Открытый урок по английскому языку

Открытый урок английского языка по темеRoyal  FAmily   слайд1Доева Элина Валерьевна, учитель английского языка Цель: развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.Закрепление изученного материалаЗадачи:1. Учебная – формирование навыков говорения и чтения.2. Воспитательная – привитие уважения и интереса к стране изучаемого языка.3. Развивающая – развитие интеллектуальных способностей.Речевой материал: тексты “KingHenryVIII”, “ElizabethII”, “KingAlfredtheGreat”, “ElizabethII”, задания к аудиотек...
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Открытый урок английского языка по теме

Royal FAmily слайд1

Доева Элина Валерьевна, учитель английского языка

Цель: развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.Закрепление изученного материала


1. Учебная - формирование навыков говорения и чтения.

2. Воспитательная - привитие уважения и интереса к стране изучаемого языка.

3. Развивающая - развитие интеллектуальных способностей.

Речевой материал: тексты "King Henry VIII", "Elizabeth II", "King Alfred the Great", "Elizabeth II", задания к аудиотексту "The Legend of King Arthur".

Оснащение урока: учебник English VI (авторы О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, издательство «Просвещение», Москва); СD, Компьютер телевизор , портреты, фотографии королей и королев, королевской семьи

План урока:

I. Организационный момент.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

III. Речевая зарядка.

IV. Монологические высказывания о монархах на основе материала, изученного на предыдущих уроках.

V. Чтение текстов о Генрихе VIII и Елизавете I; сообщение учащимися о новых фактах, которые они узнали из текстов.

VI. Аудирование.

VII. Чтение текстов о короле Альфреде и Елизавете II, заполнение таблицы.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие.

Teacher: Hello, children. Very glad to see you.( Слайд 2)

2. Ознакомление учащихся с планом предстоящего урока.

Teacher: Today we'll try to speak about English kings and queens with the help of your table and we'll try to learn some new facts about them.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher. Let's begin with reading some difficult words (T - Ps; P1, P2).

На доске написаны слова с транскрипцией. ( Прослушивание диска )

III. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher. Answer some questions, please. (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по материалам предыдущих уроков в режиме T - P1, P2, P3.)

Проверка домашней работы.

Now lеt's check your homework and remember some facts from Royal London life.

  1. What palaces in London are connected with the Crown?

  2. Which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

  3. Where are royal processions usually held in London?

  4. How many royal parks are there in London? Can you name some of them? What can you say about them?

  5. Why is it said that the Queen in Britain reigns but doesn't rule?

  6. Which of the famous British queens and kings can you name?

  7. Why is King Henry VIII remembered in the country and in the whole world? Can you prove that he was a very important monarch?

  8. Why was Queen Elizabeth I remembered in the history of Britain?

  9. What places in London are connected with Queen Victoria?

  10. What do you know about Queen Victoria's family life?

  11. Why do some people call Queen Victoria's reign the "golden age" in the history of Britain?

  12. What do you know about the British royal family of nowadays?

IV. Монологические высказывания о монархах на основе материала, изученного на предыдущих уроках.

Teacher. I'd like you to say some words about kings and queens: look at the picture and guess who this is. Use your tables and speak about him/her. (картинки с изображением королей и королев, а учащиеся рассказывают о них, используя материал таблицы (Приложение 1), сделанной на предыдущем уроке.)

V. Защита проектных работ по теме.

VI. Чтение текстов о Генрихе VIII и Елизавете I.

Teacher. Now you will read some information about Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. (Приложение 2) Your task is to find new facts about them.

(Учащиеся получают тексты о Генрихе VIII и Елизавете I, читают и сообщают новую информацию, полученную ими из текстов.)

VII. Устный контроль грамматики пройденного урока. Перевод с русского языка.

  1. Какая красивая процессия! Люди такие счастливые, их одежда такая яркая!

  2. Как прекрасен этот мир!

  3. Мой старший брат такой умный и добрый!

  4. Какая чудесная сегодня погода! Небо такое голубое! А солнышко такое теплое!

  5. Как скучен этот фильм, он такой длинный. Я не люблю такие фильмы.

  6. Какой широкий проспект и как он зелен!

Х. Устный контроль страноведческих знаний пройденного урока. Перевод с русского языка.

Учитель: In the second part of this exercise I'll see how much you know about London, Royal Family and places connected with it.

  1. Какой дворец является официальной резиденцией королевы?

  2. Где расположен Лондонский зоопарк?

  3. Кто правил Англией в конце XVI века?

  4. Почему король Генрих VIII был одним из выдающихся монархов Британии?

  5. Чье правление было самым долгим в истории Англии?

  6. Когда была побеждена испанская армада?

  7. Какой музей в Лондоне связан с именами королевы Виктории и принца Альберта?

  8. Когда королева Елизавета II взошла на престол?

  9. Какие места в Лондоне напоминают нам о королевской семье?

  10. Королева Елизавета II - внучка королевы Виктории, не так ли?

VI. Аудирование.

Teacher. Now we are going to listen to the story (Приложение 3)

(Учащиеся прослушивают текст первый раз и отвечают на вопрос. После прослушивания текста повторно выполняются задания на карточках.)

VII. Чтение текстов о короле Альфреде и Елизавете II, заполнение таблицы.

Teacher. We have learnt some new facts about some British kings. Now we are going to read the stories about King Alfred and Queen Elizabeth II (Приложение 4). After reading we shall fill in the table.

(Учащиеся продолжают заполнять таблицу о королях, начатую на предыдущих уроках.)

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

Домашнее задание


Приложение 1


Dates of life

Claim to Fame

Приложение 2

King Henry VIII

The Tudor family came to power after the Wars of the Roses. Henry VIII was the second Tudor king crowned. The young King, handsome, gifted and athletic, did much for the glory of England. He was interested in music, books and sport. The young king paid a lot of attention to religious questions. He was a true catholic. But only 10 years later Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and set up his own Church of England. The king made himself the Supreme Head of this new church.

There were a lot of reasons for breaking away from Rome, but the main reason was a romantic one. Only a few weeks after his coronation Henry married his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon. She was nice and clever and was a true friend to her husband, but she failed to give him a son and England had no heir. Henry asked the Pope to give him a divorce so that he could marry again. But the Pope refused and that made the King of England break away from the Catholic Church.

Henry divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn, but she didn't give him a son either. And he had her executed. Ten days after Ann Boleyn's execution the king married his third wife, Jane Seymour, who did give him a son, but died twelve days later. All in all Henry VIII had six wives.

King Henry VIII left three children: Mary by Catherine of Aragon, Elizabeth by Anne Boleyn and Edward, the Prince of Wales, by Jane Seymour.

handsome - привлекательный

gifted - одаренный

glory - слава

pay a lot of attention to - обращать много внимания на

broke away with the Catholic Church - порвал с Католической церковью

set up his own Church of England - основал свою собственную Англиканскую церковь

Supreme Head - Верховный Глава

widow - вдова

failed to give him a son - не смогла родить ему сына

heir - наследник престола

Pope - папа римский

a divorce - развод

refuse - отказать

he had her executed - он казнил ее

who did give him a son - которая все-таки родила ему сына

all in all - всего

Catherine of Aragon - Екатерина Арагонская

Anne Boleyn - Анна Болейн

Jane Seymour - Джейн Сеймур

Elizabeth I

Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1533. At the age of 25 Elizabeth became the Queen of England. She had many of her father's qualities including common sense and strength of character. She travelled a lot round the country. She wanted to know her people and to be known by them. Her soldiers and sailors admired her courage. She could speak Latin, Greek and several modern languages.

During her reign Queen Elizabeth solved her first problem, the Church. People got a reformed Catholic Church that used the English language and was free from foreign influence.

Elizabeth's next problem was to keep her enemies quiet until her country was strong enough to defend itself. The greatest danger came from Spain. In July 1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 Spanish ships arrived in the Channel. The English ships were faster than the slow Armada. The English guns could shoot farther. After the battle less than half of the proud Armada came back to its home ports. This defeat of Spain was very important for England.

During Queen Elizabeth's reign England sent its explorers to different lands. They tried to find a quick way to India round the north of Russia. As a result they came to Archangelsk, were welcomed in Moscow and opened a new trade with Russia. England wanted to trade peacefully with other countries and to find empty lands where it could plant her own colonies.

In those years the first Englishman sailed round the world. That was Francis Drake. Queen Elizabeth's reign was also famous for arts and theatre development. Elizabeth was a good musician herself. English music, especially church music, was then among the best in Europe. Many great men wrote poetry, drama was also famous. William Shakespeare's plays were written in the years of her reign.

Elizabeth died in March, 1603.

qualities - качество

common sense - здравый смысл

strength of character - сила характера

courage - храбрость, мужество

shoot - стрелять

development - развитие

Приложение 3

The Legend of King Arthur

King Arthur was born at the Castle of Tintagel, in England. His parents weren't married, so the baby boy went to live with Merlin, a wizard.

Merlin became Arthur's friend and teacher. He taught Arthur everything he needed to know to become King.

One day, when Arthur was fifteen, he went out with Merlin, They were near a lake when they saw the white arm of a lady in the water. In her hand there was a magic sword, Excalibur. The Lady of the Lake gave the sword to Arthur. Everyone knew then that he was their next King.

With the help of Excalibur, Arthur became a good soldier and a great King.

He lived in the castle of Camelot, where there was a famous Round Table. There Arthur and his knights sat to talk about their battles.

Arthur married the beautiful Guinevere, but she loved Sir Lancelot, one of Arthur's knights and his best friend.

One day, in a terrible battle, Arthur told one of his men to throw Excalibur back into the lake, and the hand of the Lady of the Lake took back the sword. Excalibur disappeared forever. Arthur died in battle.

New words:

A magic sword - волшебный меч

A knight - рыцарь

A wizard - волшебник

Terrible - ужасный

1. Listen to the Legend of King Arthur and say if Arthur was:

- a Welsh King?

- a Scottish King?

- an English King?

2. Listen to the legend for the second tome and do the tasks.

1. Match the names with the explanations.

1) Camelot a) where Arthur sat with his knights

2) Sir Lancelot b) Arthur's sword

3) Excalibur c) Arthur's castle

4) Guinevere d) a wizard, Arthur's teacher and friend

5) Merlin e) Arthur's wife

6) the Round Table f) Arthur's best friend

2. Make sentences from the story.

Example: Arthur was born in Tintagel Castle.

1Открытый урок по английскому языку. Arthur (be born) a) in a terrible battle

2. He (become) b) king when he was fifteen.

3. The Lady of the Lake (give) c) in Tintagel Castle

4. King Arthur (live) d) Guinevere.

5. He (marry) e) a magic sword to Arthur.

6. But Guinevere (love) f) at Camelot, with his knights.

7. Arthur (die) g) Sir Lancelot.

Приложение 4

King Alfred the Great

(AD 849 - 900)

King Alfred the Great was one of the first kings of England. He was a great and kind king. He did so much that was good for the people of England that people called him Alfred the Good.

In the time of Alfred the Great not many men and women could read or write. Alfred could read and write well. He opened schools and asked scholars to translate into English the best works of world literature and he worked out the English code.

Alfred was a brave man as well as a good one. When he was the boy of sixteen he took part in the battles with the enemies. At twenty he became king of Wessex. While he was king, the Danes came in their boats to England and fought their way up the rivers. They wanted to live in England and make it their own country. Alfred and his people fought hard because they did not want to give up their country to the Danes. Alfred built a fleet of ships and fortifications on the coasts. The small kingdoms were united to fight against the invaders.

Later king Alfred and the Vikings made a treaty. They agreed that the Vikings would live in the area called the Danelaw. So, the Vikings settled in England and mixed with Anglo-Saxons as these two nations were very much alike and had similar languages.

A scholar - ученый

A code - свод законов

The Danes - датчане

fought their way up the rivers - пробивались вверх по рекам

to give up - сдаваться, отдавать

fleet - флот

fortification - фортификационные укрепления

invaders - захватчики

a treaty - договор

to settle - поселиться

to mix - смешаться

similar - похожий

Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II was born in London in 1926, at the home of her grandparents. Her farther, the Duke of York, was the second son of King George V, and was not the heir to the throne. But his elder brother Edward VIII abdicated and he became the King. So, Elizabeth became the Princess. She and her younger sister Margaret were educated at home. Elizabeth studied history and also learned modern languages. She speaks excellent French. She has always been a convinced member of the church of England.

She was 13 when World War II broke out. She and her sister were evacuated to Scotland. In 1945 Princess Elizabeth asked her father to let her train as a driver.

Elizabeth married Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark in 1947. Their first son (Prince Charles) was born in 1948.

Elizabeth's farther died in 1952 and she came to the throne, but she was crowned in 1953. The ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey.

Queen Elizabeth and her husband have four children Prince Charles, now the Prince of Wales, heir to the throne, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.

The work of the royal family has continued through all the changes of the last sixty years. There are hundreds of traditional ceremonies which the Queen has to keep. The Queen and other members of the royal family travel a lot round the country and abroad. They meet important visitors. They are invited to the opening of hospitals, schools, museums. Besides, the Queen acts as head of the government and once a week she has a meeting with the Prime Minister. She also has to read the report of the day from Parliament. Any law, made by Parliament, really becomes a law only if the Queen agrees to it. She is Queen and head of state of a number of Commonwealth countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and others.

duke - герцог

heir - наследник трона

convinced - убежденный

abroad - заграницу

report of the day - отчет за день

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