Методическое пособие для студентов специальности «Технология продукции общественного питания»

Данное пособие содержит задания для совершенствования навыков чтения студентов специальности "Технология продукции общественного питания".Пособие включает в себя 4 текста по основным разделам календарно-тематического плана. Тексты пособия взяты, в основном, из оригинальной английской научно-популярной литературы. Тексты сокращены и адаптированы. К каждому тексту дается минимум слов, подлежащих активному усвоению. Студентам предлагается выполнить задания и ответить на вопросы после текстов. Текст...
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Методическое пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для студентов специальности

«Технология продукции общественного питания»

для совершенствования навыков чтения

Методическая записка

Потребности общества в области подготовки специалистов нового типа в современных условиях отражены в квалификационной характеристике выпускника образовательной организации среднего профессионального образования.

Основной целью обучения студентов иностранному языку в образовательной организации среднего профессионального образования является достижение ими практического владения этим языком, что предполагает формирование умения самостоятельно читать литературу с целью извлечения информации из иноязычных источников.

При обучении иностранному языку, чтение рассматривается, как самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности занимает ведущие место по своей важности и доступности.

Оно выполняет следующие функции:

  1. Прививает навыки самостоятельной работы.

  2. Текст часто выступает основой для письма, говорения и аудирования.

  3. Имеет воспитательные цели (нравственность, мировоззрение, ценности).

  4. Расширяет кругозор.

  5. Прививает любовь к книге.

Понимание иностранного текста достигается при осуществлении двух видов чтения:

  • Изучающее чтение - внимательное вчитывание в тест для полного понимания содержания и запоминания содержащейся информации для ее дальнейшего использования. При чтении с полным пониманием содержание аутентичного текста необходимо понимать как главную, так и второстепенную информацию, используя все возможные средства раскрытия значения незнакомых языковых явлений. Изучающее чтение предполагает умение самостоятельно проводить лексико-грамматический анализ, используя знание специальных предметов. Итогом изучающего чтения является точный перевод текста на родной язык.

  • Ознакомительное чтение - извлечение основной информации, при этом делается ставка на воссоздающее воображение читателя, благодаря которому частично восполняется смысл текста. При чтении с пониманием основного содержания студент должен уметь определять тему и выделять основную мысль письменного сообщения, отделять главные факты от второстепенных, опуская детали.

Пособие включает в себя 4 текста по основным разделам календарно-тематического плана, рассчитанного на VII семестр.

Тексты пособия взяты, в основном, из оригинальной английской научно-популярной литературы. Тексты сокращены и адаптированы. К каждому тексту дается минимум слов, подлежащих активному усвоению. Студентам предлагается выполнить задания и ответить на вопросы после текстов. Тексты для чтения могут быть использованы как для работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя, так и для внеаудиторного чтения.

Text 1. The problem of Choosing a Career

to determine - определять

to come across - встречаться с проблемой

decision - решение

to influence - влиять

to benefit from- извлечь выгоду

to provide - предоставлять

inclinations - наклонности

value - ценность

demand - спрос, требование

The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. The profession a person chooses in many ways determines his future life. Every generation in this or that way comes across it. It is one of the most important decisions in life.

There are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice. They concern material and spiritual aspects of the future profession. It is generally believed that professions should be both prestigious and interesting. Everybody wants to benefit from the social privileges provided by the profession. At the same time other factors are important. Much depends on the inclinations and interests of the person. Although it is wonderful when one's hobby becomes one's profession. Another important factor is social environment. The profession of the parents often in this or that way influence the future profession of their children. Today we have dynasties of physicians, historians, lawyers, economists, pilots and military officers.

It is impossible to forget about the material aspect of the future profession. It indicates the level of the society's values. Today all professions can be classified as prestigious and not prestigious. But it is better not to choose that job where you may get a lot of money. The future profession should be interesting and meet the demands of the person.

  1. Find the equivalents to these words in the text

  • во многих случаях

  • поколение

  • сделать выбор

  • материальные и духовные аспекты

  • престижный

  • социальная среда

  • в той или иной степени

  • династия

  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English

  1. Самый важный выбор в жизни - это выбор будущей профессии.

  2. Многое зависит от интересов и наклонностей человека.

  3. Лучше выбирать профессию не ту, на которой Вы заработаете много денег, а ту, которая Вам интересна.

  4. Это замечательно, когда увлечение человека становится его профессией на всю жизнь.

  5. Молодым людям нелегко принимать решение о своем будущем.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Why is it important to make a right choice about your future profession?

  2. What factors influence young people's choice?

  3. Do the parents influence the future profession of their children?

  4. Do you think that the profession should be prestigious?

  5. Have you made a decision about your future profession?

Text 2. Jamie Oliver

chef - шеф-повар

to achieve - добиваться

worldwide - всемирный

to beg - просить, умолять

experience - опыт

head pastry chef - кондитер

sous-chef - Су шеф

to discover - открыть

to host - вести программу

to simplify - упростить

to star - сниматься

underprivileged - неимущий

to improve - улучшать

habit - привычка

outstanding - выдающийся

Jamie Oliver was born on May 27 1975 in Clavering, Essex, England. He is a British chef who achieved worldwide fame with his hit television shows The Naked Chef (1999) and Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution (2010- ) and as author of a number of cookbooks with a variety of culinary themes.

Oliver's parents were owners of a pub in Clavering. After begging the chefs to let him assist, he was allowed to work in the kitchen. At the age of 16 Oliver entered the Westminster Catering College before traveling to France for additional training and experience. He landed his first job in London at the Neal Street Restaurant as head pastry chef and soon began working as sous-chef at the River Café, where his talent in front of the camera was discovered during the filming of a documentary on the restaurant. He was quickly contracted by Optomen Television to host his first series, The Naked Chef, in which he demonstrated how to simplify food preparation.

In addition to starring in numerous television programs-including Oliver's Twist (2002) and several other Naked Chef series-Oliver authored a number of best-selling cookbooks. In 2002 he established the Fifteen Foundation, a London-based program that gave underprivileged youths the opportunity to experience careers in the culinary industry.

The five-week television series Jamie's School Dinners documented the challenges Oliver faced while training a group of school cafeteria workers to prepare new, healthier items. The show helped Oliver to improve the quality of meals served in Britain's schools. In 2007 Oliver began hosting Jamie at Home, a show that focused on urban gardening. Three years later Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution began in the United States. The six-episode program, which chronicled his efforts to improve the eating habits of people in Huntington, West Virginia, won an Emmy Award for outstanding reality program. The program gave special attention to providing healthy food in schools.

1. Answer the questions

1) Who is Jamie Oliver and what is he famous for?

2) Where did he study cooking?

3) When was his talent discovered first?

4) What was his first television program?

5) What did Jamie do for underprivileged youths?

6) How did he improve the quality of meals served in Britain's schools?

7) What did he win an Emmy Award for?

2. Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the text

1) Jamie Oliver achieved __ fame.

2) He worked as a __ at River Café.

3) In his first program Jamie demonstrated how to __ food preparation.

4) During his Jamie's School Dinners he taught school cafeteria workers to prepare __ items.

5) Jamie won an __ __ in the USA.

Text 3. I am going to be a chef

catering establishments - заведения общественного питания

a masterpiece - шедевр

edible - съедобное

according - соблюдая, делать что-то в соответствии с чем-либо

pure joy - искреннее удовольствие

cavemen - пещерные люди

tame - добывать

unique - уникальный

there is no big deal - нет ничего особенного

sense of taste - чувство вкуса

imagination - воображение

All jobs are important in their own way. I like cooking from my childhood so I have chosen it as a career. A chef or a cook is a person who is engaged in food cooking in catering establishments.

Chef profession is one of the oldest. As soon as the cavemen tamed fire and began to cook meat on a fire, they quickly found someone who could cook mammoths tastier and juicier, and began to trust this important mission only to him. Thus was born the first boss of cooking - a chef.

This profession is very creative and extraordinary. Chefs are sometimes even called magicians, who could cook a masterpiece of the most common foods.

Of course, anyone can cook something edible, such as fried or scrambled eggs. But the chef will cook the gentlest egg soufflé of the same foods. A chef not only cooks dishes according to the right technology and the recipe. He receives from it pure joy. A chef is trying to cook dishes that admire people.

Chef profession is unique. Although some people do not think so, they say that there is no big deal in chef's art: you simply connect the ingredients. However, it is not. In this case, the main thing is the talent, sense of taste and imagination. That's why I like it and want to be a real good chef.

Write your own essay based on text 3. You can use these questions to make your essay:

1) Do you think it is important to make a right decision about your future? Why?

2) Was it difficult for you to make a choice of your future profession?

3) What factors helped you to choose the profession?

4) Can you cook? Do you like cooking? How often do you cook at home?

5) Do you think that this profession is prestigious?

6) Do you agree that a chef is a magician?

7) What do you like about this profession? Why is it unique?

8) Do you want to work at one of the catering establishments or to open your own one?

Text 4. Interesting Facts and Some Advice for a Future Chef

dishwasher - посудомоечная машина

microwaves - микроволновая печь

reheating - подогрев (heat - жар, тепло)

fridge (refrigerator) - холодильник

to increase - увеличить

to cool - охладить

lime scale - накипь

pan - кастрюля

hob - варочная панель

lid - крышка

standby - режим ожидания

grime - грязь

to defrost - размораживать

tap - кран

Did you know?

  • Using the dishwasher once will use the same amount of energy as boiling 7.5 full kettles.

  • Microwaves use up to two-thirds less electricity than electric ovens and are useful for reheating meals.

  • Don't open the oven door to check cooking too often

  • Regular cleaning of refrigeration equipment can increase its efficiency by up to 25%.

  • Make sure to keep the fridge door shut. For every 10-20 seconds the door is open it takes 45 minutes for the fridge to cool down to its original temperature.

  • If everyone boiled only the water they needed to make a cup of tea instead of filling the kettle every time, we could save enough electricity in a year to run nearly half of the street lighting in the country.

  • Lime scale is an insulator and will result in more energy being used to boil the water.

  • Regular cleaning of ventilation systems can increase efficiency by as much as 50%.

Kitchen/Canteen energy-saving advice at work

Cooking equipment

  • Always use the right-size pans for the base size for the hob.

  • Keep lids on pans whenever possible. It can take 3 times more energy to cook without a lid than with one.

  • When pans come to the boil, turn hobs down to the minimum needed for simmering (boiling does not speed up the cooking process!).

  • Switch on equipment only when necessary.

  • Don't leave equipment on standby if it can be avoided.

  • Keep it clean! Keep all cooking equipment and ventilation units free from dust, grime, blackened surfaces and scale.


  • Close the door! Keep doors closed on refrigerated units and check that door closers are working correctly.

  • Ensure that all liquids and food are covered.

  • Do not defrost items under running water

  • Keep fridges and freezers ice-free and defrost regularly - when required, but every two months as a minimum.


  • Do not use ovens or hobs for space heating!

  • Turn off taps after use.

  • Switch off lights in a room or area when not in use.

  • Switch off kitchen fans when no cooking is taking place.

  • Make sure that light fittings are cleaned regularly.

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