Урок по английскому языку на тему Anglo-Saxon literature and the literature of the Norman Period. (11 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему " Anglo-Saxon literature and the literature of the Norman Period." (11 класс). В уроке представлена работа с текстом, где предложены различные виды упражнений к тексту на отработку прочитанного материала. Задания: 1. Read & translate the following international words. Mind the pronounciation.2. Read & translate the derivatives. Mind the suffixes.3. Read & translate the text.Anglo-Saxon literature and the literature of the Norman Period.4. Arrange th...
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Урок по английскому языку для 11 класса " Anglo-Saxon literature and the literature of the Norman Period."

I.Read & translate the following international words. Mind the pronounciation:

Culture, Britons, monastery, lady, page, poem, imitation, poet, literature, national.

II.Read & translate the derivatives. Mind the suffixes:

History - historical

Energy - energetic

Effect - effective

Moral - morality - moralistic

Compose - composition

Myth - mythology - mythological

Origin - original - originality

Satire - satiric

III.Active Vocabulary:

Christianity - Христианство

Saints - святые

Court - двор

Masterpiece - шедевр

Education - образование

Influence - влияние

Prisoner - заключенный

IV. Read & translate the text:

Anglo-Saxon literature and the literature of the Norman Period

In the 7 th- 11th centuries the culture of the early Britons changed greatly under the influence of Christianity. The mon­asteries where the art of reading and writing was practiced, became the centres of almost all the learning and education in the country. No wonder many poets and writers imitated those Latin books about the early Christians, and they also made up many stories of their own about saints.Though the poets were English, they wrote in Latin.

A writer of this time was Bede. His famous book "The History of the English Church" was well known in France and in Italy because the people of the Middle Ages considered it to be a scien­tific book. The book is important and interesting for us because it shows what the country was like thirteen hundred years ago and how men acted and thought at that time.

Most of the British writers and poets about whom we are going to speak were educated at Universities. In 1168 some professors founded schools at the town of Oxford, which formed the first university. A second university was formed in 1209 at Cambridge.

The greatest writer of the 14th century was Geoffrey Chaucer. He was born in 1340 in London. At 17 he was a page to a lady at the court of Edward III. At 20 he was in France and was then taken prisoner by the French. When he returned to England, his education was none the worse for that, though he had not been to a university.

Chaucer's earliest poems were written in imitation of the French romances. During 1373 and the next few years, Chaucer traveled much and lived a busy life. He went to France, and made three trips to Italy.

Chaucer was well read in the old Roman authors. Italian lit­erature taught him the meaning of national literature.

In 1384 Chaucer wrote his masterpiece the "Canterbury Tales".


Changed greatly - значительно изменился

No wonder - неудивительно

Was none the worse for that - было ничуть не хуже

"Canterbury Tales" - «Кентерберийские рассказы»


Suggest the English for:

Ранние поэмы, величайший писатель, древние британцы, под влиянием Христианства, значительно измениться, создавать собственные истории, писать по латыни, хорошо известный, Средние века, считать научной книгой, тринадцать столетий тому назад, в то время, большинство писателей и поэтов, получить университетское образование, несколько преподавателей, основать школу, быть пажом у дамы, при дворе, попасть в плен, вернуться в Англию, учиться в Университете, подражание рыцарским романам, в течение нескольких последующих лет, много путешествовать, быть очень занятым, поездки в Италию, много читать ч-л, написать шедевр.

  1. Express agreement or disagreement with the following saying:

Model: Yes, you are right (it is correct)

No, you are not right (you are wrong)

  1. The culture of the early Britons changed greatly under the influence of Paganism.

  2. Monasteries became the centers of learning & education in the country.

  1. English poets wrote in Latin.

  2. "The History of the English Church" by Bede was known all over the world.

  3. This book is of no interest for us.

  4. Most of the British writers and poets hadn't University education.

  5. Oxford was founded in 1209 and Cambridge in 1168.

  6. The greatest writer of the 14th century was Geoffrey Chaucer.

  7. He was well educated because he studied at the University.

  8. He was fond of the old Roman authors and Italian literature.

  9. Chaucer never travelled much.

  10. Chaucer wrote his masterpiece "The Canterbury Tales" in the 15th century.

  1. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:

1. influence, many, famous, education, to imitate, to make up, art, important, to return, lady, writer.

  1. A lot of, woman, impact, knowledge, author, significant, well-known, to write, skill, to follow, to come back, systematic training.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What changed the culture of the early Britons?

  2. Why did the monasteries become the centers of learning & education?

  3. In what language did the poets write their works?

  4. What book by Bede was very famous at that time?

  5. Who was the greatest writer of the 14th century?

  6. Did he study at the University?

  7. Were his early poems an imitation?

  8. When did he write his masterpiece?

  1. Speak on the Anglo - Saxon literature:

The words you may need: to change greatly, centers of learning & education, to imitate, to write in Latin, the greatest writer, earliest poems, a busy life, to write a masterpiece.

  1. Read the text. Translate into Russian without using the vocabulary:

Romanticism as a literary current came into being at the end of the18th century. England was full of contradictions. The social struggle was sharpened by the influence of the French Revolution. Romantic writers center their attention upon the wealth of the inner life of a man. Nature plays an important part on the pages of their works. Romanticism in England is represented by poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, Percy Shelley, George Byron & John Keats.

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