Презентация по английскому языку на тему Спасибо тебе музыка

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Презентации
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Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме «Удивительный мир музыки» (проектная методика).

Цели урока:

Учебная: Cовершенствование умения говорить в диалогической (запрос и сообщение фактической информации; целенаправленный расспрос) и монологической форме речь по заданной тематике, совершенствование представления о некоторых музыкальных стилях (джаз, рок, фолк-музыка, рор, классическая музыка), совершенствовать умение понимать англоязычную речь на слух, совершенствование техники поискового чтения и письменной речи, развивать навыки сотрудничества через работу в парах и группах.

Развивающая: развивать познавательную активность обучающихся в процессе обучения иностранному языку, развивать речевые умения, способность к языковой догадке, сравнению, обобщению.

Воспитательная: - воспитывать интерес обучающихся к мировой культуре на лучших образцах классических музыкальных произведений русских и зарубежных композиторов, воспитывать у учащихся уважительное и толерантное отношение к мнению собеседника, расширение общего кругозора учащихся; усиление интереса к урокам английского языка и музыки в целом.

Формирование УУД:

Личностные - Формирование положительной мотивизации к обучению и целенапрвленной познавательной деятельности,

Коммуникативные: Развитие учебного сотрудничества с учителем, формирование умения оформлять свои мысли в устной форме, умения слушать друг друга и вступать в диалог;

Познавательные - самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной цели, формирование умения извлекать информацию и анализировать объект с целью выделения признаков.

Регулятивные - формирование способности принимать учебную цель и задачу, умения выполнять учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей, умения оценивать действия других с целью обнаружения отклонений и отличий, умения осуществлять позновательную и личностную рефлексию и умение оценивать процессы и результаты своей деятельности.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков, целевого применения усвоенного материала.

Вид урока: урок-музыкальный салон.

Оборудование урока: Плакаты, музыкальные пластинки, флейта, интер активная доска, cлайды презентации, аудиозаписи (музыка зарубежных и русских композиторов).

Методы работ: Словесные, практические, наглядные; групповые, фронтальные, частично - коллективные; обобщающие; сравнительные.

Music is another Lady that talks
charmingly and says nothing.

Austin O'Malle

Ход урока

1) Teacher: Goodmorning, children. I am glad to see you. Goodmorning, dear quests. We are glad to see you, too. Today we have unusual an English lesson.

звучит отрывок из песни "Thank you for the music ".

What words did you listen in this song.

Try to guess the title of the lesson - Thank you for the music

Music is another Lady that talks
charmingly and says nothing.

Cлайд №1 "Thank you for the Music"

What is the aim of the lesson? What will we do during the the lesson?

(показ картинок, We will learn the words, write something about music, speak about music, listen to the songs and learn more about musical styles)

Today we try to find out about different styles in music, practice our listening, reading, speaking and writing. And some students have prepared some projects and we are going to listen to them.

2) Teacher: Look at the blackboard there are words to our lesson.

Cлайд №2

pop music, rap, rock, jazz, country, blues, enjoy, prefer, mood, emotion, to listen to, flute.

(Читаю, дети повторяют и переводят)

(Repeat after me, read and translate read the words and translate.)

3) Teacher: I hope you will use these words during our lesson and then)

4) Teacher: But now I want you to guess one word. I am going to give you


You can see a list of words. There is one missing letter in each word. Please write down each missing letter.

Cлайд №3






Teacher: Look at the blackboard and check yourselves. Have you done mistakes? (Repeat after me)

Cлайд №4

5) Teacher: There are some proverbs that can be used when speaking about music. Look at the blackboard. (уч-ся читают по порядку и переводят).

-Where there is a will there is a way.

-Art is long, life is short.

-It is never too late to learn.

- Tastes differ.

6) Teacher:: What do think about _Epigraph___ to our lesson?

P: выбирают эпиграф к уроку. __-Tastes differ._

7) Teacher: Make the sentence longer, name as many styles of music as you can.

- A lot of people like jazz. (and rock, rap, blues)

- A lot of people like country (and folk,).

- Some young people prefer pop music (classical)

8) Teacher: Will you answer my questions Where can we hear music?

P4. We can hear music everywhere: in concert halls, shops, on TV, over the radio, in the parks, at homes, in transport and even in the street.

9) Teacher: Many people and young people are fond of music.

What musical instruments do you know?


(инструменты) уч-ся читают: piano, trumpet (труба), gitar, saxophone,

violin, drums, banjo, flute,balalaika

10) Teacher: There are many different styles of music. One of our group is ready to speak about classical music.


10) Before listening to our pupils let`s do the Quis "And to find out how much do you know about classical music?"

Open your books p.78 ex. 1 (key:1a, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5a, 6b, 7b)

Many mistakes?


classical music

11. Teacher: As far as you know music may be different. I see you like music and now it is high time to listen to your projects. Be very attentive because you will have a small test. (каждая группа представляет свои музыкальные проекты)

P1. The people of my age would think I'm a bit mad to love Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven in place of Eminem or Tamy. But I find classical music relaxing. This music has been living for centuries. It is heard in every corner of our land. Some people simply don't understand classical music, but it has a deep intellectual appeal and it creates a special spiritual world for the listener that enriches his inner life and makes him happy.

P2. When I listen to the light classical music as to "Seasons" by Tchaikovsky, I enjoy this

wonderful music. It helps me feel much better. Of course, it's difficult to find the way into

serious classical music. I think, we must be taught not only to listen but to understand, which

is more important. I like to play classical music. This music makes me feel like dreaming.

And now I want you to listen to a peace of classical music.

(звучит фрагмент)


12) Teacher:: What did you feel when you listen to Jazz?

P1: When I listen to jazz I think about the instrument saxophone, It is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It is a combination of the music of West America songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Improvisation is an important part of jazz.

P2. Let me introduce our group. We are fond of jazz. Jazz was created in the United States by black Americans. It is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It is a combination of the music of West America, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Jazz bands were formed in the late 1800-s. Improvisation is an important part of jazz.

P2. Jazz became more and more popular. Today, people all over the world play jazz. People who like jazz always remember American jazzman Louis Armstrong. And now let's listen to jazz.

(звучит фрагмент)

«Let my people go»

1. When Israel was in Egypt's land

Let my people go.

Oppressed so hard they could not stand

Let my people go.

The Lord said

Go down Moses way down in Egypt's land

Tell old Pharaoh to let my people go.

2. So Moses went to Egypt's land

Let my people go.

To make old Pharaoh understand

Let my people go.

The Lord said

Go down Moses way down in Egypt's land

Tell old Pharaoh to let my people go.


Rock'n'roll - a style of music that was popular in the 1950s. It has a strong, loud beat and played on electrical instruments.

13) Teacher: Some of our students fond of rock music. Now let`s listen to them.

P1. We are going to tell you about rock. It is my music! As for me I prefer rock all the year round, because it can express all kinds of my mood. I can find a firm support in rock. Within this music I feel strength and stability. Rock music, or, rather rock-n-roll, appeared in the 1950-s. The first rock music is connected with the names of Elvis Presly, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, The Doors and some others.

P2. The70-s were the time of revolution in rock music. Lead Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Subbath told the world about the beginning of new era of hard rock. I'd say that, of course, tastes differ and everybody is fond of particular genre of music. But I am mad about rock. And now let's listen to rock music.

(звучит фрагмент)

Слаид 9

Folk music

Folk music traditional music from a particular country, region, or community, especially music developed by people who were not professional musicians

14) Teacher: What do you know about Folk music.

P7. We are going to tell you about folk music. This music lives on for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles and choirs. The British are very fond of their folk music. They held special Folk Festivals, where the young can learn about their national culture and folk music. It is a pity we don't know much about Russian folk music.

P8. But I know that there are some groups now. The members of these groups sing Russian folk songs. They restore old folk songs. I like to listen to these songs because it is interesting to learn about the past. We know Nadezhda Babkina and Nadezhda Kadysheva. In Russian culture there is also a special form called "chastushka". Russian people like them. Now I want you to listen to a peace of folk music.

(звучит фрагмент народной мелодии в исполнении Никифоровой Лизы) Thank you.

СЛАИД №10.

Pop music a type of music, usually played on electronic instruments, that is popular with many people because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes that are easy to remember. This music is often simply called pop

15) This group likes to listen to Pop music

P9. I love pop music. The dictionary defines pop music as "modern popular music of a simple kind with a strong beat and not usually of lasting interest, liked especially by younger people". I think it is not difficult for understanding. It's unusual and exciting and it's the way of sharing all our hopes and fears. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like.

P10. I want to add that unfortunately there are so many ungifted singers on the stages that it makes me sad. I think that only talented people can claim to be singers. As for me I like new rhythms, I prefer pop music. It is probably the result of changing times and influence of mass media. Pop music unites the teenagers all over the world and makes us feel a part of global family. We can hear this music every day and everywhere. I think music is really, first of all, the background of our life, it helps us to live, and it makes our mood. Now let's listen to my favourite singer.....

16) Teacher:: And now ask each other about music, make the dialogues 2 minutes. (Звучит спокойная музыка)

Диалоги №1

1) Hello!

2) Hello! Do you like music?

1) Yes, I like to listen to music. And you?

2) I like to listen to music too. What sort of music do you like?

1) I like rock . And you?

2) I like pop music. Tastes differ. I listen music on Sundays. And you?

1) I listen music every day. How can music influence people?

2) I think music can appeal to hearts. Do you agree ?

1) Yes , I agree with you. Have you got a musical education? I have.

2) No, I have not. But I can play gitar.

1) How interesting! Good bay!

2) Good bay!

Диалоги №2

1) Hello!

2) Hello! Do you like music?

1)Yes, I like to listen to music. And you?

2) I like to listen to music too and to dance. Do you like pop or classical music ?

1) I like classical music . And you?

2) How interesting! I prefer pop music. I listen music days off. And you?

1) I listen music every day. Why do you need music?

2) Music helps me to rest. Do you agree ?

1)Yes , I agree with you. Music helps me to work.

2) Can you play piano?

1) No, I can not. And you?

2) I can play piano and gitar.

1)It 's surprise for me! Good bay!

2)Good bay!

Диалоги №3

1) Hello!

2) Hello! Are you fond of music?

1)Yes, I fond of music. I like Jazz. And you?

2) Everybody likes music. I like modern music. Where can we hear music?

1) We can hear music in concert halls, shops, on TV, in the parks, at homes.

2) I agree with you. I listen to music in transport and even in the street.

1) What do you think about when you listen to music?

2) When I listen to music I want to sing and dance. And you?

1)When I listen to music I dream about my future life. Can you play the piano?

2) I can play the piano. What is your favourite musical instrument?

1) I like saxophone. My brother has saxophone.

2) How interesting! Good bye!

1)Good bay!

СЛАИД №11.

17) Teacher: Thank you very much for your interesting information.

As you know music may be different. Now let`s write musical dictation. Listen to some music and try to guess what type of music it is.

Раздать карточки

(учащиеся слушают и заполняют таблицу)













Exchange your copy books and give marks and say to me your points

18) Teacher:You know that English is an international language of business and communication. A lot of people speak English. I want to say that songs can be an effective tool in language teaching and learning.

Songs are a powerful medium for acquiring new knowledge. "Learn English through songs". And now I want you to look at the blackboard. There are some words there. Repeat them just after me.










19) Teacher:All these words are from the song "Yesterday". Let us sing this song.

(все поют песню)


John Lennon and Paul McCartney


All my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


I'm not half the man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me,

Oh, yesterday can suddenly.

Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say,

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.


Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say,

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.


Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Teacher: Now I want you to make the SONG BATLLE

(song "SWAY WITH ME")

20) Teacher: Do you like the lesson? What did you like to do at the lesson most of all. ( learned the words, wrote , spoke about music, listened to the songs and learned more about musical styles)

Have you learned something new? I got much information about styles of music and about great singers and composers. I learnt spelling some words ….......

Who wants to be a teacher? Will you apreciate the progress of our pupils?

Sasha: So my dear friends, today we have had a good opportunity to express our attitude to music. Everybody of us was very creative at the lesson. I liked all music projects and I am going to put you good and excellent marks. You really did your best

(Отдельно о каждом, каждому дать оценку 4, 5 Liza was very creative? (active, doesn`t work well, she made good dialogue, she played on flute)

21) Teacher:What didn`t you like (The lesson was very short, I offer to perform more lessons like this.)

Teacher: Thank you. I will think about your prepositions.

22) Teacher:Thank you.

Maybe you have some questions. We can speak and tell much else but it is time to finish. And your task for the next lesson is to do literary translation of a song "Yesterday" and write short reviews of a concert you have seen on TV. Our lesson is over. Good luck! And good-bye!


«Spotlight» 9 класс, М, «Просвещение», 2014 г.

«400 английских тем», Донецк,издательство ОАО«Полиграфкнига», 2005г.

«Устные темы, диалоги и упражнения по английскому языку,

Журнал «Английский язык и литература», Харьков, 2009г.

«Английские разговорные темы», Т. Гужва, Киев, 2003 г.

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