Тест по теме: Местоимения

§писать поздравления, личные письма с опорой на образец: расспрашивать адресата о его жизни и делах, сообщать то же о себе, выражать благодарность, просьбу, употребляя формулы речевого этикета, принятые в странах изучаемого языка.§различных типов вопросительных предложений (общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный вопросы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Past Simple§специальных вопросов после Can you tell me…§оборота to be going для описания событий в будущем времен...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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Тест по теме:Местоимения

Test the 6th form.

I. Write some, any, an or a in the gaps.

1. Do you have … rice?

2. I've got … books in my bag.

3. There isn't … sofa in the living room.

4. Have you got … stamps?

5. There are … beautiful flowers in the garden.

6. There is … apple on the table.

II. Write much or many in front of the nouns.

  1. How … children?

  2. How … coffee?

  3. How … cheese?

  4. How … cups?

  5. How … sugar?

III. Put the right prepositions: in, on, at, by, to, with.

1. We have six lessons … Monday.

2. We always go … London … train.

3. He lives … Astana.

4. I like plying chess … my friend.

5. My parents are … home.

6. I get up … 7 o'clock every day.

IV. Put am, is, are, do, does, did into the gaps.

1. What time … Marat usually arrive at school?

2. … he play tennis last summer?

3. … you like dancing?

4. It … raining now.

5. We … having dinner at the moment.

6. I … listening to music.

7. … he speak English?

8. Where … you go last month?

Test the 6th form. (II quarter)

I. Write some, any, an, a in the gaps.

1. Pass me … butter, please.

2. There is … orange on the plate.

3. There isn't … water in the kettle.

4. There is … cat under the chair.

5. Have you got … pencils?

II. Match the opposites

1. fast dangerous

2. small boring

3. clean weak

4. safe sad

5. quiet cheap

6. old slow

7. interesting dirty

8. expensive noisy

9. strong big

10. funny modern

III. Circle the correct form of adjective

1. This car is … than that one.

a) faster b) the fastest c) more fast

2. Mary is … girl in our class.

a) intelligentest b) intelligent c) the most intelligent

3. Summer is … season.

a) better b) the best c) the goodest

4. Omar is as … as Arman.

a) the tallest b) more tall c) tall

5. Maths is … than History.

a) difficulter b) more difficult c) difficult

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. Do you like apples?

a) Yes, she likes. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I want.

2. Can you use a computer?

a) Yes, I can. b) Yes, I could. c) Yes, I do.

3. Did you help your mother yesterday?

a) Yes, I help. b) Yes, I did. c) Yes, I do.

4. Were you at school last Saturday?

a) No, I wasn't. b) No, I am not. c) No, I she wasn't.

5. Where did you go?

a) I go to London. b) Yes, I go. c) I went to France.

6. How … children has your sister?

a) any b) many c) much

7. There is … butter on the plate.

a) much b) few c) many

8. Would you like some juice?

a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, please. c) No, I didn't.

9. Do you like those apples?

a) Yes, it is nice. b) No, it isn't good. c) Yes, they are nice.

10. Leila … like dancing.

a) not b) doesn't c) can't

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