме, делают выводы в результате совместной работы класса и учителя; составить диалог на основе прочитанного по заданиям на карточках

Лексический и грамматический материал:

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, таблички с названиями праздников, раздаточный материал, макет Вестминстерского дворца

Ход урока



Hello! Sit down!

Today we are going to speak about the city. Look at the board.

Can you guess what city we are going to speak about?

Right. We are going to speak about London. English people say that London has many faces. Today we'll learn what it means because the theme of our lesson is "London - the city of so many faces."

To begin with, let's sing a song and train our tongues. Look at the screen and sing together "London Bridge is falling down".

Well done.

So London is the city of so many faces. Let's explore them. The first face is the sights. Look at the black board and say what sights you can see.

Put the plates with the link words on the pictures.

Very good, so I can see you know the sights of London. You have the sheets of paper on your desks. Fill in the words from the plates.

  1. People who take care of the Tower of London are called …

  2. London Eye was built in…It's a giant …

  3. Trafalgar square is the …. of London.

  4. On Trafalgar square you can see…

  5. …live in Buckingham palace.

  6. Westminster Abbey is a….It was built in…

Very nice. We will continue to speak about the sights of London. There is another sight of London. But it is hidden from us. And to see this sight we must repeat the verb forms.

How many forms does an English verb have, what are they?

What suffix should we add to a verb if it is regular to form past simple or PI?

What must we do if it is irregular?

And what suffix should we add to form Participle I?

That's right, so let's remember the irregular verbs and you will see a sight of London. Look at the screen, remember (30 sec) and fill in the gaps.

Now what can you see?

Good. Ulyana has prepared some information about Big Ben. Let's listen to her and ask some questions.

Thank you, Ulyana. Now please answer the questions.

Good job.

Let's have a rest. Stand up.

Now we know the sights of London. If you are in London how to get to a place? Listen to a dialogue and say. Where does the person want to get to?

That's right. Let's make your own dialogues.

You have the maps of London on your desks and a card with a task. Tell how to get to…

CУрок по теме Лондонard 1: London Eye Buckingham Palace

CУрок по теме Лондонard 2: Royal Albert Hall Buckingham Palace

CУрок по теме Лондонard 3: Globe Theatre St. Paul's Cathedral

CУрок по теме Лондонard 4: Victoria R. S. Baker Str.

CУрок по теме Лондонard 5: Md. Tussaud's Trafalgar Square

CУрок по теме Лондонard 6: London Eye the Tower of London

Well done. So you won't be lost if you are in London.

Another face of London is people. Let's read some information about the people's opinion of London.

Nice. We've read what people think of London. Some of them are Londoners.

There is a man who never existed but people say he lived in London in Backer str. 221b. Do you know who is he?

Very well. And we know a song about him, don't we?

Let's sing the song altogether.

Good. So we know the faces of London. What are they?

Why do they say that London has many faces?

Right you are. And your home task is ex 30 p 57 WB, ex 10 p 134 (written form) is also connected with London.

I think it's time to give you the marks. First do it yourselves.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson but what is your opinion? Show it to me

As I can see the lesson was good. Thank you, the lesson is over. Goodbye

We are going to speak about London.

Поют песню

The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Trafalgar Square, St. Mary Axe, Westminster Abbey

The Tower of London: black ravens, royal jewelry, beefeaters

Buckingham Palace: royal family

London Eye: wheel, 2000

Trafalgar Square: geographical center, Nelson's column

St. Mary Axe: sky-scraper, cigar-shaped

Westminster Abbey: church, 1065


2000, wheel

Geographical center

Nelson's column

The Royal family

church, 1065

An English verb has 4 forms: infinitive, past simple, Participle I, II


The second form is PII and the third is PI


Big Ben and the House of Parliament

Рассказывает о Биг Бене, описывая макет.

  1. Big Ben is a famous clock in London, isn't it?

Ulyana: No, it isn't. It's a bell in the tower with the clock.

  1. Is it the highest building in London?

Ulyana: No it isn't.

  1. Why is it called Big Ben?

Ulyana: It is called after the builder. The legend says so.

Физ. минутка

Слушают текст. Отвечают на вопрос: Trafalgar square

Составляют диалоги в группах.

  • Excuse me, how can I get to Buckingham Palace?

  • You should cross the river and go around the Westminster Palace, then turn right. Here you will see the Queen Victoria Memorial. Buckingham Palace is opposite it.

  • Thank you.

  • That was easy, have a nice day!

  • Bye.

(читают тексты, переводят)

Sherlock Holmes.

Yes, we do.

Поют песню

Because of sights and people

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