Общие вопросы в Present Simple

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
For-Teacher.ru - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

1.Составьте общий вопрос к каждому предложению:

Mr Finch lives in a small town. __________________________________________________________

Nick is a good friend. __________________________________________________________________

Our students can speak English. __________________________________________________________

The Barkers go to London every year. _____________________________________________________

Ron and Ben are from GB. ______________________________________________________________

My friend writes poems. _______________________________________________________________

Little Ann plays with dolls at home. __________________________________________________________

Mary has ten green snails. _____________________________________________________________

2. Ответь на вопросы:

Does his sister go to school? -No, _______________

Do the students like to speak French? -Yes, _________________

Is Mr Rose in Moscow?-No, ______________________

Are the farmers tired? -Yes, _____________________

Are you hungry?-Yes, ___________________

Can Jane drive well? - No, __________________

Do you like to swim and dive?-Yes, __________________

Is it a new house? - No, _________________

3.Подчеркните нужный глагол:

(do/does) her brother ride a horse?

(do/does) the runners run in the park?

(do/does) you speak English?

(do/does) Mrs Rose have four children?

(do/does) his parents work at school?

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