Тестовая контрольная работа (Лексико-грамматический)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
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(1 КУРС)

I. В тексте отсутсвуют 4 предложения. Выберите подходящее предложение из A-E для каждого разрыва. Среди них есть дополнительное предложение, которое вам не нужно использовать.

In 1887 a new language was invented by Dr. Zamenhof, who was born in Poland. (1)_________. This new language was called Esperanto. (2)_________. Dr. Zamenhof believed that lots of people would speak the new language as a second language. (3)___________.

But the language has not been very popular or successful. (4)__________. Today only a small number of people in the world can speak it.

a. It was a mixture of a number of European languages and it had a very simple grammar.
b. Russia is one of the countries where Esperanto is still alive.
c. He lived a great part of his life in Russia.
d. It was very easy to learn and rich enough to express thoughts and feelings.
e. There are other artificial languages invented by people.

II. Выберите правильный вариант

1. The boys must do everything … .

a) himself b) yourself c) yourselves d) themselves

2. This is … friend.

a) he b) my c) I d) we

3. We … children.

a) is b) are c) am d) -

4. Telephone boxes … brown.

a) is b) are c) am d) -

5. There … a bed near the window.

a) are b) is c) were d) am

6. He has a pen in his hand. … pen is red.

a) this b) these c) that d) those

7. She looks at the dolls. … dolls are on the sofa.

a) those b) that c) this d) these

8. This is………classroom.

A. we B. our C. ours

9. That big grey house is…….

A. us B. my C. mine

10. The children………..in the garden.

A. is B. are C. was

11. Look at…….. He is my friend.

A. him B. her C. he

12. This car is……….

A. her B. hers C. she

13. She………..a doctor at the hospital.

A. am B. is C. were

14. I……….two dogs.

A. has got B. am C. have got

15. This is .......... egg.

A. an B. a C. the

16. My sister and my brother .......... 18 years old.

A. `m not B. isn`t C. aren`t

17. This is my schoolbag. .......... is red.

A. It B. She C. He

18. There .......... a park near my house.

A. are B. aren`t C. is

19. … is your teacher of English?

A. Which B. What C. Who

20. There … hair in my soup.

A. is a B. is C. are

21. I've seen some comedies this mouth. Each … funnier than the last.

A. was B. were C. am

22. Knowledge … power.

A. is B. are C. was

23. Everybody … ready.

A. are B. C is

24. I need my glasses. Where … the glasses?

A. is B. are C. shall

III. Выбери вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу.

1.Мамин зонтик:

a) mothers umbrella b) mother's umbrella c) mothers' umbrella

2.Книги родителей:

a) parent's books b) parents books c) parents' books

3. Яблоко сестры:

a) sister's apple b) sisters' apple c) sisters apple

4. Конура собак:

a) dogs house b) dogs' house c) dog's house

5. Фотоаппарат сына:

a) sons' camera b) sons camera c) son's camera

6. Кассеты братьев:

a) brothers' cassettes b) brother's cassettes c) brothers cassettes

IV. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. many, there, How, every, are, everyday, lectures, in, time-table, your?
2. Chinese, the, Many, people, is, world's, language, think, difficult, that, most.
3. Walt, is, known, well, Disney, the, very, all, world, over.
4. this, What, in, there, monument, is, street?

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